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Energy Medicine For Dogs

Are you concerned that your pet has chronic health conditions or fears that are interfering with their wellbeing? Energy medicine techniques could offer relief. These natural approaches are affordable and have no side-effects that require medications with adverse side effects.

Reiki healing, the practice that balances yin and yang energy through the application of hands to restore equilibrium between these energies, may also be useful. Other simple energy techniques may also assist. These may include:


Energy healing seeks to balance an animal’s biofield. Veterinarians and holistic practitioners employ various techniques in order to bring about harmony within its biofield and support its natural ability for self-healing.

One form of energy therapy known as Reiki involves practitioners placing their hands over different areas on an animal’s body in a sweeping motion to transfer energy and heal him or her, with sessions usually lasting an hour and the energy that’s transmitted being utilized not just physically but also psychologically and mentally to improve health.

Other energy healing techniques involve tapping or massaging acupuncture points on the body, which are thought to serve as energy pathways connecting all parts of the body and can be used to treat various conditions. One such energy healing method, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), which uses focused thoughts combined with tapping on these points, has transformed many dogs’ lives.

Vibrational therapy is another means of encouraging canines’ natural ability to heal themselves, using devices like ZEB to transmit healing energy directly into their etheric body, an invisible part believed by some to also serve as the vital or energy body. Veterinarians and healers have used such devices, which reportedly create electromagnetic fields capable of correcting problems including pain, inflammation and anxiety.

Nobody need be an energy healer to practice energy healing techniques on their dog; Whole Dog Journal writer CJ Puotinen details five touching techniques for soothing and calming your pup without being a Reiki practitioner: press your fingers together with thumbs pressed together against his skin, starting from neck area down towards tailbase.


Joan Ranquet is renowned animal communicator and energy healer who utilizes Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) to calm anxious animals, assist trauma recovery efforts, reduce emotional stress, physical pain relief and performance anxiety relief for clients as well as help them understand and control their own emotions.

EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) is an easy and straightforward technique, consisting of tapping fingers on various acupressure points in a sequence. Each meridien point corresponds with an emotion, and by releasing trapped emotions through EFT she has seen incredible results in treating fear, aggression, separation anxiety and training issues with remarkable success – such as helping Petey the dog with leash aggression stop barking at other dogs after just one session!

At her clinic in Brooklyn, New York, she has helped many dogs suffering from physical ailments like arthritis, allergies and cancer. In addition, she has assisted owners and trainers reunite their lost pets; desensitized dogs to noises like vacuum cleaners, thunderstorms and fireworks; as well as helping competition dogs overcome nerves so they can focus on their sport more fully.

Joan uses holistic practices on animals similar to what holistic practitioners would use with humans: working on their aura and chakras as well as their behavior to address any emotional issues they have. Joan works to reframe problems so all parties involved can recognize the positive aim behind even challenging behaviors; her approach mirrors marriage counseling where couples learn about unmet needs while finding new means of connecting together.


Aromatherapy uses aromatic scents to support emotional and physical wellbeing. These highly concentrated extracts come from plants’ roots, leaves, seeds or blossoms; each oil has unique chemical and energetic properties which may treat various health issues from inflammation to anxiety. Some oils even boast antibacterial, antifungal or antioxidant properties which help reduce stress or strengthen immune systems as well as improving mood or sleep quality.

Essential oil molecules vibrate at an extremely high frequency, enabling them to quickly enter the nose and bloodstream and affect every cell of the body quickly and positively. This allows essential oils to help the body heal itself more effectively as well as shift its energy toward positive states more easily. Furthermore, volatile molecules within essential oils have been known to cross over blood-brain barriers into emotional centres of the brain for immediate change as well as raise an animal’s vibrational level significantly.

Veterinarians are exploring aromatherapy as an option for their patients. Essential oils (EOs) have proven useful for inflammation, pain management and digestive disorders; furthermore they provide antimicrobial, antioxidant and absorption-boosting effects as well as increasing nutrition absorption.

Notably, while many “natural” pet care products contain essential oils (EOs), they should never be applied directly to the skin without first consulting your veterinarian. Furthermore, certain pets may be particularly sensitive to certain EOs which should only be exposed under medical supervision.

Learning the fundamentals of energy healing modality such as aromatherapy can be daunting, but with our guidance you’ll quickly grasp its principles – including selecting an oil blend safe for animals, and what safety precautions must be taken when working with animals. Furthermore, you’ll discover which acupressure points have the greatest effect on animals’ fight, flight or freeze responses, as well as ways to tune into their intuitive sense of health needs and attune to it accordingly.


Introduce pet meditation to both you and your pup for mutual benefits. Pet meditation is a type of mindfulness which emphasizes building the bond with your animal companion while simultaneously relaxing them and alleviating stress.

Madison King provides readers with techniques to align their intuition to effectively meet the health needs of their animal companion. She instructs readers how to scan an animal’s aura (the subtle multicolored multi-color radiation or electromagnetic field that surrounds all living things) and chakras (“energy centers discovered in ancient India). Once detected, channeling, streaming, Reiki or consulting a pendulum may be employed to unlock its energy so it may better serve your pet.

She discusses healing using color therapy, tapping techniques and other energy healing modalities. Some veterinarians believe that many health issues mirror in an animal’s energy system and improving it may prompt self-healing processes to take place.

Homeopathy and flower essences contain small quantities of plant material that, on an atomic level, emit their own vibrational imprint or “aura” of positive energies – much like homeopathic remedies featured in this book – that emit these energies and can stimulate natural healing processes in dogs, according to practitioners. Blume offers blends such as Loneliness and Trauma for helping dogs cope with isolation; Competition to build courage; Transportation Ease for travel anxiety relief; and Antzy Pantz for hyperactive or nervous canines – all made using vegetable glycerine which is safe and appealing to canines. His book also provides detailed explanations, step-by-step exercises, photographs and special considerations when working with shelter dogs as well as specific issues.

Sound Therapy

Sound therapy offers more than physical healing; its vibrations can also help balance an animal’s energy. Sound therapy can improve an animal’s emotional state and ease depression by increasing serotonin and dopamine production – studies have revealed that people suffering from depression tend to produce less of these neurotransmitters while anxiety sufferers find it more challenging to control their “fight or flight” response.

Practitioners use tuning forks to apply musical intervals on or above acupuncture points and chakras of animals, the frequency and duration of which vary according to each animal’s individual needs. Practitioners observe their animal’s reaction during treatment so they can modify and fine-tune protocols accordingly; additionally, Kinesiology testing allows practitioners to determine which frequencies match up best with individual animals.

Sound can help alleviate pain by stimulating the release of natural opiates and analgesics such as endorphins that reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, increase blood flow, promote bone formation and accelerate wound healing. Practitioners can customize treatments sessions by selecting various energy settings, changing shock wave thicknesses or applying conductive gel for proper transmission of sound waves.

Before beginning their sessions, animals should be shaved or clipped to facilitate soundwave penetration more effectively and ensure comfort and safety for each session. Sessions usually last 5-10 minutes depending on each animal’s specific condition – some require several treatments before seeing results while others respond immediately. As more research on crystal sound energy medicine becomes available to veterinary clinics alongside holistic approaches like laser therapy and acupuncture.
