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What is a Quantum Bio Resonance Analyzer?

Quantum Bio Resonance Analyzer is an innovative solution that brings together medicine, bioinformatics and electrical engineering for enhanced diagnosis of physical, biological and psycho-emotional dysfunction as well as the prediction of potential disease precursors. It was developed specifically to detect sources of dysfunction on physical levels but may also detect possible precursors to diseases that may form later.

The scanner measures electromagnetic frequencies in your body and quickly provides you with a comprehensive report within minutes. It can also be used to monitor progress when someone is undertaking detox programs.

Fast and Accurate

The QXCI bioresonance scanner is one of the most sophisticated and precise bioresonance tools available, enabling practitioners to decode all health-related data found within an individual’s body – helping identify causes for any potential issues, as well as treat and eliminate them accordingly.

Every cell, organ and system in a healthy human body has its own vibration frequency that if disrupted due to poor diet, stress or other factors can lead to malfunction in certain areas of the body. Quantum resonance technology enables quantum bio resonance analyzer to scan vibration frequencies of each person’s cells to identify any abnormalities and creates an accurate diagnostic report.

This cutting-edge wellness technology is used to detect sources of dysfunction on physical, biochemical and psycho-emotional levels. Additionally, it helps prevent chronic diseases by strengthening natural healing capabilities of an individual’s body and strengthening natural defense mechanisms against illness. This revolutionary diagnostic tool is suitable for family physicians, acupuncturists, nutritionists and spa/wellness centers as well as companies or communities looking to assess employee/family wellbeing.

Quantum bio resonance scanning is an efficient and noninvasive way of evaluating an individual’s health, using special sensors to scan their weak magnetic fields and compare it with standard quantum resonant spectrum of diseases, nutrition and toxic indicators stored on a computer. Once completed, results are displayed clearly for easy reading on an easy-to-read format device.

This test takes less than five minutes and does not involve blood work or radiation, although its device uses magnetism to gain results; so patients with pacemakers, pregnant or breastfeeding women and those who are receiving metal surgical replacements such as hip or knee implants should not participate. After taking the test, its results will be analysed by a trained practitioner who will offer valuable insight into an individual’s overall wellbeing while making recommendations for treatment plans. Reach out now to discover its many advantages!


Quantum bio resonance analyzer is a cutting-edge innovation combining elements from medicine, bio-informatics and electrical engineering. It collects weak magnetic fields produced by human cells for scientific examination to ascertain their health status – offering painless assessment without blood tests or radiography.

The QXCI bioresonance analyzer uses quantum physics to provide an holistic view of your body’s health issues, using bioresonance frequencies as an indicator. It detects various substances which could be hindering its proper functioning such as viruses, bacteria, parasites and harmful microbes; vitamins and amino acids levels; hormone levels; cell activity levels; muscle tone assessments as well as EMF sensitivities.

Bioresonance analysis works on the principle that every organ and cell in your body emits electromagnetic waves which are unique to them, and an analyzer can detect and change these frequencies so as to make your organ or cells healthier or less unhealthy.

This can be accomplished using an easy, noninvasive test using earphones connected to software. The software reads energy wavelengths coming from a client’s head and compares them with various diseases, health indicators, nutritional factors and toxic indicators stored in its database – producing a comprehensive health report which contains recommendations to improve wellbeing.

Your device can also detect imbalances in physical, biological and psycho-emotional domains and recommend preventive measures against disease – giving you the ability to take swift and cost-efficient action early in disease development – saving both time and money as treatment time advances.

At home or at work, this test can detect toxic substances such as heavy metals and chemicals in the environment that pose health threats, as well as food or environmental pollutants that trigger an immune reaction and advise changes to diet accordingly. Furthermore, this device measures acidity levels within internal organs, vitamin and mineral levels, pH balance, hydration rates and metabolism rates to provide further insight.


Quantum analyzers use an easy method to evaluate the health of organs, minerals and vitamins. It works by monitoring electric impulses emitted by your body every minute – organs dying off are replaced with new cells emitting electric impulses which the machine detects to provide a comprehensive report about your organs, levels of minerals and vitamins etc.

The QRMA scan process is noninvasive and painless, taking only minutes to complete and suitable for those unable to visit their doctor for traditional tests or who don’t wish to undergo them. Furthermore, it identifies potential problems before they progress further into more serious illnesses, making it a great preventive tool.

Though relatively young, this technology has already made an incredible difference to human wellness and health. Due to this success, natural medicine practices have adopted it for use alongside ultrasonic or nuclear magnetic resonance diagnostic tools as part of their practices or pre-test measures.

The quantum bioresonance analyzer is an ingenious innovation combining medicine, bioinformatics and electrical engineering in an ingenious fashion. Utilizing sensors that collect weak magnetic frequencies and energies of samples collected using sensors that read out magnetic frequencies and energies; then it analyses this data against standard quantum resonance spectra for diseases, nutrition or toxic indicators to provide immediate diagnosis or curative solutions in just minutes!

An Analyzer can also be an invaluable asset in identifying pathogens such as viruses, bacteria and parasites that might be contributing to health issues for someone. Furthermore, this tool can identify any hidden stressors which might be contributing to symptoms. This technology saves healthcare systems both time and money by helping patients recover faster while preventing outbreaks from happening in the first place.

The QRMA is an innovative diagnostic device that utilizes quantum physics principles to scan and assess various organs and systems within the body. It measures electromagnetic frequencies emitted by organs and systems in order to generate resonance responses which are then compared with known health information to help detect potential issues or imbalances in health status.


When healthy, cells of your body emit electromagnetic waves with frequencies that can be scientifically measured. A quantum bio resonance analyzer can measure these energy wavelengths to provide a complete analysis of your health status as well as preventive advice – all within minutes!

The analyzer works by placing a sensor in your hand and scanning for vibrations emanating from your body. This information is then analyzed and displayed on a computer screen, offering a clear report about each body system’s health. Early detection and preventative measures provided through this technology allow early diagnosis of illness while saving on costly medical tests like CT scans or MRIs.

Bioresonance can also identify stressors that interfere with our body’s natural ability to self-heal, such as electromagnetic radiation and chemicals present in Wi-Fi, mobile phone usage, electricity bills, pharmaceutical drugs or even our food intake. Such overloads can disturb body balance causing fatigue, pain, depression, anxiety insomnia or lack of appetite among many other symptoms.

The Quantum Healy is an innovative technology that can directly communicate with your cells to understand what they need to heal. A quantum sensor measures your weak magnetic field’s frequency and energy before comparing it against standard diseases, nutrition or toxic indicators stored in its database. Once this data has been received, the machine produces an adjustable counter frequency in order to rebalance your weak magnetic field and restore bioenergetic balance; this practice is known as bioresonance balancing treatment which may be performed on specific organs such as prostate and ovaries for men or vagina in women.
