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BICOM Allergy Test

Bioresonance allergy testing is a noninvasive way of identifying food intolerances and imbalances in the body, using electromagnetic waves generated from BICOM devices that mimic different food types. Test results typically appear within hours after being conducted.

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Bioresonance therapy differs significantly from standard skin tests in terms of both its invasiveness and convenience, not requiring blood samples for testing purposes. Instead, bioresonance uses DNA samples of its subjects and sends electromagnetic waves at them – depending on how their DNA responds, practitioners will have an indication of which foods the patient may be allergic to.

Food allergies are caused by an immune system’s overreaction to certain substances that it perceives as threats. Reactions can range from no noticeable symptoms at all to life-threatening anaphylaxis; allergy testing can help identify their source and lessen symptoms produced, as well as detect other issues like bloating fatigue and difficulty breathing.

Traditional methods for food allergy testing can be uncomfortable or painful, and they are sometimes subject to errors. Thankfully, new technology has emerged to enhance these tests – bicom allergy test is an example of such technology; noninvasive and painless testing that can detect up to 975 potential allergens!

BICOM machines used with this method emit electromagnetic waves similar to what the body emits when reacting with certain allergens, and analyze this reaction and provide feedback to practitioners, helping them pinpoint which substances may be causing patients discomfort. Furthermore, these tests can also be used to diagnose food intolerance, which differs from an allergy.

Although many may be skeptical of this novel type of allergy testing, it has proven effective at relieving symptoms associated with food allergies as well as diagnosing diseases that affect the immune system, such as cancer and cardiovascular disease. Furthermore, this approach to testing is completely safe for infants and pregnant women; however it should be noted that over-the-counter medication such as antihistamines, antacids, nasal sprays may interfere with its results; additionally it is advised to refrain from caffeine consumption prior to any allergy tests for best results.


Allergy testing is one of the key components to diagnosing food intolerances and allergies. There are various tests on the market, including patch tests and pin prick tests; however, not all are accurate; according to NHS website these are effective at testing pollen allergies (tree pollen during March/April; grass/lawn pollen/weed pollen during May-June/July-August), dust allergies (dust in particular is useful), chemicals (pet hair is another), mold/fungus growths as well as some drugs; they just aren’t very accurate when testing food-borne allergies or intolerances.

Alternative practitioners also offer several allergy tests, such as vega testing (which measures electromagnetic currents via electrodes on fingertips and toes); pulse testing, which involves taking your pulse after eating something suspected to be allergenic; and ALCAT tests (which look for antibodies in blood that indicate inflammation). Unfortunately, none of these are scientifically validated so should be avoided.

Bioresonance tests are noninvasive alternatives to traditional allergy tests that have proven more effective at diagnosing food intolerances and allergies, testing for bacteria, parasites, as well as chronic diseases like IBD or autoimmune conditions. Bioresonance is a safe and non-invasive solution that is an ideal option for chronic conditions like IBD or autoimmune disease.

The BICOM optima device can detect cellular imbalances and help the body restore its own healing ability by scanning for various substances like vitamins, minerals, hormones and metals in your body. After scanning you body the machine compares its findings against electromagnetic frequencies from food drinks or other items preloaded onto its database to make an assessment.

Once the results of the BICOM test have been assessed, your therapist will use them to identify which foods are triggering an allergic response in you and recommend changes. They’ll also arrange therapy sessions tailored specifically for healing symptoms that will restore natural equilibrium to your body so you can continue enjoying healthy meals while leading an active life – without interfering with medications you’re currently taking.


The BICOM allergy test provides an efficient and painless alternative to blood tests or traditional skin prick tests. It scans your body for reactions to food frequencies – identifying allergies, intolerances and sensitivities to hundreds of items including foods, minerals, vitamins, hormones and metals. Furthermore, unlike blood and urine tests results won’t be affected by recent food consumption so diagnosing what’s causing discomfort should be easy.

Allergies affect our bodies by sending over-reactive immune cells against foreign substances that appear as threats, creating immune reactions that result in symptoms such as sneezing, runny nose and itchy eyes and throat. Most food allergies can be treated using over-the-counter antihistamines; if severe reactions arise however, doctors should be consulted immediately; for severe reactions it may be necessary to seek professional medical assistance immediately – the BICOM allergy test can identify which allergens are contributing to symptoms as well as provide advice regarding optimal solutions based on research conducted on previous analyses done on similar populations.

Before beginning a BICOM allergy test, the practitioner will thoroughly cleanse a small patch of skin on either your arm or back and may use numbing cream. Be sure to remove all makeup or skincare products prior to the test; button-down shirt or sleeveless top are ideal as these provide easier access to testing area; long hair should either be tied back under a hat for better access; antihistamines should not be taken prior to testing.

After cleaning the area, your therapist will place small samples of each tested item onto the test site, using the BICOM device to measure electromagnetic waves created by body reactions to these items and frequencies. It then provides a list of foods you are sensitive to along with scores that measure its severity.

By using the BICOM optima, practitioners can detect and address seasonal allergy symptoms, environmental toxicity accumulation, food sensitivities and digestive concerns. Furthermore, low-energy electromagnetic fields help activate and restore our bodies’ self-healing powers – an excellent solution for patients of all ages looking for root causes of their health issues without incurring expensive or invasive medical procedures.


If you’re experiencing bloating, rashes and other allergy-related symptoms, taking an intolerance test might be your solution. These allergy and intolerance tests allow you to pinpoint foods which trigger these symptoms – eliminating them from your diet for good! Plus, results are fast, accurate and noninvasive with simple interpretation that will help identify any foods which might trigger allergic reactions in the future.

The BICOM device emits electromagnetic waves that correspond with frequencies found in different food items, then assesses your body’s response to them before providing feedback to your healthcare practitioner. It serves as a viable alternative to traditional allergy testing methods that rely on blood samples; one study has even demonstrated its efficacy at alleviating allergy symptoms in patients, with scores decreasing from 9.4 points down to 2.5, representing an impressive improvement.

Allergies and food intolerances can cause an array of health problems, from bloating and fatigue to respiratory conditions. While conventional medicine treats allergies using medication, naturopathic remedies have proven more successful – for instance bioresonance therapy uses computerized technology to diagnose your immune system and identify what triggers its symptoms.

Bioresonance screening tests, unlike its more widely utilized cousins such as vega and electrodermal testing, is more accurate due to using information gleaned from quantum physics to evaluate your body. Furthermore, unlike these other exams which utilize skin pricks as part of their results gathering process, bioresonance uses non-intrusive technology that utilizes bioresonance resonance for accurate assessment – ideal for babies who may be uncomfortable with needles.
