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What is Quantum Healing Hypnosis?

QHHT is an advanced hypnosis technique developed by Dolores Cannon over her 40-year career as a hypnotist to treat physical ailments and emotional traumas through past life regression and contact with one’s Higher Self.

Certified practitioners guide clients into an advanced state of trance known as Somnambulistic Trance. This level is only experienced twice daily when we wake up or go to sleep, making this state of relaxation accessible only twice per day.

What is QHHT?

QHHT was developed by Dolores Cannon, an accomplished regressive hypnosis therapist who passed away in 2014. A QHHT session allows clients to access their Subconscious (also referred to as Oversoul, Higher Self, Christ Consciousness, Universal Mind or oneness with Source). Certified QHHT practitioners guide clients into trances that enable the subconscious mind to come forward and answer any queries that arise during this process.

Many individuals experience significant shifts and healing after just one session; others may require multiple sessions spaced out over time for maximum effect. Sessions are considered safe and noninvasive when conducted under the guidance of a certified practitioner from Dolores Cannon’s organization to reach the necessary trance state necessary for QHHT.

As a QHHT Client, your Subconscious will identify any physical ailments it finds and their causes in either your current life or past lives. Furthermore, it will assess if you’re ready for healing to happen by scanning all areas of the body from head-to-toe to identify areas needing energetic realignment or healing.

Your Subconscious can provide answers and guidance that can assist with understanding yourself better as you travel along your life’s path. This information often results in greater self-awareness and understanding.

Your Subconscious is well aware of your entire life story, including its ups and downs, emotional issues or traumas that may be present, your unique strengths and talents as well as life purpose here on earth. Your Subconscious provides invaluable insight and clarity into navigating life’s challenges more successfully, along with providing peace and contentment through deep spiritual experiences.

How does QHHT work?

QHHT works at a much deeper level than traditional hypnosis, as its unique technique gives access to Somnambulistic levels of trance that occur naturally twice daily: before awakening and before sleeping. Achieving deep trance state using this method facilitates much deeper access to Higher Consciousness without resorting to mind control or leaving the body. Practitioners can instruct the Subconscious Mind to scan your entire body and detect areas which need energetic healing or realignment. Practitioners then engage the Subconscious Mind to identify and explain any cause(s) for any illness or discomfort within your body, whether that is current or from previous lifetimes. Understanding these causes often allows healing to take place instantly without medication or surgery being required.

As well as healing, your Subconscious can provide answers to any questions that may be bothering you and even show past lives, other dimensional experiences and communicating with higher aspects of yourself – this information may prove to be life changing and can aid your growth on this earth and beyond.

Dolores Cannon developed the QHHT technique after discovering she could successfully regress clients to past lives during hypnotherapy sessions. She discovered she could request the Subconscious mind to recall past lives or visit other worlds; and access information that is only accessible between life and death state – providing amazing knowledge available in these mystical spaces.

She found that the Subconscious can heal any illness or trauma to your physical body instantly with no medical intervention required – including physical, mental, emotional and spiritual ailments.

Many who have undergone past life regression with a certified QHHT practitioner report finding their purpose and direction in life and finding clarity as they move forward. Others have discovered ways to break reoccurring patterns in relationships, business or careers by uncovering what caused problems previously and learning how to make better choices going forward.

What is the difference between QHHT and hypnosis?

QHHT is an advanced healing modalities that uses hypnosis, visualization and regression techniques to connect you with your Higher Self. By addressing root causes of trauma and disease, clients frequently experience healing on both physical and emotional planes.

QHHT sessions are conducted by certified practitioners. After entering a deep relaxation state, clients are guided into exploring past lives and connecting to their Higher Selves for profound healing insights and guidance – often including information regarding soul purpose, relationships and health & wellness.

Dolores Cannon, who passed away in 2014, devised the QHHT method. This technique employs the somnambulistic state – which occurs naturally twice each day: when awakening and drifting off to sleep. Unlike regular hypnosis, however, in which you remain under complete control of your consciousness despite suggestions or visualization from a hypnotherapist; therefore enabling much deeper access to your subconscious while creating greater connections to universal forces and healing on all levels.

At a QHHT session, your Subconscious will reconstruct the most appropriate past life for you to witness based on current life circumstances. It may not always involve events from that past life but more about learning lessons from that experience.

Past-life experiences can be immensely healing when dealing with issues like anxiety, PTSD, depression or physical ailments. Many of these conditions are caused by negative energy that you brought with you into this lifetime; through past-life experiences these energies can be released, helping you move forward and heal from past pain and suffering.

QHHT may also be effective at aiding healing for children and adolescents when an adult surrogate agrees to act on their behalf. QHHT should not replace traditional medical treatment; rather, it serves as an aid in the healing process and promotes overall well-being.

How can QHHT help me?

QHHT is an incredible healing technique that can facilitate profound change on multiple levels: physical, emotional and spiritual. Through QHHT’s transformational practice you can overcome limiting patterns, heal past traumas and discover your true calling. Used alongside other holistic practices such as breathwork meditation and energy healing QHHT provides a comprehensive approach to wellness.

QHHT sessions provide your Subconscious, Higher Self, Over Soul or Super Conscious with information that may otherwise remain hidden to conscious thought. This information can help shed light on why certain challenges have risen up and what the deeper lessons behind them might be. Your Subconscious may also identify any areas in need of energetic healing or realignment as well as potential sources for the problem – be they from this lifetime or previous.

QHHT sessions provide many people with an opportunity to explore past-life regression, which can help resolve unresolved issues and traumas from their present lives. Others recall repeating relationships and situations they need to break free of. Through QHHT sessions, individuals may also gain more insights into themselves, their life’s purpose, and relationships to their spirit guides.

Clients of ours often report being able to gain insight into future lives, parallel realities and planets as well as communicate with non-physical entities – information which is extremely empowering and can open the doorway to understanding other dimensions.

QHHT sessions provide you with an opportunity to access your Higher Self and ask any question that’s on your mind, no topic is off-limits; answers provided will always serve your highest good. To prepare for a session, it is recommended that you draft up a list of questions beforehand; additionally it’s beneficial if any caffeine or alcohol consumption occurs on the day of an appointment.
