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Mora Nova Bioresonance

Mora Nova Bioresonance is an alternative therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to identify and treat health concerns in an effortless and relaxing manner.

Food allergy testing can identify food allergens and toxins to aid the body in detoxification, desensitizing harmless substances and strengthening immune systems.

MORA screening entails a 40-point test using electrodes on fingertips and toes connected with acupuncture meridians, to measure energetic balance after treatment compared with its state before. This gives rise to an energetic profile which can then be compared with that before your session began.

It’s painless

The Mora Nova bioresonance device is an innovative German instrument designed to assist your body in self-regulation. Using acupuncture points on hands or feet as connecting points for connecting with electromagnetic vibrations sent into the body via electromagnetic frequency generators, electromagnetic vibrations are then converted to harmonic frequencies which your body uses for healing itself and eliminating toxins from your system.

Painlessly, energy healing sessions will have an incredible effect on your overall health. They will reduce stress levels and boost energy, leaving you feeling rejuvenated both mentally and physically. In addition, these sessions can strengthen digestion and immune systems as well as prevent allergies by eliminating food intolerances or sensitivities; even treating their source.

Allergies are caused by disharmonious cellular frequencies in your body. By rebalancing these frequencies through mora nova bioresonance therapy, mora nova bioresonance can effectively identify and treat allergies while also helping manage digestive disorders, chronic pain and fatigue by restoring energetic systems balance.

Mora Nova goes beyond its standard set to offer more convenient allergy tests and treatments with its new program interface, making the entire experience simpler and individualized therapy possibilities accessible in less than 20 minutes. Allergy treatment sessions will leave your skin looking healthier afterward!

The Mora NOVA features an one-piece compact design, making it simple and straightforward to transport and carry with ease. Its screen is clear and fluid to navigate, supporting multiple languages for use as well as remote assistance/updates via Internet connectivity. Furthermore, its practical use feature minimizes cables while its cups firmly stay anchored into their slots in front of the device for convenient storage.

Mora nova was designed with input from doctors and therapists, making it an extremely user-friendly and versatile bioresonance treatment device. Operable via touchscreen, mouse and keyboard or connected directly to a computer for data storage purposes allowing information to be printed out or therapy before-and-after comparisons to be conducted.

It’s natural

Mora Nova Bioresonance is an integrative technique designed to detect food intolerances and imbalances within the body, identify possible root causes of disorders, and aid natural healing processes. This German device is noninvasive and safe – perfect for people looking to avoid pharmaceutical drugs and other harsh treatments.

Franz Morell and Erich Rasche designed the Mora bioresonance device over three decades ago. This machine utilizes electromagnetic frequency emissions from your body to compare with healthy patterns stored on its memory chip, and then transmits frequencies accordingly for physiological results.

Bioresonance technology is founded on energy medicine principles. When engaging in a session, users connect to the Mora Nova device with electrodes placed on hands and feet; these electrodes measure electromagnetic field measurements from within their bodies and display eight values at both the beginning and end of every session; eight at each phase correspond with organ vibrations associated with disease symptoms, so if particular frequencies resonate within organ electromagnetic fields this indicates there may be imbalance within their bodies that must be addressed immediately.

Mora Nova Bioresonance Device provides more than just identification; it can also assist patients in eliminating imbalances through various methods. For instance, electromagnetic pulses whose frequencies match those of toxic substances can help the liver and kidneys expel toxins more effectively; breaking down heavy metals (like mercury and lead) will be broken down faster while improving absorption of nutrients are other advantages it can bring to health.

Mora Nova utilizes advanced technology that regulates body frequencies and aligns bioenergetic fields, stimulating natural healing processes for faster recovery without drugs. Mora nova can even identify cellular-level toxins and neutralize them at molecular level; additionally it can detect blood-based toxins for efficient detoxification processes that far surpass conventional approaches.

It’s effective

Mora Nova bioresonance uses sophisticated electronic equipment to detect imbalances in cellular frequencies and support the body’s self-healing process. It has proven highly successful at treating hormonal imbalances, joint pain and digestive disorders; alleviating symptoms of stress and anxiety while improving sleep; treating nutritional deficiencies and detoxifying against toxic overload; as well as detecting and correcting allergies which may become severe in certain people.

The MORA machine was first invented by physicist Franz Morell and electrical engineering technician Erich Rasche during their research into electroacupuncture. Since its creation, it has become widely adopted by practitioners worldwide and used for treating numerous conditions. A session typically involves connecting hand, foot and head electrodes to the MORA machine for connection. A practitioner then selects therapy programs which match up with patient energy profiles using 40-point screening results to address problematic or weak areas within their bodies.

After conducting a retest to compare their energetic profile before and after treatment, these results are used to create a personalized treatment plan with suggestions such as diet and lifestyle adjustments, herbal supplements or detox protocols for maximum effect. Treatment is noninvasive yet produces fast-acting long-term benefits.

Studies have proven the efficacy of mora nova bioresonance treatment in treating various conditions, such as hormonal imbalances, digestive issues and insomnia. One clinical trial saw significant improvements after just one treatment; other research suggests weight loss and smoking cessation as benefits as well.

Mora Nova is an invaluable device for allergy testing and treatment, as its advanced technology enables it to identify disharmonious cellular frequencies caused by allergens, as well as any sources of inflammation or imbalance within the body (e.g. nutritional imbalances) causing discordant cellular frequencies that lead to allergic reactions or boost immunity levels. Mora Nova stands out as more accurate and efficient than older devices thanks to a wider frequency scanning range and higher therapy success rates.

It’s affordable

MORA NOVA is the latest iteration of Franz Morell and Erich Rasche’s bioresonance method, created over forty years ago. As an advanced device it offers both screening and treatment capabilities with three technologies combined for maximum results.

This device is extremely easy to use, making it a popular choice among practitioners. Furthermore, its many features allow patients to understand the treatment process more clearly, which increases comfort during sessions and ultimately yields greater results. This device can treat many different ailments including allergies, digestive disorders and fatigue.

Allergies and intolerances may be caused by inharmonic cellular frequencies. Mora nova therapy can identify these frequencies to restore equilibrium within your body and aid natural healing processes. Furthermore, this therapy may also be effective against chronic pain issues that stem from these imbalances as well as digestive complaints that also stem from them.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that all matter vibrates at specific frequencies, measured in Hertz (Hz). Mora Nova bioresonance can detect these vibrations and compare them with frequencies found within our bodies if there is an exact match. If one exists, Mora nova will display an image of that substance and indicate its location within our bodies.

Mora Nova can help diagnose various symptoms, such as allergy symptoms, food intolerances and environmental allergies. Furthermore, it can identify any toxins or heavy metals present in the body – helping you avoid medications or toxic stressors and improving overall health in turn.

Bioresonance treatment of smokers has proven its success rate for helping them quit. A study conducted by Pihtilia and colleagues demonstrated this by showing significantly higher cessation rates among subjects treated with bioresonance than among those receiving simulated treatments, and they could quit one week, two weeks, month, and yearly after their treatments had taken place.

Bioresonance therapy offers a safe and natural method to combat allergens and intolerances, and may be combined with traditional medical treatments to address chronic pain, digestive issues, fatigue and related ailments.
