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Mary Bucher Bioresonance Practitioner

Mary has worked in herbal and natural healing modalities since 1985, including botanical medicine, naturopathic midwifery, traditional food medicine and holistic wellness. Her expertise has been featured in numerous magazines and collaborative books on these subjects.

Bioresonance practitioners claim that healthy cells and organs emit electromagnetic signals; their machines can detect any frequency disturbances which might lead to disease; according to them, their devices can then correct those frequencies to restore health to your body.

What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Bioresonance works on the theory that cells of our bodies release energy frequencies that can be measured, analysed, and adjusted to correct imbalances that cause health conditions. Bioresonance machines “read” these energy frequencies before emitting vibrations to help heal them in our bodies.

Bioresonance was advertised to treat conditions such as fibromyalgia, anxiety and depression; however, the Ad Standards Agency found no sufficient clinical evidence to back these claims up. Furthermore, their ads were unbalanced, overemphasising the benefits and failing to give clear or accurate information regarding its potential risks.

Bioresonance research remains limited; nonetheless, some studies have demonstrated its efficacy. One such comparison found that when using bioresonance for smoking cessation as opposed to placebo treatment, an impressive percentage of individuals treated by bioresonance machines managed to quit in one session alone.

Bioresonance can also be an effective treatment option for allergies. By scanning for harmful substances and electronically inverting their frequency to cancel out each other, bioresonance helps remove them without creating new toxins in the environment.

Bioresonance can also be used to assess whether or not your body is receiving all the essential vitamins and nutrients it requires from food or supplements, since deficiencies can lead to illness and disease. Furthermore, it can identify if stress-related health conditions exist within your body, with bioresonance helping alleviate those effects by relaxing the sympathetic nervous system.

Bioresonance therapy has also been proven effective at aiding those suffering from gastrointestinal conditions. One such study, using the Mora bioresonance device to address symptoms associated with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, found that 74% of participants experienced relief while only 37% did without treatment (vs only 37% who didn’t). Another research paper on treating Fibromyalgia revealed that when combined with manual and point massage therapies it proved more successful than either one alone.

How is Bioresonance Therapy Used?

Bioresonance therapy posits that diseased organs and cells emit electromagnetic waves which differ from healthy ones, and that adjusting these unhealthy waves back into alignment will restore one’s health. Electronic devices read energy wavelengths emitted by the body to diagnose what’s wrong; then emit frequencies which “normalize” harmful electromagnetic waves to eliminate disease symptoms and hopefully heal patients – often promoted as holistic medicine and cancer treatment devices.

The device’s scans and frequencies supposedly enable practitioners to identify imbalances within the body, with its sensors picking up signals from various parts of both individuals’ bodies and even from people outside them. Original bioresonance signals are modified using resonance frequency patterns then sent back into the body using applicators placed on forehead, hands, feet or organ areas/reflex zones – helping your body rebalance itself quickly by returning it to its natural state as quickly as possible – this should allow healing itself at an astounding speed!

Studies on bioresonance therapies have produced mixed results; however, some have demonstrated its usefulness for certain conditions. One fibromyalgia study demonstrated how using bioresonance therapy alongside manual massage and point treatment provided more relief from muscular pain than when not receiving it. Another gastrointestinal disease research showed how bioresonance therapy helped them detoxify, decreasing levels of acid in their stomachs while alleviating symptoms like abdominal pain, fatigue and insomnia.

Bioresonance has also been touted as a useful way of aiding weight loss by showing whether or not your diet or supplements provide sufficient vitamins or minerals, and by detecting parasites or infections such as parasite fasting. Furthermore, it’s often recommended for detoxification programs and as an aid to other detox methods like juice fasting or an elimination diet.

Studies have demonstrated the ability of bioresonance therapy to assist in managing some allergies and intolerances, and smoking cessation. A controlled trial on this subject found that individuals receiving bioresonance therapy in combination with support groups and counseling experienced higher success rates when trying to quit than those who just had counseling alone.

What Are the Benefits of Bioresonance Therapy?

bioresonance therapy offers some fascinating and unique aspects. For instance, machines use electromagnetic frequencies to scan your energy field, with signals they receive providing insight into your health – for instance detecting imbalances in liver cells or allergies and emitting counter frequency signals to correct them and help the body heal itself.

Bioresonance machines provide signals back to your body which can reveal which vitamins or minerals you may be lacking. Understanding which are lacking will enable you to focus on making healthier food choices when selecting meals; additionally it may alert you of foods with potentially detrimental compounds that will wreak havoc with your system, such as those high in inflammation levels.

Additionally, this machine can detect imbalances in your hormones – this feature can be especially helpful for women suffering from conditions like PMS (menstrual pains), hot flushes or insomnia. Furthermore, balancing your hormones so they’re no longer contributing to symptoms like bloating and headaches can also be achieved with this tool.

Bioresonance therapy has long been touted as an effective means to address numerous ailments, from food intolerances and digestive issues, heart disease and arthritis, skin problems such as eczema or psoriasis, fatigue and sleep disturbances – even though none of these claims has yet been proven, some do seem plausible.

Bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement for medical advice; therefore it’s wise to seek professional guidance prior to making this choice. For your own safety and best health outcomes, always seek advice from qualified health professionals prior to seeking this kind of therapy.

What is the Cost of Bioresonance Therapy?

Cost of bioresonance therapy sessions varies based on your chosen practitioner and services offered, with packages including multiple sessions typically needed to achieve results often providing greater savings compared to paying individually for individual sessions. It’s essential that you find a qualified practitioner offering all of the services that meet your requirements at a price you can afford.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that matter is composed of energy frequencies. When cells or organs become unhealthy, their electromagnetic waves emit altered electromagnetic waves which are detected by the BICOM device and sent a signal back into their original states; this helps restore balance within your body while encouraging its natural self-healing mechanisms.

Bioresonance therapy stands out from conventional medicine by being noninvasive and free from side effects, unlike its counterpart. Not only can it reduce pain but it can also assist with emotional or mental distress as well as parasites and harmful pathogens; its BICOM device even detects cancer-causing genetic mutations!

Alternative medicine utilizes quantum physics principles which assert that all physical matter consists of energy wavelengths. BICOM technology utilizes medical imaging technology to monitor energy wavelengths in the body. It can detect frequency of electromagnetic waves emitted by healthy cells as well as frequencies emitted by unhealthy ones; using this data, customized programs can then be created that restore balance to cells and tissues of the body.

Many individuals with chronic health conditions such as fibromyalgia have found bioresonance therapy helpful in alleviating their symptoms. Not only can it relieve pain, but bioresonance therapy has been known to enhance sleep quality and decrease temperature sensitivity. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy is effective on animals too – such as horses where it may relieve chronic coughs completely.

Bioresonance therapy is a natural healing approach that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances within the body and correct them. It has been successfully used to treat numerous health conditions, such as fibromyalgia, digestive problems, musculoskeletal issues and mental illnesses. Furthermore, treatment sessions tend to be painless and stress-free with many patients reporting feeling relaxed afterward.
