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How Does BioResonance Work?

Bio resonance works by pinpointing imbalances and realigning them back to normal – similar to spreading iron filings over a magnet to observe how they arrange themselves.

After taking a BioScan, you will gain insight into areas of stress in your systems such as food sensitivities and nutritional imbalances, any energetic matches with toxic materials in the environment, resonant toxicants or any energetic resonance with toxic material that might exist and more. Some practitioners offer remote sessions.


BioScan differs from traditional diagnostic tests by being non-invasive. You use an electrode instrument called the pen-like electrode instrument during this test that detects electromagnetic signals to help your practitioner identify imbalances or stressors that are contributing to your health issues, so they can devise and implement customized strategies tailored specifically for you.

BioScan SRT works on the principle that every substance, living or not, has an energetic frequency which can be measured. With more than 50,000 frequencies relating to different substances stored in its database, your practitioner will test your reaction to each frequency to record readings that indicate which may be creating stress in your body and with what intensity. This reading can indicate which substances might be contributing to it.

Additionally, BioScan technology identifies the most beneficial nutrients and botanicals to aid your body’s healing through pattern recognition and advanced algorithms. Finally, these results of your BioScan test are combined with expert guidance from board-certified holistic nutritionists and coaches in creating a comprehensive plan tailored to address both your nutritional needs and weight loss goals.

Stress impacts our daily lives and is at the root of many chronic health concerns, from depression and anxiety disorders, fibromyalgia, allergies, fatigue syndrome digestive problems insomnia cardiovascular disease and more. A BioScan MSA or BioScan SRT session could give you insight into avoiding such concerns before they escalate further.

Bioscan utilizes electrodermal screening (EDS), which measures electrical impulses that travel along acupuncture points or meridians in your body to reveal any blocked or restricted meridians and what nutrients might help unblock them. Furthermore, EDS also measures stress hormone levels – an indicator of overall wellness.

Combine the findings of your BioScan test with our holistic nutritionists’ and coaches’ expertise, and you’re likely to witness significant enhancement in your wellbeing. Schedule your appointment now to start on the path towards optimal wellness!

BioResonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an energy medicine modality which seeks to restore balance in your electromagnetic fields and restore their equilibrium, with an aim of improving energy flow and detoxifying your body; ultimately leading to healing, stress relief, and reduced medical bills. Bioresonance can also be used as part of treating chronic pain conditions by targeting their cause through corrective energy therapies such as bioresonance.

Electrodes are placed on the skin and connected to a device which “reads” energy produced by your cells and uses this data to assess organ and system health. Once readings have been collected, oscillations within this machine are altered so they resonate with healthy cell frequencies for maximum effectiveness.

Quantum Physics provides the basis of this therapy, which states that all things in nature vibrate at certain frequencies and when these vibrations become out-of-sync it creates an imbalance that can result in illness on different levels ranging from physical, emotional and mental.

Your body has its own magnetic or biomagnetic field made up of energy frequencies in your cells. When performing bioresonance sessions, electrodes measure these frequencies to identify any disturbances that might be contributing to symptoms; then the machine uses oscillations of healthy frequencies to balance out these imbalances and restore healthiness in their frequency balances.

Bioresonance therapy has proven itself effective in multiple areas, including speeding wound healing time and helping smokers quit, as demonstrated in a randomized controlled study. Bioresonance can also treat various digestive ailments like chronic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Research into the efficacy of bioresonance therapy remains limited. Studies that have been done are usually small-scale and do not adhere to MHRA (Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Authority) guidance for medical devices; claims must be supported with scientifically sound evidence such as clinical trials; it is impossible to conduct double blind trials with equipment used for bioresonance therapy as both practitioner and patient are aware they are receiving therapy sessions.

BioEnergy Therapy

Bio-energy healing therapy addresses the causes of illness due to disruptions, blockages and weaknesses in your bio-energy field. Your body has an innate capacity for self-healing; bio-energy therapists act as conduits of this energy by using both hands-on and “hands off” techniques.

At each session, your bio-energy therapist will use hand movements to move their hands throughout your entire body, with particular focus placed on areas that need treatment. They may also employ thought techniques to direct energy flows away from any area that holds too much and instead sends it where it needs to go in order to balance out your system.

Disturbances to the bio-energy field may be caused by shocks, traumas and suppressed emotions; so bio-energy therapists frequently employ emotional release techniques like Sedona Method to assist their clients with working through any obstacles that are impeding their body’s natural healing abilities.

Additionally, some bio-energy therapists employ guided imagery therapy sessions as part of their therapy services in order to help their clients relax and focus on positive aspects of their lives. Such sessions can be quite powerful in relieving stress, anxiety and depression.

Bio-Energy Therapy can be an effective alternative to conventional medical treatments. Recent research indicates it can reduce pain medication usage while simultaneously lessening side effects associated with conventional medical approaches; however, further investigation must be performed in order to substantiate these claims and ascertain bio-energy therapies’ safety.

As with any alternative treatment, it is wise to discuss bio-energy therapy options with your physician prior to beginning any course of treatment. An open dialogue will ensure any complementary or alternative medicine you receive is safe for you, doesn’t interfere with prescribed medication you are taking and provides useful insight on combining therapies together for maximum impact. Typically speaking, bio-energy therapists won’t prescribe additional drugs nor alter recommendations from their physician(s); nonetheless it is still wise to follow a course of care until symptoms have subsided completely.


Massage therapy refers to any practice which involves pressing, rubbing and manipulating skin, muscles, tendons and ligaments to relax them, relieve pain or improve overall health and wellbeing. Massage can range in intensity from light stroking to deep pressure; its purpose typically being used to relax muscles, ease pain and enhance overall wellbeing.

Researchers have discovered that massage can reduce heart rate, blood pressure and levels of stress hormones such as cortisol in the body. Furthermore, massage activates sensory nerves and increases the flow of blood to muscles allowing them to function better. Not only can organs, bones and other structures in the body benefit from massage; massage may even have positive impacts on its own.

How Massage Works

All massages increase circulation and decrease tension, but the type of massage you receive will have a dramatic impact on its results. Deep tissue massage, for example, aims to relieve muscle knots and chronic pain through deeper strokes applied slowly with targeted focus on specific parts of the body – making it particularly helpful for athletes requiring deeper therapy approaches.

Research has demonstrated the positive effect massage can have on one’s immune system by increasing white blood cell activity, helping the body resist diseases and infections more quickly. Massage also stimulates lymphatic flow which transports fluid throughout the body to remove waste products produced during metabolism from waste removal and metabolism itself.

Massage can also assist in breaking the cycle of pain. Signals sent from pain pathways in the central nervous system to the brain relayed pain signals which, if hypersensitive, trigger inflammation that leads to muscle tightening which exacerbates it further. Massage works to break this pattern by sending messages which reduce or even eliminate sensations of pain from reaching our brains.

Many people find massage beneficial psychologically as well, including feelings of wellbeing and relaxation. This may be partly attributed to endorphins being released, which promote feelings of wellbeing while relieving stress. Furthermore, massage strengthens mind-body connections by creating more awareness of physical sensations throughout the body.
