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YouTube Remote Healing

Remote healing on YouTube is an incredible method that harnesses energy and intention, similar to how music can move you even when you aren’t at a live performance.

Previous studies have concluded that information available on YouTube regarding rehabilitation and RTS tends to be of low-quality. This study conducted an analysis on videos classified as educational-physician, educational-nonphysician, personal testimony or commercial.

Preparing for a Session

Create an ideal setting in your home for healing sessions by setting aside an area that is free from distractions, and being aware of any physical or mental restrictions or limitations which need to be considered by your healer. Also it helps if all tools required for the session – pendulums, crystals, tarot cards etc – are ready for use prior to starting sessions – this includes pendulums, crystals tarot cards or any other devices which help invoke life force energy – are already ready.

At your session, you will sit comfortably while your healer creates an energetic link with you by channeling healing energy from higher sources. To facilitate the process further, you can assist the process by clearing away negative energies in your environment while adding in high frequency sounds such as music, candles, and chimes (provided they’re safe in your house) that could add higher frequencies into the room.

As healing energy moves through your body and emotions, you may experience a sense of peace and clarity. You might see colors or images, or have feelings of warmth and love; sometimes even experiencing sudden body movements as it releases what no longer serves you. The effects of a healing session can last several weeks post session depending on its depth of penetration into your energy field.

Remote healing works on the principle that all living things are linked in an energy network; vibration and frequency are intrinsic parts of everything around us; our thoughts act like electromagnetic waves which impact on both ourselves and those in our environment; this explains why healing energy can be received over the internet or phone calls and letters, or through scientific theories like Rupert Sheldrake’s Morphogenic Field theory which connects animals and plants together while HeartMath studies have proven how our emotions can literally move objects through space.

Remote healing is an extension of ancient traditions, providing effective results without having to travel far for treatment. Modern technology makes remote healing accessible for everyone who desires it; even those unable to travel due to extreme health issues or limited mobility can enjoy its benefits.

During the Session

If you find a practitioner offering remote healing sessions, schedule a time and date. Your session will involve the practitioner using energy to clear, balance and revitalize your energy to help make you feel better. They may use different kinds of vibrations around their bodies or physical sensations such as waves of warmth; or they might use vibrations or other forms of touch in order to release old energies from their physical bodies. A live session can just as effective; Reiki practitioners emphasize its success depends on intention as much as anything else.

At a session, you can lie or sit comfortably in a quiet environment with eyes closed or partially open.
