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3D Bio Resonance Scan

Every organ and system of your body has a specific energy frequency that vibrates at its optimal pace. When an imbalance occurs, frequencies are sent directly into your body that help neutralise these frequencies to restore equilibrium in accordance with your blueprint balance.

3D-MRI images revealed a linear relationship between bioanode volume and total nitrogen content (Figs. 4A and B). Furthermore, this data provided evidence of nondestructive, noninvasive techniques being utilized.

A Holistic Approach to Health

3d bio resonance scan is a noninvasive medical scan technique that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to assess your health. This technique has been employed successfully to treat various health conditions, including allergies, digestive disorders, chronic pain, hormonal imbalances and emotional imbalances as well as promote overall well-being as a preventative measure. While 3d bio resonance scanning may seem beneficial for some situations, it should not replace other therapies; rather it should complement their use together for maximum benefit.

Every cell, tissue and organ in the human body emits electromagnetic wave frequencies with differing electromagnetic wave frequencies emitted by healthy and diseased cells. Pathogens, waste toxins, adverse stress responses or chemical or hormonal imbalances may all alter this natural frequency emitted from cells and tissues and lead to illness and disease; bioresonance therapy seeks to restore these natural frequencies so as to aid the body’s natural healing processes and help it return back into balance.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that all living things emit vibrational frequencies that can be measured using specialized devices called bioresonance scanners. Electrodes transmit electromagnetic signals through the body and then detect any return signals, providing data analysis of health problems or imbalances and proposing treatment plans to address any imbalances identified during scan.

The bioresonance scan is an extremely precise diagnostic tool that can accurately pinpoint a range of health problems. Additionally, this device can identify which supplements and homeopathic remedies will most effectively treat an individual condition – making the bioresonance scan the ideal way to find treatments tailored to each person’s unique needs. Whether suffering from chronic pain, emotional imbalance or autoimmune disease; bioresonance scanning provides invaluable guidance towards finding suitable remedies.

The Physiospect is an innovative bioresonance scanner designed to detect imbalances within your body and offer solutions for improving it. This advanced scanner can determine which organs and tissues emit certain frequencies that could help identify their root cause of symptoms.


Contrasting with X-rays, CT scans and ultrasounds which only offer information on the outside surface of your body, 3D scanning offers more accurate and less invasive imaging solutions that capture internal geometry like bone, tissue and organ structures. Furthermore, data capture times are faster making this method of imaging much simpler to use.

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that utilizes magnetic fields and radiofrequency pulses to produce three-dimensional detailed images of the human body without harming any tissue. MRIs are widely used for diagnosing, monitoring treatment, assessing effectiveness of surgeries as well as their monitoring over time. Their non-invasive nature makes MRI an appealing choice among many patients and doctors.

Every living organism possesses an electromagnetic field with distinctive frequencies and voltages; healthy cells show distinctive frequencies and voltages from unhealthy ones, providing bio-resonance Scan with access to scientific knowledge that allows it to analyze health and healing states of tissues in various organs.

An integrative health approach recognizes that imbalances or abnormalities in one part of the body may have adverse repercussions in other areas, so it’s crucial to identify and address any factors contributing to poor health; using a bio resonance scanner in The Hague can assist you with this goal.

Our Life Expert device conducts a comprehensive health analysis using 47 functional indicators from your organs and systems, to find effective remedies that will shift your energy towards being more healthy while relieving any burdens impeding healing processes.

As part of our Dietary Scan, our Dietary Scan analyzes the energetic impact of food and environmental irritants to help you create a balanced diet, while Remedy Scan takes away any guesswork when selecting remedies from herbs, homeopathy and nutritional supplements.

Bio Resonance Scan was designed for use by all members of a household, providing early detection of various health conditions before any physical symptoms appear. By taking preventative steps early, our Bio Resonance Scan allows families to avoid serious diseases that might otherwise arise in later years.


Every cell and organ in your body releases vibration frequencies of an electromagnetic nature, which play an essential role in how well they function. When your body is healthy, these frequencies work harmoniously together; but if imbalance occurs due to exposure to toxins or the accumulation of waste products in your system, it could lead to chronic illness. Our bioresonance scanner can detect these imbalances and help restore optimal health conditions in no time!

Scanning technology can be extremely helpful because it identifies potential health issues at their earliest stages, when treatment will often yield better results and be easier. As it provides noninvasive health monitoring capabilities, scanning technology may prove particularly helpful for individuals at high risk of cancer or wanting to take an active part in managing their own wellbeing.

MRI scans are an invaluable way to diagnose problems in bones, brains, pelvic areas and other parts of the body. They’re also great at measuring effectiveness of certain treatments or uncovering hidden issues – using powerful magnets and radio waves, these scans create clear images without radiation exposure that allow physicians to diagnose or track progress during treatments.

While an MRI machine can be complex and dangerous to use, the bio resonance scanner is much simpler and safer to operate. Utilizing sensors that detect variations in electrical conductivity between parts of your body, bio resonance scanners quickly identify illnesses as their root cause. At its heart lies its non-ionizing radiation use, making it a safer alternative to MRIs. Furthermore, this tool can identify imbalances within your body such as food sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, stress or environmental factors that negatively impact health; additionally it can identify which supplements would provide the greatest return in terms of time and money savings for you – giving peace of mind that proactive health management measures have been taken by yourself or on behalf of loved ones.


Bio Resonance Scanning was once used by Russian cosmonauts to assess their health before space missions; today it can offer noninvasive, stress-free and effective insight into your body. The technology looks for frequencies of toxins, bacteria and viruses which prevent your body from healing properly – leading to sickness in some cases.

At Vitatec in The Hague, our bioresonance scanner uses frequency spectra from electromagnetic nature (commonly referred to as vibration frequencies) to conduct an in-depth scan on your body and identify imbalances using what they refer to as “vital fields”. A comprehensive scan measures energy from 130 organs and systems across your entire system and displays a graphic report with variances from blueprint balance from 1-9. Additionally, this report displays any resonance-causing diet sensitivities, nutritional imbalances or toxic substances preventing you from reaching homeostasis – as well as any resonating sensitivities or nutritional imbalances or toxic contaminants which are hindering you reaching true homeostasis.

Vitatec manufactures an FDA-approved testing machine called the BioScan for our use, which we utilize depending on your unique needs and current state of health. One or more essential BioScans could include:
