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BICOM Mobile Vet

The BICOM mobile VET analyses electromagnetic signals within your animal’s body, then sends back modified vibrations/therapy frequency patterns that neutralize any disturbed information and support his/her natural healing abilities.

At its core, functional medicine is a cause-oriented, holistic diagnostic and treatment concept designed to address allergies, pain relief and other ailments which don’t respond well to traditional medicines.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative form of medicine that uses electromagnetic frequencies to restore cellular equilibrium and activate the body’s natural healing processes. It can detect, identify and treat disease on multiple levels including physical, emotional and energetic ones without the use of needles, drugs or chemicals – providing an alternative healing approach without needles, pills or chemicals!

At a session, electrodes will be attached to your body surface and the machine emits a safe electromagnetic frequency which travels throughout your system. If a blockage or disturbance arises in your energy field, electromagnetic waves will return to the machine with information as to where there may be blockage; then another frequency will be emitted by it so as to “cancel out” an unhealthy one.

This can help to clear away parasites, making this especially helpful for people with low stomach acid. Furthermore, this therapy may address food allergies, inflammation conditions and chronic pain issues; during sessions you can even receive customized anti-inflammatory frequencies to address your individual health concerns.

The BICOM machine works closely with channels of vital energy flow similar to those in acupuncture, allowing healing information to freely pass. It can detect disruptions to homeostasis due to foreign substances blocking this flow; hence its effectiveness at restoring self-regulating and self-healing abilities within the body.

Consider yourself an instrument, with each organ and cell producing its own note; when sick or out-of-tune, however, these will create inharmonious frequencies which may produce distressful symptoms. Bioresonance machines scan electromagnetic waves within your body, identify disharmonious frequencies and neutralize them with magnetic frequencies. Monica Wong of Waveworks in Central has seen amazing results when treating animals using bioresonance. “They bring in their cigarettes with ashes from their first session, and after three sessions won’t even want to touch a cigarette again,” she says. It is an ideal tool to use on animals due to being so straightforward; treatments may last as little as 15 minutes.

How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?

The BICOM device reads electromagnetic oscillations sent out from our bodies, microorganisms or various substances using an energy-sensitive system. It then sends back modified vibration therapy frequencies patterns designed to counteract diseased oscillations while encouraging healthy ones.

Every substance, be it living or nonliving, vibrates with an energetic frequency measured in Hertz. Each frequency reflected back through their molecules to form resonance patterns which enable BICOM devices to detect any imbalances within the body and determine the source of illness or symptoms.

Iron filings contain their own magnetic fields that, if out of order, can trigger allergic reactions in people. Bioresonance therapy helps restore order to these fields by placing iron filings beneath a magnet – and allows your body to heal itself naturally.

BICOM device not only detects bioresonant imbalances in the body, but can also locate and eliminate toxins or stressors which cause such imbalances, so the immune system can better deal with them. This is one of the key advantages of bioresonance as patients often recover simply by eliminating what their bodies perceive as harmful influences.

BICOM devices are particularly notable because of their non-invasive nature. Most other bioresonance devices, like frequency generators, do not involve an actual feedback loop between body and device – rather, they merely send out one-way frequencies rather than receiving and reacting to them.

Controlled studies have not demonstrated that bioresonance machines can actually help reduce allergies, yet there is evidence suggesting they could. Bioresonance may do this by improving how antioxidants function within the body and decreasing free radical production, and clinical trials indicate it could reduce symptoms associated with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by helping the body use natural anti-inflammatory agents more efficiently.

What are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance therapy offers many advantages over conventional medical practices, including its ability to detect infections even before they manifest in symptoms, providing early treatment as needed and helping you understand which symptoms have an actual biological cause and which ones might just be psychosomatic.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective way of balancing out your biomagnetic field. It does this by emitting counter-frequencies that resonate with healthy cells while cancelling out diseased ones – much like how magnets rearrange iron filings in drawers.

Bioresonance therapy has been reported by many to help with allergies, urogenital disorders (such as cystitis or prostatitis), digestive issues and low immune defenses. Furthermore, it may help treat chronic pain conditions such as fibromyalgia.

Studies conducted to date have provided mixed or no evidence that bioresonance can effectively treat these conditions, many being uncontrolled and without comparison with a placebo treatment option. As the Food and Drug Administration has taken legal action against purveyors of electrical devices that make false health claims, the American Cancer Society advises patients against seeking treatments from unproven technologies (5).

Studies have demonstrated the potential benefit of bioresonance therapy for treating rheumatoid arthritis. It could work by altering how antioxidants function within the body, thus decreasing inflammation caused by RA. Furthermore, other research indicates it might improve lymphocyte functions in individuals living with RA – potentially decreasing inflammation while slowing progression of joint damage and slowing progression to arthritis.

How Can Bioresonance Therapy Help Me?

Bioresonance machines use electromagnetic vibrations emitted by all body cells to send back frequencies which help rebalance them when they become disharmonious. By understanding what each frequency represents and identifying organs or systems affected, such as an infection; bioresonance therapists will use specific frequencies that will eliminate it or restore energy flow through these systems.

BICOM Mobile VET is an innovative drug-free complementary medicine method which can assist the self-regulation of an organism and its natural healing abilities by reinforcing healthy signals while mitigating pathogenic resonances, to ensure smooth communication among cells.

As a result, the body can reduce its toxic or stress load, which often contributes to disease. Imagine the body as an empty barrel at birth which gradually becomes full with various substances which put strain on our systems over time. When functioning optimally, regulatory mechanisms prevent these substances from overflowing by processing and eliminating them quickly – otherwise disease occurs quickly as overflow takes hold and causes symptoms.

Bioresonance therapy allows therapists to identify and reduce toxic or stress loads. While bioresonance should not replace traditional medical care, its use should complement standard medications. Your therapist can assist in creating a diet and lifestyle plan tailored specifically to you that allows your body to release any accumulated toxins more naturally.

As well as treating various illnesses and diseases, BICOM machines are increasingly being used for prenatal care to detect any problems before birth, detect heavy metal poisoning and treat chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia. With more practitioners becoming certified to use these machines for these services, more and more doctors and other practitioners are turning towards them as treatments of choice.
