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What is a Bio Resonance Scan?

Bio resonance scan is an holistic test that uses energy in the body to detect imbalances. It works under the principle that all parts of our bodies are interdependent, and any abnormalities in one part could impact others as well.

Every cell and organ releases electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies, and this machine helps detect these to restore balance by counteracting any unhealthy ones that come up.

It is a non-invasive test

BR is an advanced diagnostic technique that analyzes your energy field through electromagnetic frequencies. Each organ, tissue and cell in your body has an individual vibratory frequency – similar to how an orchestra needs all instruments playing harmoniously to perform as desired. With its scanning system, BR detects imbalances or blockages within your system and provides a roadmap back towards balance and wellness.

Each frequency has an effect on the health of various systems and organs in your body, and BR scanning can detect imbalances caused by pathogens, environmental toxins, nutrition, food sensitivities, thought patterns or emotional wellbeing issues. While not meant to replace medical diagnosis and treatment altogether, BR scanning does offer added value by early identification of imbalances that are still easily treatable.

The BR scan is an advanced, non-invasive test designed to identify imbalances within your system before they become noticeable or manifest into disease. Furthermore, this non-invasive tool can identify bio-resonance signatures of parasites or bacteria present within your body and pinpoint their location – making it an invaluable preventative measure.

The Full Scan provides an in-depth assessment of all major systems within the body and provides a detailed report about your current health status. It identifies stressors that most affect your overall well-being such as food or environmental sensitivities, nutritional imbalances, hormone fluctuations or generalized toxic exposure; energy blocks or weaknesses within the body as well as specific herbs, holistic remedies or nutritional supplements which will assist healing processes.

It is safe

Bio-resonance scanning is an electronic assessment of your body’s health. It measures electromagnetic waves to pinpoint imbalances and restore your natural balance, as well as detect pathogens, environmental toxins, thought patterns or food. This non-invasive and painless test is part of Functional Medicine; an integrative medicine practice which blends ancient wisdom with cutting edge science.

Each organ, tissue and system in your body has a specific resonating frequency that resonates at its own unique frequency. When one part is out of tune with another part, it can cause stress and disease in other areas of your body and lead to stress and disease symptoms. Bio-resonance scanning can be invaluable in pinpointing underlying causes for symptoms while making lifestyle and diet changes that will reduce them effectively.

Bio-resonance scans use electrodes attached to electrode clips placed on your head and arms that connect to a computer that generates test results. You should experience no discomfort during this test; some individuals have reported feeling a faint tingle or buzz sensation during their testing process that lasts between 7-10 minutes; during which your child needs to remain still and focused; it might be beneficial bringing along something such as a story book or iPad with them to keep them from fidgeting with electrode clips and making any attempts at pulling them off!

Scans are performed by trained practitioners who understand the science underlying this sophisticated technology. Together with clients, they work to rebalance all layers of dis-ease and imbalance within an energy system – taking an holistic approach which addresses physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing simultaneously.

Resonating imbalances may be brought on by various sources, including nutrient deficiencies, digestive issues, emotional tension and toxic build-up, hormone imbalances or unmanaged stressors – creating feelings of overwhelm or fatigue that lead to deeper issues within.

Since the 1970s, Hulda Regher Clark and Royal Rife have pioneered this advanced piece of equipment. Over time it has evolved from their initial works into sophisticated computer-controlled machines manufactured throughout Eastern Europe such as Russia and Ukraine. Today it uses non linear scanners with sensors sensitive to energy fields encompassing all living organisms from biomolecules to complex organisms; when an exciting spectrum is sent through living tissue it will respond by producing another resonant spectrum, which provides us with an in-depth report about your energetic health.

It is effective

Bioresonance Scanning is a noninvasive diagnostic technique that employs electromagnetic frequencies to pinpoint imbalances within the body. A bio resonance machine sends out electromagnetic frequencies similar to what the human body emits, then measures and compares their response from different parts. This helps identify many underlying issues. Also referred to as non linear scanning or bioenergetic testing, this technology is commonly used to assess organs, tissues, cells, even detect parasites or viruses since their cells will resonate differently from healthy cells.

Every cell, tissue and organ in your body has an oscillation or vibrational frequency that must remain consistent to remain healthy. Any disruption of these frequencies affects the entire system and could even lead to disease; the Bioresonance machine can identify such disruptions and offer solutions to restore balance within it.

BR equipment has such great sensitivity that it can detect early symptoms of dysfunction much sooner than medical diagnosis can. Bio-resonance scanners work at the molecular level to pinpoint pathogens or stressors within your body that resonate at certain frequencies – this way the computer can counteract them with healthy frequencies to disarm and kill them more effectively.

This holistic approach to medicine is founded on the theory that everything vibrating within our universe has its own frequency; a widely accepted principle from Quantum Physics. The BR machine listens for these frequencies and corrects them by giving you your personal frequency settings; it can identify food intolerances, environmental toxins, nutritional needs imbalances hormonal imbalances as well as any pathogens present.

Bio resonance scans can have dramatic results that are often life-altering for those who undergo them. Non-invasive yet highly effective, they’re an easy and non-invasive way to get at the root cause of illness – it blends Chinese traditional wisdom with electronic measurement techniques for an unparalleled treatment approach that offers more complete picture of overall wellness than other methods can. They’ve become popular with both natural healers and physicians.

It is affordable

Bioresonance scanning is a form of vibrational medicine, employing sophisticated electronic equipment known as a Bio-Resonance System to detect and correct frequencies that have become imbalanced due to physical, chemical or emotional stress in the human body. Bio-Resonance Systems work on the theory that our bodies’ electromagnetic fields become disorganised due to physical, chemical or emotional pressure; their aim being to restore optimal balance through natural means.

BR technology uses frequency scanning to identify disruptive biological imbalances in the body, including food sensitivities, hormonal and nutritional imbalances, thought patterns and environmental toxins. It works on the principle that every cell, tissue and organ has a specific resonance frequency; when one area goes out of tune it impacts all other areas.

BR scans help take the guesswork out of choosing remedies by determining which herbal supplements, nutritional supplements and holistic remedies best match your energetic bio-state. For instance, Digestion Scan identifies nutritional supplements needed for proper digestion while Anxiety and Depression Scan works on restoring mental stability. There are various kinds of scans available and some practitioners even offer remote sessions if you can’t make an in-person visit.
