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NYCIM Uses a Quantum Bioresonance Analyzer

Quantum bioresonance analyzers collect electromagnetic vibrations from your body for scientific examination, providing accurate and comprehensive health assessments without pain, hassle or inconvenience. This technology offers accurate health assessments with ease.

QXCI uses quantum bioresonance cyclic immunoassay technology to rapidly scan for bacteria, viruses, fungus and parasites; vitamin deficiencies; food allergies; metals toxicity; EMF sensitivity as well as EMF sensitivities to provide an individual wellness plan in minutes!


NYCIM stands out as one of only a few clinics worldwide using this revolutionary technology that marries medicine with computer science and electrical engineering. This groundbreaking approach works by collecting weak magnetic fields emitted by your cells and comparing them to standard diseases, nutritional supplements or toxic indicators stored in its database. Furthermore, NYCIM utilizes this system to detect pathogens which escape detection by other testing methods, helping doctors prevent future outbreaks with preventative recommendations for future outbreaks.

Built upon the principles of quantum physics, this device can detect electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your organs and cell structures, then compares these with frequencies associated with common diseases in terms of development stage and symptoms. Any differences detected are recorded and reported back to practitioners for a complete picture of your health status.

Quantum bioresonance analyzer is a noninvasive scan that measures vitamin levels, amino acids, hormone levels, muscle tone and EMF sensitivity to help you address potential diseases early. By eliminating more invasive procedures like blood work or X-rays and even food allergies or deficiencies that traditional tests might miss, this device can save both time and money for you.

BICOM-Optima magnetic bioresonance analyzer can identify any imbalances within your body that may be making you ill, and correct them. A therapist listens to vibrational frequencies emitted by organs or substances being tested before comparing these with those stored in BICOM-Optima database – any discrepancies require adjustments until vibrational levels become more naturalized and your problem has been solved.

It is an efficient, fast, easy and accurate system designed for holistic health practitioners; spas and wellness centers wishing to conduct general wellness assessments; corporations or communities seeking to prevent illness in their employees or members; as well as corporations or communities looking to prevent illness among members or employees. By uncovering hidden causes of disease while balancing biofield, this can restore your natural healing powers and restore innate healing powers in you.


Physiospect is one of the most advanced bioresonance analyzers on the market, capable of detecting an array of pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites as well as vitamin deficiencies, food allergies and hormone imbalances which may impede health. With its noninvasive diagnostic tool Physiospect you can address issues quickly while preventing future recurrences.

The quantum bioresonance analyzer is an impressive high-tech innovation, which unites medicine, computer engineering and electrical engineering to quickly scan cellular resonance in your body. It uses quantum medicine to collect weak magnetic frequencies from individual cells before comparing these with standard quantum resonance spectra of diseases, health indicators, nutrition and toxic indicators stored in its database – any deviations from healthy frequencies indicate potential issues that should be addressed through treatment plans.

All living organisms emit electromagnetic waves of energy that resonate with their environments, which can be measured using the quantum bioresonance analyzer with its special sensor. Once data has been compiled and compared against resonant frequencies of various foods, vitamins, minerals, or other items stored in its database, the machine displays reports detailing any items which don’t match these natural frequencies of your body.

This device can identify and diagnose many things conventional medical methods cannot, such as vitamin deficiency, toxicity, thyroid imbalances, fungus levels and EMF sensitivity. Furthermore, the QXCI can identify underlying issues like hormone imbalances, muscle tone issues or genetic disorders to help save both time and money while taking preventative steps before they lead to illnesses.

Bioresonance analyzers are powerful tools, offering healing on multiple levels – physical, biochemical and psycho-emotional. Furthermore, they can detect sources of dysfunction on each of these levels, making them indispensable tools for NYCIM. If you want to improve your health consider investing in one for home use – not only will this save time and money but will increase overall well-being!


Quantum bioresonance analyzers offer an innovative alternative to other diagnostic systems that require multiple visits to your doctor and are both costly and time-consuming. By measuring electromagnetic vibrations originating from within your body, quantum bioresonance scanners use technology to give a thorough health evaluation in just minutes – helping identify any areas that need focus and provide data about current conditions that need attention in order to help address potential underlying issues before they manifest into major symptoms.

As part of your scan, you hold a sensor in your hand which reads electromagnetic resonance of cells throughout different body systems to compile data that can be analyzed to identify any discordant frequencies and use a magnetic field to match and harmonize them to restore body to its natural frequency, helping it heal quickly and return to health.

Quantum bioresonance scanners can help with more than diagnosing medical issues; they’re also great at spotting fungus or parasites in your body. Furthermore, these devices can reveal the source of certain allergies like food sensitivities, vitamin deficiencies, hormone imbalances or EMF sensitivity; once treated they will make you feel better while also improving quality of life.

Bioresonance scanning is one of the most precise holistic medicine tools. Based on a new paradigm for 21st-century biological medicine that recognizes each person as an individual with extraordinary healing powers, its aim is to find and remove hidden factors responsible for disease or dysfunction on multiple levels: physical, biochemical, mental, emotional and spiritual while strengthening natural healing mechanisms within our bodies.

NYCIM provides a cutting-edge Quantum Bioresonance Cyclic Immunoassay Scanner, commonly referred to as QXCI or QBI, which uses advanced quantum and bio-resonance technologies to scan for electromagnetic energy wavelenghts that the body emits as potential harmful substances. This noninvasive device can detect infections, metal toxicity, EMFs, fungus/parasite infections as well as vitamin deficiencies/amino acid imbalances as well as vitamin deficiencies/amino acid imbalances as other issues. Analysis can quickly pinpointing causes of symptoms before they become serious before further harm occurs.


Human bodies emit electromagnetic vibrations similar to all living and nonliving objects. These vibrations can be measured using sophisticated electronic devices known as bioresonance analyzers; these analyzers measure weak magnetic fields emitted by your cells and other substances and use this data to detect imbalances while providing standard preventative recommendations.

Built upon quantum physics discoveries, bioresonance scan technology works on the principle that all particles of matter – healthy tissue cells, pathogens or chemicals – contain both wave and particle characteristics. Utilizing this information, bioresonance scan compares electromagnetic energy vibrations emitted by your cells with frequencies stored in its database to detect issues ranging from viral/bacterial infections, nutritional deficiencies, food allergies or metals toxicity.

As this test encompasses your overall wellbeing rather than simply one organ or disease at a time, it provides a more complete picture of your health than traditional blood work and x-rays can.

Holistic practitioners, spas and wellness centers, corporations and communities seeking to assess employee/member health as well as anyone seeking to enhance overall wellbeing can use this technology as an invaluable tool. It provides a complete picture of biochemical, physical and psycho-emotional functioning; uncovers hidden issues like vitamin levels imbalances or imbalances due to amino acid imbalances or levels of fungi/bacteria in your system as well as hormonal disorders; provides information for personalized treatments of health conditions if any exist and provides recommendations to address those.

Not only can this diagnostic tool detect hidden issues, but its user-friendly interface makes it quick, simple, and user-friendly too! Done from the comfort of your own home or office without needing any invasive procedures – bioresonance scanners save both time and money when compared with more traditional models where patients visit their physician, undergo tests, get referrals to specialists and wait for results. By detecting conditions early, bioresonance scanners help stop many from becoming serious diseases requiring invasive medical treatments – making bioresonance scanners ideal for early diagnosis!
