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What is a Bioresonance Machine?

Bioresonance machines have either been heralded as the solution to humanity’s woes or dismissed as dangerous pseudoscience that preys upon vulnerable groups while delaying access to necessary treatments for serious illness.

Bioresonance works on the theory that our bodies contain their own magnetic or biomagnetic field which may become disrupted due to various external influences, and can therefore use bioresonance devices to read these energy wavelengths and transmit ‘good’ waves back into our systems to restore equilibrium.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive therapy that scans the body to identify imbalances and disturbances. The scan works by using magnetic fields and electromagnetic signals to locate unhealthy frequencies within your body’s electrical field; once found, machines then match these frequencies to cancel out discordant ones thereby stimulating natural processes that promote self-healing within you and encouraging self-healing processes within you.

CE marked devices are used in this type of therapy and have been determined safe for medical use, yet bioresonance scans should not replace other diagnostic tools – they’re most effective when combined with holistic health approaches such as nutrition, supplements and lifestyle modifications to restore balance to the body and support optimal functioning. An experienced holistic health practitioner can interpret results of bioresonance scans and offer suggestions that strengthen and balance body functioning based on these scans.

Bioresonance devices can detect parasites, viruses, bacteria and fungus which cause illness; as well as stress, hormonal imbalances and environmental factors which have an adverse impact on our bodies. Bioresonance has proven particularly useful in the treatment of chronic conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis and stomach pain; one study with 60 fibromyalgia patients treated both manually and bioresonance reported more positive changes than those who only received manual therapies alone.

At each session, electrodes are attached to the patient’s skin and connected to an electromagnetic wave machine that reads vibrations of individual cells and compares them with healthy body cells. When an unhealthy vibration is detected, electromagnetic waves are sent directly to that cell to cancel out its unwanted vibrations – helping restore it back to a healthier state, helping overcome ailments like infections or autoimmune disorders in turn.

Bioresonance devices claim to detect imbalances such as stress, toxins, heavy metals and environmental factors which have adverse impacts on our health. Unfortunately, the Advertising Standards Authority has determined there is insufficient evidence supporting claims made for treating conditions like cancer, fibromyalgia and thyroiditis with this form of therapy; there is therefore an inherent risk of misguiding and misleading consumers with potential danger for putting off seeking proper medical advice due to misrepresentations, especially for people living with life-threatening diseases like growing tumours.

How Does Bioresonance Work?

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic waves to detect imbalances in the body. Electrodes attached to patients and connected to a computer read energy frequencies emitted by organs or cells of their bodies that transmit wavelengths that correspond with disharmonic frequencies and broadcast this information back out, informing the body how best to correct its imbalances.

Bioresonance practitioners assert that their device can detect viruses, bacteria and other pathogens by matching their electromagnetic frequency with that of its device. By cancelling out abnormalities caused by viruses or pathogens in this way, Bioresonance practitioners believe their machine can neutralize them and destroy them completely. It has even been used successfully against smoking addiction by breaking apart nicotine molecules within its target’s body.

Royal Rife was the father of modern bioresonance. He discovered that certain pathogens could be killed with electric pulses at their natural frequencies, killing them instantly. Rife also noted that all living things, including our bodies, possess their own individual resonance – an oscillation system detectable with sophisticated instruments.

At a bioresonance treatment session, electrodes are strategically placed on the patient’s head or chest in areas corresponding to specific organs or reflex zones on hands and feet. While laying down, a computer analyses and displays an imbalance map. Once this has been determined, a practitioner sets their bioresonance machine emitting counterfrequencies to restore health through bioresonance therapy.

Many different diseases have been linked with disruptions in energy flow within the body, such as cancer (bioresonance therapy has no impact on genetic mutations that lead to cancer), allergies and chronic infections. Some claims indicate that bioresonance therapy helps reduce pain, ease breathing difficulties and treat digestive issues such as ulcers.

Bioresonance may be useful in treating certain conditions; however, it should not be seen as a replacement for traditional therapies such as chemotherapy and radiation treatments. Furthermore, claims made about its ability to cure cancer have been found to be false, while one study that claimed success at increasing effectiveness of smoking cessation therapy have been disproved by experts as misleading and deceptive.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy offers more than just identification of health issues; it may also detoxify, reduce stress and boost energy levels – making it an appealing therapy choice for individuals seeking natural solutions to common ailments without medication causing side effects or discomfort.

Bioresonance machines work by emitting electromagnetic waves which travel through your body and back to them; then analyzing and recording any returning signals which exhibit disharmony – this could indicate liver cells not functioning optimally or presence of pathogens such as viruses, bacteria or toxins that need to be identified by sending frequencies which cancel out diseased resonances and provide healthy ones in return.

These frequencies can be sent through applicators placed on your forehead, hands and feet or over specific organ areas and reflex zones while sitting or lying down – many patients find the noninvasive treatment impressive for helping their bodies heal themselves more quickly and naturally.

Many individuals suffering from various ailments have reported a marked reduction in symptoms after just three bioresonance treatments, thanks to this technology that allows for identification and correction of imbalances with no discomfort or negative side-effects.

Bioresonance therapy has long been recognized for its success at treating numerous conditions, from allergies and rheumatic conditions to respiratory ailments like bronchitis and sinusitis, pre- and post-surgery protocols and more.

The Advertising Standards Authority has investigated complaints lodged against a clinic which used bioresonance to diagnose and treat various health conditions, such as “Weight and digestive problems; bloating; heart conditions; arthritis joint pains; back problems; diabetes; skin issues rashes Psoriasis Eczema Rhinitis Sinus Headaches Migraines Anxiety Depression Fatigue” (Y&M Holistic Clinic 18 April 2018). Although the device being used to make this diagnosis has CE marking certification the ASA have found no support for their claims of efficacy made against this device (CE marked CE Mark).

What Are the Side Effects of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance operates under the assumption that your cells and organs emit electromagnetic waves that can be measured using special equipment. Proponents claim that measuring these waves can help diagnose disease. They also contend that altering frequencies may treat illness. Bioresonance machines contain thousands of frequencies; their programmers can identify which frequencies your body emits before emitting counterfrequencies to restore equilibrium within your system.

Some individuals report positive results from bioresonance, while healthcare professionals do not accept its value. Bioresonance should not be seen as a replacement for evidence-based treatments like prescription medications.

At each session, electrodes will be attached to your skin and a machine will send harmless electromagnetic frequencies into your body. Your therapist can listen for what frequencies your body is sending back; if any signals indicate any disorder present, the therapist can then use the machine to emit different frequencies in an attempt to correct any potential problems.

If your body is experiencing an acute imbalance, its results may take time to become apparent. You may experience symptoms like tiredness, thirst, loose stools and itchy skin during this period – it is essential that you notify your therapist so they can provide support and modify your treatment plan based on these changes. Furthermore, drinking plenty of water and rest are recommended during this time to hasten healing processes and ensure maximum efficiency in healing processes.

Studies have demonstrated the therapeutic value of bioresonance for treating allergies and autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis. It does so by changing how antioxidants function within the body – thus decreasing free radical damage while lessening inflammation. Further research is necessary to confirm these findings; no evidence yet indicates it could reduce cancer risks or other serious diseases.
