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Holistic Bioresonance Testing for Food Allergies and Food Intolerances

Holistic bioresonance testing can be helpful for individuals suffering from food intolerances, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia or just an overall sense that something is wrong in their bodies. A bioresonance machine scans a strand of hair as part of this test.

Based on the theory that diseased cells produce different frequencies of energy wavelengths than healthy ones, adding back in these frequencies may treat disease.

Identifying Food Intolerances

Food intolerance tests can help identify which foods are causing issues for you, helping you determine which ones must be avoided in order to feel better. Unlike allergy testing which requires repeatedly pricking the skin in order to check antibodies that cause symptoms, bioresonance intolerance tests are painless – and an ideal alternative for people who wish to forgoing such testing as it is safer and less invasive.

Testing using electromagnetic waves, this testing technique recognises that everything around us emits frequencies which the body responds to either positively or negatively, such as food, beverages and chemicals. Although considered complementary and alternative medicine (CAM), its acceptance by mainstream doctors or researchers remains somewhat dubious.

These tests rely on the principle that all living organisms emit resonance energy that can be measured using a bioresonance machine. This device measures the resonance energy emitted by one strand of hair and compares it with frequencies listed on a computer database to determine if an item is positive or negative for one’s body, and any imbalances caused by it.

Some of the most widely-used tests claim they can identify nutritional deficiencies, overexposure to heavy metals and food intolerances. Some studies have supported such claims while other have not.

One study demonstrated that people receiving bioresonance therapy treatment for asthmatic conditions saw improvement after just one session, though this does not constitute diagnosis or treatment of disease; rather, bioresonance therapy provides information regarding diet and other possible factors related to symptoms that may have arisen as a result.

Food elimination diets are an effective way of testing food intolerances. They involve restricting or eliminating certain groups of foods – typically dairy products, wheat products, coffee beans and additives – from your diet in an attempt to alleviate symptoms. While this approach can sometimes work effectively, before doing this it is wise to consult a nutritionist first as excessively cutting back can result in nutrient deficiency issues and ultimately deplete vital resources from your system.

Identifying Food Allergies

Food intolerance typically only presents symptoms when specific types of foods are eaten; while food allergies often present an immediate and sometimes severe reaction. Common symptoms of food allergies can include stomach pain, diarrhoea, rashes or hives and can often be hard to diagnose due to being caused by your immune system – making it imperative to distinguish between allergy and intolerance when seeking treatments for these issues.

At-home tests have been developed to help identify whether you are sensitive to certain foods and ingredients. You can purchase these tests without needing a valid prescription, typically operating on the theory that various foods possess electromagnetic frequencies that your body can detect. A bioresonance intolerance test or BICOM device provides another convenient means for this testing – by sending pre-programmed electromagnetic waves into your body and seeing how well they match specific food items and ingredients.

Bioresonance intolerance diagnosis results can then be used to create an elimination diet for a patient. They will be instructed to remove foods which cause reactions from their diet and replace them with healthy alternatives like vegetables, fruits, or lean meats – while maintaining a journal to track changes or improvements.

Food intolerance is often more widespread than food allergies. Symptoms may include stomach pain, bloating, diarrhoea, unexplained fatigue, headaches nausea and indigestion – often made worse by stress, medication or alcohol consumption; or related to digestive dysfunction caused by IBS or lack of fibre intake in your diet.

Many at-home food intolerance tests provide a money back guarantee, so you can test out a test and decide if it fits for you. Before making such decisions on your own, it is wise to consult a dietician as this may lead to nutritional deficits – this is particularly relevant when considering children and teenagers as their bodies continue to develop and grow.

Identifying Food Sensitivities

Food intolerances arise when your digestive system does not process certain foods properly, leading to symptoms such as bloating, stomach pain, diarrhea and constipation. Meanwhile, food allergies involve an immune response in which an immune response occurs in response to food proteins; they are harder to detect without testing as their reactions occur slowly over time, making pinpointing which specific food allergens you’re sensitive to much harder.

However, allergy testing can be expensive and invasive, requiring a finger prick to detect antibodies linked to allergy symptoms. Many prefer bioresonance therapy as an alternative way of identifying food sensitivities without incurring costly costs or inconvenience.

Bioresonance intolerance tests use hair samples to accurately detect up to 900 food and non-food items that you are sensitive to, including nutritional deficiencies, metal toxicity, gut biome digestion health and hormonal imbalances. They may also help identify nutritional deficiencies, metal toxicity, gut biome digestion health issues as well as hormonal imbalances that contribute to migraines, headaches, fatigue or bloating issues.

Everlywell offers an Intolerance Test at $99 per person. Their comprehensive report contains full analysis and recommendations for foods and supplements to help alleviate intolerances.

Although this test can be beneficial to some, some have raised concerns that its accuracy or reliability are limited. Furthermore, since FDA doesn’t regulate these types of tests and Stukus warns about them making people believe they need to eliminate foods they love which may lead to restrictive dieting resulting in anxiety that worsens symptoms.

Concerns exist with this test because it does not use blood samples, thus failing to provide an accurate picture of your sensitivities levels and potentially negatively affecting their accuracy in turn and ultimately your health in the long run.

Identifying Food Deficiencies

Food intolerances can manifest themselves in numerous ways, from digestive issues such as stomach ache and gas, bloating and excess flatulence, skin conditions like rashes or itchy eyes to mental health concerns like concentration difficulties and unexplained fatigue. All of these symptoms could be brought on by any number of foods and intervention studies are typically insufficient in pinpointing specific culprits.

High street allergy tests and skin prick testing do not adequately differentiate between food allergies and intolerances, making a consultation with an allergist essential. Not only will their diagnosis identify which food products may be triggering symptoms but it will also indicate any differences between intolerances and food allergies so the person knows what they must avoid.

Bioresonance intolerance testing offers an alternative option for individuals who feel uncomfortable undergoing blood tests or find needles unsettling, bioresonance works by scanning hair samples to measure energy frequency wavelengths to identify sensitivities.

Information collected is then compared against frequencies for over 900 foods and non-food items to identify any imbalances within the body. Bioresonance intolerance testing can identify both known intolerances as well as those that have yet to cause symptoms, along with nutritional deficiencies, metal toxicity issues, gut biome digestion health concerns and hormonal imbalances.

Complementary and Alternative Therapy, more commonly referred to as CAM, encompasses an umbrella term for services, products and practices not generally considered part of conventional medicine.
