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BICOM Bioresonance Price

BICOM bioresonance therapy provides a gentle yet stress-free solution for treating animals – some dogs even fall asleep during a session!

Royal Rife proposed that pathogens could be neutralized by sending them frequencies that match up with their frequencies, which eventually leads to their destruction. Our equipment utilizes this principle.

The BICOM optima is an invaluable device, recognized by both conventional medicine practitioners and alternative practitioners as an adjunct therapy to conventional medicines’ capabilities of self-healing the body. By activating self-healing mechanisms within our bodies, it enables self-healing processes.

How is bioresonance therapy carried out?

Utilizing a BICOM bioresonance device helps detect electromagnetic waves within a patient’s body, providing vital signals that can identify areas out of balance or showing signs of stress in order to guide holistic health practitioners through treatments designed to strengthen and restore balance in order to strengthen and stabilize it.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that there are vibrational frequencies which resonate harmoniously within healthy biological systems and disharmoniously with diseased ones, with measurements taken of natural vibrations found within both. These natural physical vibrations can then be measured and used to send healing oscillations directly to certain parts of your body via electrodes placed strategically around its perimeter. Bioresonance therapy provides a noninvasive, painless and highly effective means of stimulating self-healing mechanisms within you body’s own healing abilities.

At each session, patients are connected to the BICOM device via electrodes placed strategically around their body. Once connected, this device transforms any troubling electromagnetic oscillations into more healing signals which are then transmitted back through electrodes to restore natural harmony within their electromagnetic fields and restore body functioning.

Many practitioners claim that bioresonance therapy can be used to diagnose a range of conditions, such as weight and digestive issues (bloating), heart conditions, arthritis and back pain, skin issues (rashes and psoriasis) and respiratory conditions like sinusitis and asthma. Recently, the ASA investigated claims related to these claims, finding that even though the device used was CE Marked, supporting clinical papers did not satisfy MHRA criteria for making medical diagnosis statements.

Practitioners of bioresonance therapy use various devices, with Regumed’s BICOM optima being particularly well known and having been widely adopted throughout Germany. There are other manufacturers, however, such as VegaMed from VEGAMED eganzheitlicher Medizintechnik GmbH and Best-Systems; all devices serve a similar function – that of scanning and interpreting biological resonance within a human body.

What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that uses electromagnetic vibrations to detect and treat illnesses. It works to balance energy systems within the body and relieve stress-related illnesses such as allergies or pain relief. Bioresonance can be used for cancer, digestive issues, arthritis and other chronic ailments as well.

Bioresonance treatment utilizes electrodes attached to a machine which measures energy frequencies from cells within the patient. Once detected, these frequencies can then be altered to correct an imbalance. Furthermore, this machine can detect and identify harmful substances which may be contributing to illness; once discovered they can then inform their patient so that steps can be taken against eliminating these substances.

Though research into bioresonance therapy‘s effectiveness remains limited, several studies have produced promising findings. One such study discovered that bioresonance therapy was successful at helping smokers give up smoking; researchers compared a group receiving bioresonance therapy versus one given a placebo; the bioresonance therapy group saw more people stop smoking than its placebo counterpart group. Another found it effective for relieving stomach pain caused by unknown reasons.

Some patients claim that bioresonance therapy has helped them overcome cancer. It has been suggested that this could be because the device helps normalize cell function and decrease tumor growth; however, these claims have yet to be verified and there is no concrete evidence supporting that bioresonance therapy can prevent or treat cancer.

Bioresonance therapy isn’t limited to humans – it can also be used on dogs! Bioresonance can treat many different health problems for dogs such as allergies, digestive issues and urogenital dysfunctions as well as infections and parasites.

Bioresonance therapy can be an effective and safe treatment option for most individuals. As it doesn’t involve drugs or surgery, only occasional discomfort might arise during sessions due to electromagnetic vibrations from BICOM devices being sent back into your body in order to correct imbalances – this should be seen as evidence that bioresonance therapy is working!

How much does bioresonance therapy cost?

Bioresonance therapy works to detect and counteract toxic stressors. These toxins emit frequencies that interfere with healthy cell communication and slow down your natural self-healing process, so Bioresonance works by inverting harmful frequencies similar to noise-cancelling headphones; once harmful frequencies have been inverted out, your body’s natural ability to heal itself will return – thus reinvigorating itself with newfound ability.

Bioresonance therapy‘s efficacy has been established through numerous clinical studies. Their findings reveal its use to treat various diseases and conditions, including chronic ones like heart disease, diabetes and cancer as well as acute ones like shingles or flu.

At each session, a practitioner will use a BICOM device to measure electromagnetic waves in your body and identify the root causes for your condition and devise an effective treatment plan that addresses them. Once these tests have been run and results available, bioresonance therapy treatment will commence immediately.

Due to the success of bioresonance therapy, many doctors and naturopathic practitioners now provide this treatment in their practices. If you’re interested in trying it yourself, make sure that the practitioner you select is certified by BICOM manufacturer; one way of doing this would be asking your chosen practitioner for a list of certified therapists who you can then reach out to directly regarding costs and schedules.

Bioresonance therapy falls under the category of alternative medicine and its costs may not typically be covered by traditional health insurance plans; however, certain private insurers are more open to covering it; there may also be special insurance policies available that may cover it as a treatment option such as BICOM bioresonance therapy.

Where can I get bioresonance therapy?

If you are searching for a bioresonance therapy practitioner, the ideal place to start may be with your primary physician or naturopathic practitioner. Many private health insurance plans and supplemental plans will cover the cost of therapy services; please check with your insurer regarding specific coverage details.

Once you find a therapist that offers the BICOM bioresonance device, they will attach electrodes to your body and run it. The machine is programmed with thousands of frequencies that read back the signals sent from cells in your body; then can identify any imbalances and help explain your symptoms to the therapist.

Bioresonance technology emits counterfrequencies to balance unhealthy vibrations and restore your natural vibrancy, offering relief for many ailments such as allergies, stomach ache and stress. Studies have also proven bioresonance‘s success at helping people quit smoking or reduce chronic stress levels.

Bioresonance offers numerous advantages; however, its use raises several concerns about its efficacy. One potential drawback could be using bioresonance instead of more traditional treatment options and leading to negative patient outcomes; another issue involves whether energy waves generated by machines actually have any clinical impact on the body.

For bioresonance therapy sessions in Denver and Boulder, contact Quantum Functional Medicine now. Our experienced practitioners know exactly what this kind of therapy entails and can help determine if it would benefit you.

Bioresonance therapy is just one of many integrative therapies we provide at our office, along with nutritional therapy and Functional Medicine. We look forward to meeting you and helping you on the path toward wellness! Contact us or schedule an appointment online now – we serve clients throughout Phoenix!
