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Bioresonance According to Paul Schmidt

A comprehensive 424pp hardcover book on Schmidt’s method. Beginning with electromagnetic wave physics and progressing through basic frequency generators in the 1970s to more complex Rayometer and Rayocomp PS 1000 polar instruments used today, this work explores Schmidt’s approach and its development over time.

The Schmidt method has been scientifically validated through recent double-blind randomised clinical studies on Cervical Spine Syndrome patients as well as cell biological analyses conducted at Fraunhofer Institute. Because it offers absolute safety and user friendliness, 5,700 naturopaths and healthcare practitioners offer it alone in Germany alone.

How it works

During treatment, electrodes will be attached to your body and linked to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals. If your biomagnetic field is healthy and balanced, the machine will read a strong signal; otherwise if there is an imbalance or disruption to energy flow within your body, its signal strength decreases accordingly. Its purpose is to pinpoint its source while sending a therapeutic impulse and restore health back into balance.

Every living thing possesses their own electromagnetic energy or biomagnetic field. Imbalances within this field may contribute to symptoms that impact your wellbeing; bioresonance according to Paul Schmidt works by realigning these imbalances to get back on the path toward health.

To achieve this, the machine emits frequencies that align with the resonance frequencies of any toxins or stressors within your body. This enables it to identify and neutralize these toxins; ultimately restoring natural energy and relieving symptoms in turn.

Bioresonance therapy is founded on the theory that everything, including human beings, has its own frequency spectrum. These frequencies may be transmitted through light, sound, vibration, or other sources; additionally they may also be affected by external influences like food or toxins.

When exposed to certain frequencies, human bodies can react in ways that resonate negatively, potentially leading to diseases like depression or diabetes. Bioresonance therapy offers a solution for early identification and treatment of such conditions before they progress further.

Bioresonance therapy is generally safe for most individuals; however, the results may differ between individuals. Some may experience significant improvements while others might only notice slight relief of their symptoms. Bioresonance can provide a safe way for improving quality of life.

Bioresonance should be used as a complementary therapy alongside other treatments and physical therapies such as massage or chiropractic sessions to reduce stress and promote wellness in patients.


Bioresonance uses quantum physics principles to transmit information via electromagnetic waves (hertz). Bioresonance analyzes your body’s biomagnetic field and frequency levels to detect overloads or imbalances, as well as to diagnose overloads or imbalances in body systems. A gentle yet noninvasive therapy, bioresonance involves placing electrodes on your skin which are linked to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals; when all cells in your body are in perfect health and balanced, a clear signal from this machine should come back; otherwise if disturbances in biomagnetic field arises this machine will detect it and send weaker signals which allows practitioners to restore cell balance as well as stimulate self healing abilities of your body systems.

Paul Schmidt, the inventor of bioresonance according to Paul, discovered that every organ has its own frequency or spectrum which it responds to stimulation with. Being an engineer by profession, Paul recognized its potential in improving well-being and health among both humans and animals alike. Seven years after making this discovery he established Rayonex Biomedical as an organization to explore complementary medicine concepts.

Paul Schmidt claims that research and clinical trials have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance as an effective therapy for many conditions, including smoking cessation. One such study indicated how bioresonance scans could aid with cessation; however, the Advertising Standards Authority ruled this research was insufficiently scientific to support claims made in an advertisement promoting it.

Holistic practitioners utilize bioresonance as part of an overall holistic wellness plan for their clients, in conjunction with other therapies like hypnotherapy and NLP. Lindsay uses her PS10 Rayonex device to subtly support her client’s physical needs while they undergo Hypnotherapy sessions and appropriate NLP interventions; this can significantly alleviate pain that Hypnotherapy alone cannot address. If you would like more information on how bioresonance could benefit your holistic wellness plan, book a Discovery Call with CBH Energetics today; one of our homeopathic practitioners will connect you to this amazing technology!

Side effects

Paul Schmidt describes Bioresonance as an holistic treatment approach based on his belief that treating root causes rather than symptoms is key to effective healthcare. Bioresonance utilizes electromagnetic energy to harmonise body energy states, polarities and chakras; additionally it can identify and neutralize allergens while simultaneously strengthening immunity while addressing geopathic stress or electropollution issues.

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that every organ, tissue and system emits electromagnetic waves. Bioresonance devices scan for these waves and counter them if they deviate from healthy frequencies – creating a healthier immune system and overall better health outcomes. While evidence exists of its beneficial properties, most studies are small with limited research being conducted into it; traditional medicine still remains necessary; fraud has occurred; for example some manufacturers claim their equipment can heal cancer; however these claims have yet to be verified by medical research.

Bioresonance therapy may be effective at relieving symptoms related to allergies and asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, low back pain and even dementia; however it should not be used as a replacement for professional medical advice when dealing with serious diseases such as cancer.

Some studies have demonstrated how bioresonance therapy may help alleviate rheumatoid arthritis symptoms by normalizing antioxidant activity in the body and possibly decreasing inflammation by decreasing cortisol levels in bloodstream. Although these studies were small in scope, they provide some evidence of its efficacy at alleviating RA symptoms.

Another study showed that combining manual therapy and bioresonance therapy could significantly enhance the condition of patients suffering from fibromyalgia. According to this research, patients receiving bioresonance therapy saw 72% lower muscle pain compared with 34% experienced by the control group; additionally it may assist with sleep problems, weather changes sensitivity and other symptoms related to their condition.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive solution with no known side effects that is simple and user friendly. While not regulated by the FDA, you can find this treatment through many naturopaths and therapists; before trying this therapy however it is advised that you first speak to your physician first.


Paul Schmidt was a self-made man with an exceptional technical mind, deep compassion and keen sensitivity to vibrational energy. His innovative ideas and scientific creativity resulted in over 300 commercial patents during his lifetime. Paul Schmidt popularized the holistic bioresonance method as an approach for supporting organisms’ own self-regulating mechanisms by using resonating frequencies as signalling mediums to produce biological responses similar to sunlight’s spectrum of frequencies stimulating physical reactions.

Schmidt discovered through his research that not only does electromagnetic frequency have an effect on living organisms but also its type and shape of oscillating waves can also have an influence. He specifically identified electromagnetic frequencies with natural harmonic sine waves as providing the greatest healthful benefits and harmony to living systems while remaining consistent with nature’s laws. Conversely, square-wave oscillations that are typical of digital signals used in mobile communications can have negative consequences. To make use of his discovery for practical application, Schmidt devised a device with dipole antennae capable of producing natural harmonic sine wave frequencies spectra.

Rayocomp PS 1000 Polar 4.0 uses this principle to detect and process electromagnetic vibrations within the human body, in order to assess whether symptoms stemming from physiological causes (for instance an imbalance of hormones) can be treated through bioresonance therapy; sometimes bioresonance can even help prevent disease by treating its root causes early.

Optimization in nutrition, self-regulation system and protecting from pathogens, toxins and environmental stresses are vital for optimal health restoration and maintenance. Bioresonance energy can assist with this effort by harmonizing body polarities and chakras while supporting immune function by increasing resistance against disease-causing substances; additionally, studies have demonstrated its ability to significantly decrease recurrent depression as well as heal intractable corneal ulcers.
