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Bicom Therapy

Bicom therapy uses electromagnetic vibrations to detect imbalances. The BICOM reads these vibrations, then its internal filters distinguish healthy from unhealthy energy patterns – amplifying or cancelling any imbalanced ones as appropriate.

Frequencies generated during treatment are sent back into the body to reduce stress and promote overall wellbeing, offering an integrative alternative to conventional medical procedures that often include intrusive procedures.


Bicom therapy can be used to treat various conditions, including allergies, pain, digestive disorders and musculoskeletal problems. It’s a noninvasive and drug-free treatment option which can significantly improve quality of life for your patients. During sessions the device scans the body in order to identify imbalances which are then addressed through appropriate therapeutic applications.

Based on electromagnetic waves in our cells communicating, BICOM devices read these frequencies to eliminate disturbing disease patterns and promote self-regulating and healing capabilities of the body.

Bioresonance therapy is completely safe, without any negative side effects or long-term risks. Some patients may feel slight discomfort during a treatment as electromagnetic vibrations from devices send electromagnetic vibrations back into their bodies to correct unhealthy cell resonances; these vibrations should last only briefly and won’t pose any danger.

For over 30 years, BICOM bioresonance method has been an integral component of complementary medicine. Recognized medical technique that easily fits into doctors and naturopathic practitioners practices alike, its implementation BICOM optima has even been certified as REGUMED class IIa medical equipment.

It can treat conditions ranging from allergies, autoimmune diseases, smoking cessation and gastrointestinal disorders. In terms of allergies, BICOM can desensitize the body to allergens and minimize symptoms like sneezing and skin reactions; balance the immune system; reduce inflammation/autoimmune activity as well as help people quit smoking by balancing electromagnetic frequencies that make people crave nicotine.

BICOM contains an internal filter that distinguishes healthy from unhealthy frequencies. If it detects mercury stress, for example, it will mirror its frequency to feed back into a patient in order to weaken or cancel out its information and restore normal function in their bodies.


Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive, natural method of healing. Utilizing revolutionary computerized technology, this natural treatment method analyzes your natural energy frequencies to remove any disease patterns or imbalances in the body’s natural energy balances. Bioresonance can be effective against allergies, autoimmune diseases, smoking cessation and digestive disorders due to its electromagnetic fields emitted by all forms of matter (human body cells, food plants) emitting electromagnetic fields which can be picked up by the BICOM device and altered for specific therapeutic effects.

Bioresonance works on the premise that all living things require three essential elements to survive: matter, energy and information. It belongs to regulative medicine but, similar to homeopathy or acupuncture, is not recognized as scientifically reliable medical methods by conventional medicine.

BICOM optima device, which follows this methodology, has been certified as a Class IIa medical device and used by physicians and alternative practitioners across a variety of specialities, including allergists, general practitioners/internal medicine doctors, gynecologists, pediatricians, pulmonologists, ophthalmologists, dermatologists, dentists orthopedists physiotherapists as well as others.

Studies have proven that BICOM device is safe for patients without any side effects or interference with other therapies being received by them. It is also suitable for use on both children and pregnant women.

An autumn clinical study was undertaken in 2010 to evaluate the efficacy and safety of the BICOM optima device for treating mild to moderate allergy-related diseases and complications, specifically allergic rhinoconjunctivitis. Results indicate that using this therapy reduced symptoms across age groups significantly while leading to improved quality of life comparable to results achieved with other forms of therapy.

As part of the study, all patients completed weekly questionnaires regarding their symptoms. Severity and frequency assessments were made. Furthermore, patients were asked how often they relied on medication for relief from symptoms; medication usage decreased substantially – an impressive result that underscores BICOM bioresonance therapy‘s success.


Bioresonance therapy stands in stark contrast to pharmaceutical medication, which may carry serious side effects and should only ever be used as part of a complementary health approach. This non-invasive alternative therapy works by correcting imbalances in the energy fields in order to promote healing; using an electromagnetic reading device which reads electromagnetic wavelengths from each cell in the body in order to detect and resolve issues quickly. Bioresonance can treat various health conditions including allergies, digestive issues and stress related ailments.

Like radio waves or the Schumann resonances emitted by Earth, our cells emit electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves communicate between cells within our bodies and contain important information about each one’s state – healthy ones emitting symmetrical waves while unhealthy cells emitting asymmetrical ones can be identified using BICOM therapy as abnormal wave oscillations to uncover possible symptoms or disease patterns in individuals.

By identifying and rebalancing these frequency patterns, a bioresonance practitioner can restore your body’s natural healing processes. This noninvasive approach provides a superior alternative to pharmaceutical drugs which often treat only symptoms rather than their causes.

BICOM bioresonance therapy can be an effective way of treating various health conditions as well as quitting smoking. The technology recognizes any imbalances in electromagnetic frequencies associated with nicotine addiction and helps the body break free of it.

BICOM therapy may also prove effective at managing multiple sclerosis flare-ups. MS is characterized by inflammation that is further compounded by stress; bioresonance therapy offers an easy, painless solution for this. By decreasing both frequency and duration of MS flare-ups and improving overall quality of life.

BICOM Bioresonance Therapy is non-invasive and completely painless, making it an ideal treatment option for individuals with sensitive skin or those unable to take pharmaceutical drugs. It has become an increasingly popular solution for chronic pain management, anxiety relief and depression treatment as well as insomnia treatment. Unfortunately, not all results will be positive; temporary side effects like increased thirst or changes in urination could occur before improvements can be seen in some patients.


Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic waves (hertz) to send information back into your body from outside it, such as clearing away cell strains and healing itself; reducing inflammation; or improving blood flow. Bioresonance is a non-invasive holistic therapy which has helped many both humans and animals, including some previously considered hopeless by traditional veterinarians.

BICOM bioresonance method is a holistic natural healing treatment designed to balance out internal body disharmonies through electromagnetic oscillations. This noninvasive, painless and stress-free therapy is perfect for horses as their ears are highly responsive to electromagnetic frequencies; in fact, horses benefit from this form of therapy for respiratory diseases, allergies, arthritis, lameness and more!

Bioresonance utilizes quantum physics and holistic medicine to restore equilibrium to electromagnetic and biochemical energies within the body. The BICOM device can also identify hidden causes of health issues in pets that are otherwise invisible, including stress and toxicity issues that have an impact on overall wellbeing and can identify medication dosage requirements for your animal companion.

BICOM therapy can be highly tailored to the unique needs of each pet. For instance, a dog with chronic urinary tract infection may need certain vitamins or minerals rebalanced; this can be accomplished using a specific frequency programmed into BICOM device. A therapist can also assess whether your pet’s issue stems from emotional trauma or physical issues.

BICOM can also assist with improving diet by helping find food specific to your pet’s dietary needs and nutritional plan. Our therapist will be pleased to answer any inquiries regarding your pet’s wellbeing or answer any other related inquiries that arise.

BICOM device is an extremely effective tool designed for professional veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths and alternative practitioners. BICOM was specifically created with professionals in mind who understand its capabilities and have completed an intensive two-day training course to use properly.
