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Smart Life Bioresonance

Smart Life Bioresonance integrates intelligent computerised systems with electromagnetic frequency devices for body scans that highlight areas that need special consideration.

Life Expert’s bioresonance scanner detects over 70 disorders early on and selects appropriate supplements, cosmetics, food, and medicine to promote individual wellbeing – in less than one minute! The test creates an individualised health improvement complex.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an alternative treatment using electromagnetic frequencies to balance body energy. Drawing inspiration from both holistic medicine and quantum physics, the aim is to treat disease while encouraging self-healing. A device measures energy wavelengths emitted by cells, tissues and organs before emitting electromagnetic harmonic frequencies to restore equilibrium within your system.

Smart Life Bioresonance‘s core idea is that all living beings, whether human, animal or plant, possess an individual energetic frequency. According to bioenergetic wellness approaches, organ and cell health is determined by this frequency; unhealthy cells emitting different frequencies than healthy ones are often indicative of diseased organs or systems in your body; stressed systems will typically exhibit lower frequencies whereas healthy systems typically display higher ones – bioresonance machines can detect variations in frequency allowing practitioners to bring back the frequency back down for healing purposes. Proponents believe restoring body’s cells and systems back to its normal will cure diseased bodies and systems allowing individuals to regain health in both body parts or systems which otherwise would incur costly treatments from doctors or specialists alike.

Bioresonance testing involves placing electrodes on a patient’s legs, arms and head in six quadrant Voll leads – these points correspond to all organs within their bodies as well as the central nervous system and immune system. If tested on someone who is healthy all results will return as expected but if diagnosed with an illness or exposed to harmful substances like chemicals or radiation this can alter results significantly – certain points will not show optimal readings and vice versa.

Bioresonance machines can detect imbalances by recognizing specific frequencies emitted from cells, tissues, and organs of the body and emitting counter frequencies to restore regular vibrations and heal itself of any ailments or allergies that might be disrupting energy fields. In essence, this therapy serves to rebalance vibration frequencies within our bodies to a healthy frequency range – helping our bodies reset to normal frequencies for healing itself naturally and quickly.

How is bioresonance used?

Bioresonance therapy devices utilize electrodes attached to the skin and a machine that measures energy wavelengths coming from within the body, with proponents believing that healthy cells produce natural frequencies while diseased ones emit abnormal ones; by detecting such frequencies they believe it allows them to diagnose disease while returning them back to natural ones can treat it.

Each cell in your body contains its own magnetic field, or biomagnetic field. When your cells become imbalanced, symptoms like headaches and fatigue may arise. Bioresonance practitioners employ a device known as the BICOM to analyze this field and pinpoint its source; then send an electromagnetic signal that corrects it – returning your cells back to their natural state.

Some bioresonance users claim that the BICOM can treat rheumatoid arthritis by normalizing how antioxidants work in the body; however, no controlled studies have tested this claim. Bioresonance advocates also claim it can identify and treat allergies by detecting antibodies in blood samples; however, clinical trials evaluating electrodermal testing or bioresonance therapy were unreliable solutions in treating allergies.

The BICOM is registered as a biofeedback device in Australia, and from 2014-2018 Friends of Science in Medicine had lodged complaints that similar devices were being improperly advertised [21]. Starting 2019, however, Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) cracked down on advertising of such bioresonance devices; an independent scientific organization was engaged by TGA to review evidence provided by marketers of bioresonance devices like BICOM.

Though bioresonance therapies lack substantial evidence supporting its claims, many still believe in their efficacy. According to a 2015 article from the American Cancer Society, numerous fraudulent devices purporting to detect cancerous tumors using electromagnetic radiation have been widely available online and in shops. Furthermore, bioresonance has been tied to fraudulant products like jewelry that claims it can help cure cancer.

What health problems can bioresonance therapy devices help with?

Bioresonance therapy uses electrodes to measure electromagnetic vibrations of your body. A device then sends frequencies which differ from your own body frequencies in order to cancel out harmful frequencies or reinforce healthy ones, in order to balance out your energy and enhance overall health. This type of therapy helps restore equilibrium to the energy within and strengthen overall wellbeing.

Franz Morell is considered the founder of bioresonance treatment. In 1977, using his knowledge of electro-acupuncture to develop an electronic device that received and returned electromagnetic frequencies via electrodes, bioresonance treatment centered around the principle that different organs emit distinct electromagnetic signals due to metabolism or DNA damage differences; using spectral analysis technology on this machine allowed Morell to identify these differences and detect diseased cells.

The device has also proven effective at alleviating anxiety and depression symptoms, often as part of an integrated therapy approach to supplement other forms of treatment such as herbal medication or nutritional supplementation.

Bioresonance therapy is also often used to treat allergies and related conditions, like eczema or asthma. Although a few controlled studies have examined this practice, their outcomes remain inconsistent, suggesting further investigation must take place.

Bioresonance therapy has also proven itself effective at treating digestive issues, including bloating and stomach pain. One study concluded that it was particularly useful in cases without an apparent cause or diagnosis for their discomfort.

Studies on bioresonance therapy to assist people in quitting smoking have been performed, with positive results: more people quit in the bioresonance group than those receiving the placebo.

A bioresonance device known as BICOM can test for numerous conditions, including cancer, heavy metal toxicity, digestive problems, stress and immune system disorders. When connected to the patient via electrodes on their hands and feet, its practitioner then adjusts its settings according to what concerns arise for that individual; such adjustments might include using frequency that counteracts foods or chemicals that may damage organs; emitting sound to stimulate nervous systems and reduce inflammation; etc.

What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?

Your body is an energetic being, and bioresonance therapy uses energy to identify imbalances within its system. Think back to magnet experiments from elementary school: when placed over paper with iron filings scattered about, they would form patterns reflecting the magnet’s magnetic fields. Bioresonance therapy utilizes electromagnetic waves produced by your cells which are detected by an electronic device and used to emit counter frequencies to restore equilibrium – supporting your natural healing processes without disrupting or changing them in any way.

Science behind this unproven technique rests on the theory that different parts of our bodies emit electromagnetic wavelengths at various rates, with claims made for bioresonance machines being able to read these wavelengths and identify disease or adverse health conditions by comparing them against those emitted by healthy cells. Furthermore, such devices allegedly allow users to change biological vibrations of diseased organs in order to “cancel out” disease signals.

Though bioresonance lacks scientific proof, its proponents argue that it can help treat conditions such as asthma, allergies, Crohn’s disease, depression, chronic fatigue migraines and stress-related disorders. Studies have been conducted on its efficacy; however results were mixed and limited.

One study showed that patients who underwent one week of bioresonance therapy were more likely to quit smoking than control group, although this small-scale research didn’t account for additional factors like motivation or other treatments.

Before more clinical studies have been published, the ASA advises against the use of bioresonance devices for any medical conditions. If you decide to use one anyway, make sure it’s CE marked and that any practitioner making claims about its efficacy possesses appropriate training and experience. Furthermore, if any issues arise regarding its efficacy speak to your GP; they may refer you to another service such as physiotherapist for further assessment.
