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Oberon Bioresonance

The Oberon bioresonance system measures fluctuating wave characteristics in body tissue, individual cells and chromosomes to assess fluctuation rates of their oscillatory movements. Furthermore, this device scans resonant frequencies of medications, allergens, foods for comparison.

Compare these findings with the typical frequency response patterns of healthy organs to gain insight into what causes disease in your body.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a method of diagnosis and treatment using energy wavelength machines that detect harmful frequencies on cells (like viruses or cancer) before emitting counterbalancing frequencies to help restore energy balance in the body. Proponents claim it as a noninvasive, drug-free alternative to traditional medicine.

Living organisms emit electromagnetic waves with frequencies dependent on their physiological states. A healthy or unaffected person’s body emits a resonance which can be detected by machines; when diseased people lose this ability, these machines detect this change and send energy back to restore health to the organisms in need.

At each session, electrodes are applied to the body and connected to an Oberon Bioresonance machine. This machine scans for different frequencies that exist within your body before performing nonlinear statistical analysis to find where there may be imbalance. After that has taken place, an Oberon Bioresonance machine creates a closed patient/machine circuit by emitting frequencies designed to restore balance back into your system.

Oberon Bioresonance claims its benefits include “a more complete understanding of your health issues, faster healing and relief of symptoms.” They further assert that bioresonance can be used to treat various conditions including food and environmental allergies, cystitis and prostatitis as well as low immune defenses; digestive issues including colitis, gastritis, constipation and liver disorders as well as respiratory problems like bronchitis and asthma – just to name a few.

Studies examining the efficacy of bioresonance therapy have yielded mixed results; while some have demonstrated its ability to alleviate stomach pain, others found no superiority over a placebo treatment. Additionally, scientists have raised ethical issues associated with bioresonance promotion as it could delay seeking professional medical advice.

Bioresonance does not show any clinical proof as an effective treatment for any condition; indeed, research suggests it could even be harmful, leading patients to delay seeking necessary medical assistance.

How does it work?

Oberon Bioresonance Therapy is a non-invasive, non-toxic complementary health therapy which uses a computerised scanner and treatment device to identify imbalances within the body. Based on electromagnetic waves emitted by living things, which vary depending on physiological state. The machine detects these frequencies and adjusts them back into healthy levels for balance and healing of body.

The Oberon system utilizes various scanning techniques to detect electromagnetic wavelengths. This includes skin analysis and recording a person’s unique energy signature as well as consulting a computerized database with frequencies for organs, glands and chemicals in the body – this information then being used to find frequency solutions that correct imbalances within an individual or a population – unlike traditional medicine which often focuses on diagnosing disease but often ignores treatment of symptoms altogether.

As it does so, it also detects viruses, bacteria, parasites and fungus because all have specific vibrational patterns – this allows your practitioner to pinpoint these organisms within your body before developing strategies to eliminate them with diet, supplements or natural therapies. It can also detect toxins, allergens and stress to show where they may reside within.

Metapathia’s computer display shows this information as a spectrum of colors. As the entropy value (representing structural organisation and functioning) drops, so does its tint – from pale yellow (lowest entropy values) through orange, red, purple and near black hues.

Oberon machines can immediately compare these spectral characteristics with all of the preparations stored in its memory and select an effective remedy from this list. Once selected, preparations are given directly to clients via bioactive matrixes such as water, alcohol or lactose for ingestion over an extended course of therapy; this approach is known as information metatherapy, similar to Mora therapy where water remembers coherent frequencies.

What can I expect from a Bioresonance session?

The Oberon biofeedback device is used to analyze the fluctuating wave characteristics of body tissues, cells, and chromosomes to detect imbalances that indicate disease, while also helping the body self-heal and balance itself more quickly and naturally. Treatment typically lasts 30-60 minutes.

At each session, electrodes are applied to your body and connected to a machine that measures electromagnetic wavelengths produced by cells within your body. Discordant frequencies are identified, and electromagnetic impulses with precise ranges sent back out in order to correct them and speed up healing timeframe. Once discordant frequencies have been corrected, your body can begin healing itself faster.

An average session typically begins with an in-depth consultation where your practitioner will conduct a detailed medical history review to gain an understanding of any conditions or symptoms you are currently experiencing as well as any medications or supplements being taken by you. By sharing this information with them, your treatment sessions can be tailored specifically to meet your individual needs.

Bioresonance should not be seen as a replacement to conventional medicine, but can be combined with it for enhanced results. Individual results may differ so it is essential to discuss expectations with your practitioner beforehand and remain open-minded about complementary therapies which could boost results.

Informing your practitioner of any dietary supplements or herbs you are currently taking can also help them assess whether these will interfere with treatment or cause side effects.

Many individuals claim Bioresonance therapy can be an effective form of treatment, even though its scientific effectiveness remains to be proven. According to these individuals, Bioresonance can alleviate symptoms associated with allergies and stress relief; some notice improvements after just one session while others require ongoing sessions; depending on your specific condition your practitioner will provide guidance as to when and for how long sessions should occur, in addition to suggesting any additional steps you might need to take at home such as eliminating certain foods or medications from their diet.

What is the cost of a Bioresonance session?

Many individuals are curious to experience Bioresonance therapy but uncertain how much it will cost. While individual session costs will depend on factors like number of sessions needed and symptoms being treated, many clinics and practitioners offer packages which reduce overall treatment costs significantly by including Bioresonance sessions along with other services like nutrition counseling or stress management in one package.

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive drug-free solution to address a wide variety of health conditions. It works by restoring natural balance to the body’s systems and supporting self-healing mechanisms; often utilized to treat allergies, food intolerances, musculoskeletal issues, chronic diseases and even autoimmune conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis MS or Crohn’s disease.

Oberon machines may be the only bioresonance scanners in existence that are capable of scanning all internal organs for frequency imbalances and using Non-Linear Statistical Analysis to identify them – offering precise diagnosis without resorting to invasive tests like MRIs or CT scans. Furthermore, these machines emit “healthy” frequencies into the body to promote healing – making them suitable for treating many different medical conditions.

Bioresonance therapy can also be applied to dogs, and is especially useful in cases of acute or chronic illness. Electromagnetic signals sent from bioresonance machines to their cells allow them to release any potentially harmful information that could be contributing to disease – this helps eliminate symptoms such as diarrhea, skin issues and itching in many instances.

Since Bioresonance is considered alternative medicine, it isn’t covered by standard health insurance plans; however, private and supplemental policies may cover its costs. Before commencing treatments it would be a wise idea to inquire directly with your provider and inquire as to their coverage as this may save considerable money in the long run.
