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BICOM Bioresonance Machine For Sale

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative diagnostic and treatment method used as part of complementary medicine. Doctors and naturopathic practitioners alike recognize BICOM optima as an easy-to-integrate method that complements conventional treatment approaches.

Stresses and overloads in the organism that compromise its own self-healing mechanisms are identified through resonance tests and treated without pain or side effects – making the resonance test an ideal method to address health complaints such as general weakness, allergies with itching symptoms, parasite infestations and more.

How does bioresonance work?

Human beings are energetic bodies; each cell containing magnetic or “biomagnetic” fields that correspond with its energy. If there is an imbalance in this field, symptoms like pain or fever may arise; bioresonance therapy can restore balance by emitting frequencies which resonate back through to your cells to restore equilibrium in this biomagnetic field.

BICOM device detects electromagnetic waves emitted by cells and other substances in your body using an electronic resonance circuit, then boosts healthy electromagnetic waves while inverting or cancelling out harmful ones to reduce their impact on you and send harmonised electromagnetic waves back out to them for improved normal function or healing support.

BICOM can also collect biomagnetic information from outside your body, including egg or milk substances that stress you out. This data is then run through internal filters which filter out harmonious from disharmonious frequency patterns before sending both back through mirror circuits for inversion before returning them back to you body.

Contrary to most therapeutic approaches, sessions on the BICOM mobile VET are completely noninvasive, making them suitable for children over four years of age and pregnant women alike. This method is not meant to treat diseases; rather it’s designed to help your body reduce its toxic load and return to a state of self-regulation so it can start healing itself again. Professional users of BICOM devices include veterinarians, veterinary naturopaths and trained medical staff. REGUMED provides a two-day compulsory course on bioresonance theory as well as training on how to operate its optima mobile device – for more information regarding this device don’t hesitate to get in touch.

What are the benefits of bioresonance therapy?

An optimally functioning body allows electromagnetic wavelengths of energy to resonate harmoniously; when dissonances arise in its biomagnetic field, healing processes become compromised and illness ensues. The BICOM bioresonance device can identify imbalances within your bioresonant field and assist in restoring equilibrium; its noninvasive approach makes it perfect for humans as well as animals alike.

Bioresonance therapy can provide relief for physical discomfort, enhance immunity and diminish sensitivity, as well as aid detoxification processes and boost overall well-being.

The bioresonance machine measures the frequency of energy waves emitted by your body and compares this signal against an extensive database of known illnesses, identifying what various frequencies indicate – for instance one might indicate liver cells have become dysfunctional while another points toward viruses or allergens – thus helping restore equilibrium back into your system, improving health and eliminating disease. The machine then emits counterfrequencies to restore harmony in the body while alleviating disease.

Bioresonance therapy is not considered mainstream medical practice and falls into the realm of alternative medicine; however, it may provide useful as an auxiliary approach in helping individuals gain greater insight into their bodies. Furthermore, it may provide information regarding which foods provide positive effects versus those likely to trigger inflammation or cause other issues.

To discover how bioresonance can support your health, speak to a naturopath or health professional for more information. They will recommend the ideal treatment options tailored specifically to you and your body.

Regumed has been producing bioresonance devices since 1987, catering to different user needs with models like the simple yet straightforward BICOM optima to the more advanced BICOM optima mobil. Therapists traveling and offering home visits frequently use mobile versions, while our therapist finder makes it easy to locate someone offering bioresonance therapy through this device.

How do I use bioresonance therapy?

Bioresonance therapy is an innocuous noninvasive therapy without injections or needles required, using electrodes placed on your skin connected to a machine emitting electromagnetic frequencies which travel throughout your body and then return. If a frequency is harmful or unhealthy, bioresonance machines are programmed to apply specific frequencies that “cancel out” those signals so cells function normally once more.

BICOM device features various applicators that can read disease oscillations, stress zones, inflammatory processes, allergy/intolerance reactions, mineral/electrophite balances in the organism as well as chronic deficiencies or toxic elements present within. Furthermore, this tool can identify energetic interference zones or electrosmog.

Healthy cells vibrating at their optimal frequency send an impulse that stimulates self healing mechanisms in our organisms, but when one vibrates at an inappropriate frequency this sets off a chain reaction which ultimately results in disease or health complaints.

Regumed has designed its BICOM optima bioresonance device to address these health issues by transmitting natural physical information directly into organs and tissue for balance restoration, supporting healing of existing health complaints while helping identify new ones.

Bioresonance not only balances energy functions in the body, but can also provide pain relief, allergies and intolerance treatments, gastro-intestinal disorders, smoking cessation, insomnia fatigue rheumatoid arthritis as well as various symptoms and illnesses.

The treatment is gentle on humans as well as animals such as horses. Equine therapists, veterinarians and naturopaths all utilize bioresonance devices such as the BICOM device to address respiratory problems in horses as well as lameness, arthritis, metabolic disorders, chronic inflammations and many other symptoms associated with them. Bioresonance therapies often prove highly successful at relieving chronic cough in particular.

Bioresonance treatments typically resolve horse’s coughs quickly and painlessly, leaving the animal feeling much calmer and relaxed. Tests and treatments are fast, painless and stress-free – with many horses even standing and eating hay during sessions without experiencing any stress or side effects from treatment.

What is the cost of bioresonance therapy?

If your animal is experiencing stress and disease, bioresonance therapy could help restore their natural energy flow. With the BICOM-Optima device from your vet, they’ll be able to identify and address causes with electromagnetic frequencies which won’t harm them or other animals.

Each organ and cell in our bodies emit electromagnetic wave patterns that resonate harmoniously with healthy organisms while dissonantly with ill ones. BICOM-Optima can detect these frequencies and transmit them back into our systems in order to harmonize and match them – thus supporting and encouraging natural self-healing processes within us.

The BICOM-Optima from Germany represents the latest evolution in bioresonance therapy and provides more thorough analyses of stresses and ailments than earlier models. Furthermore, its second input channel allows constitutional support treatments to be administered simultaneously; and can even detect electrosmog emissions. Compatible with other modalities like acupuncture treatments as well as electrosmog exposure monitoring capabilities makes this an excellent way of treating horses – many veterinary practitioners even utilize it alongside holistic approaches in treating their clients!

A BICOM session is completely non-invasive, pain-free and stress-free for both the pet and owner, lasting two or three 20-30 minute sessions over several sessions for more serious cases of illness. Your veterinarian will be able to provide more details following an initial consultation session about how many treatments will be required depending on clinical picture, potential therapy blockages and previous illnesses – you’ll get more info from them after their initial consult session! The BICOM-Optima bioresonance device has already been adopted by hundreds of vets across Germany who offer it alongside traditional medicine with many animal health insurances covering its costs as a supplementary solution for covering costs associated with traditional medicine practices – your veterinarian should have more information at this stage!

Only qualified veterinary naturopaths and vets are qualified to use BICOM-Optima bioresonance devices in their practices; prior to being permitted, they must attend a training course. A therapist finder can be used to find practices authorized to offer BICOM bioresonance in Germany; otherwise you can reach out one of BICOM bioresonance‘s international partners who can find an appropriate therapist for you.
