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How Bioresonance Medicine Can Help You

Every organ, tissue and cell has its own natural vibrational frequency; when exposed to stress it may vibrate at a different frequency.

Bioresonance machines claim to be capable of identifying unhealthy frequencies associated with viruses or cancer cells and cancelling them out with electromagnetic waves, helping people stop smoking as part of the treatment.


Sinusitis is a condition in which the sinuses become inflamed and swollen, often making breathing difficult. This inflammation may be triggered by viruses, bacteria or fungus; tobacco smoke or chemical fumes may also play a part. The symptoms of sinusitis include stuffy nose, runny nose, headaches or even loss of smell – though traditional treatments such as nasal sprays or anti histamine medications only offer temporary relief; bioresonance therapy offers natural, lasting solutions.

Bioresonance machines can detect energy wavelengths emitted by body cells, similar to how an EKG or electrocardiogram detects heart rhythms. Once identified, bioresonance machines are then capable of manipulating those frequencies to help restore balance in the body and promote healing. A clinical study conducted at a naturopathy-oriented clinic employed bioresonance therapy as a means of treating allergies and intolerances, functional illnesses and psychosomatic ailments with positive results being seen for improved sleep and reduced allergy symptoms among other conditions treated successfully by this therapy treatment plan. Multiple patients reported experiencing positive results from treatment such as improved sleep and reduced allergy symptoms after bioresonance therapy treatments had taken effect – some reported experiencing positive results such as improved sleep and reduced allergy symptoms following this therapy session!

Bioresonance therapy works by attaching electrodes to the skin and connecting them to a device capable of reading electromagnetic vibrations coming from within a patient’s body. This machine can distinguish harmonic oscillations produced by the body from disharmonic ones and use them to form a closed circuit between patient and device that will help treat areas of imbalance.

As well as treating sinusitis, bioresonance therapy has also proven its efficacy for respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis as well as stomachaches and constipation. Recently, researchers demonstrated its use for helping smokers quit as well as providing pain therapies.

Even though bioresonance has been approved by the AMA as safe for use, some medical professionals have expressed concerns over its efficacy. Furthermore, the Advertising Standards Authority has upheld complaints against practitioners advertising that they used bioresonance to treat various ailments without possessing the required qualifications (Life Principles 2015). Regardless, many people find the procedure beneficial in relieving symptoms and improving overall quality of life.


Allergies are one of the most prevalent conditions treatable with bioresonance medicine, typically through avoidance or medication to decrease symptoms. Bioresonance offers a less invasive alternative that may also heal their root cause. Finding balance within energy levels within your body and detoxification processes are both key in preventing allergies from reappearing again in future.

The Advertising Standards Authority received complaints regarding claims that bioresonance can treat various conditions ranging from skin conditions and allergies to digestive disorders like Crohn’s disease. They concluded that such advertising was misleading due to a lack of clinical evidence supporting it.

Bioresonance therapy allows bioresonance practitioners to conduct an in-depth body scan and identify any imbalances, using bioresonance to restore proper energy balance within your body and eliminate allergy-causing factors like parasites, yeast infections or incorrect messages sent from cells in your body.

Bioresonance therapy works by sending electrical impulses through the meridians of your body, which sends a signal to your immune system to clear any inflammation. This method has proven successful for treating various autoimmune conditions like rheumatoid arthritis; additionally, its regularization can improve antioxidant functioning within the body thereby aiding cancer treatments as well.

Bioresonance therapy can also be utilized for other conditions aside from allergies, including urogenital disorders, bowel diseases, low immune defenses, chronic pain and fatigue, metabolic disorders, insomnia, heavy metal poisoning, migraines and psychological problems – including psoriasis.

Bioresonance treatments do not have conclusive proof of effectiveness for treating allergies; however, it has proven itself as an alternative approach to traditional allergy tests and treatments. Many individuals have reported using bioresonance to alleviate their symptoms of atopic dermatitis and eczema as well as other skin conditions. A 1993 survey by Hennecke compared bioresonance to acupuncture; his results indicated that one year post bioresonance treatment completion, many individuals were no longer experiencing symptoms while those on medical treatment showed substantial improvement versus those on bioresonance treatment alone.

Digestive Disorders

The digestive tract, or gastrointestinal (GI) tract, is responsible for breaking down food and beverages into energy and building blocks needed to grow and repair cells in your body. Digestive disorders refer to any issues with the GI tract; symptoms may range from mild to severe depending on severity.

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance body energies and promote self-healing. Its holistic approach targets root causes rather than simply treating symptoms, and has proven itself effective against various ailments.

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy. Electrodes are placed on the skin and an electronic device emits frequencies which match your body’s electromagnetic fields, so if everything is in balance and health, a clear signal should come back from it; otherwise a weaker signal might come back instead.

Bioresonance therapy can provide relief for digestive conditions like Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Lactose Intolerance. It may also be effective against urogenital issues like cystitis and prostatitis as well as low immune defences. Finally, bioresonance can also assist with respiratory conditions like asthma and chronic bronchitis.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective solution to leaky gut syndrome, in which the lining of your intestines becomes damaged and allows undigested food, toxic waste and bacteria into the bloodstream, leading to various symptoms ranging from stomach bloating and gas to diarrhea and constipation.

Bioresonance therapy is also useful in treating hormonal imbalances such as premenstrual cramps, menstrual irregularities and hot flushes as well as insomnia and anxiety, which often play an integral role in these issues. Furthermore, stress reduction may help mitigate many of these concerns as well.

Weight Loss

Bioresonance therapy is an excellent way to detox the body and restore its ability to lose weight naturally. Furthermore, bioresonance may assist with conditions like fibromyalgia and asthma while strengthening immune systems and stimulating cell regeneration.

Bioresonance therapy uses a machine to read electromagnetic wavelengths emitted by your cells and translate them into visual displays showing imbalances in your energy field, and providing guidance about how best to treat any health problems that have arisen. It can detect toxins, heavy metals, food sensitivities and nutritional deficiencies as well as pinpoint anything inhibiting natural healing processes – stress, inflammation, autoimmune disorders or infections being among them.

Bioresonance therapy‘s appeal stems largely from its noninvasive and painless approach. No needles or surgery are involved; thus it can address a wide array of health concerns from allergies, digestive issues and even mental disorders without needles or surgery being required. A recent study concluded that bioresonance therapy could be effective at treating depression; 39 of 40 participants received monotherapy treatment using selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants while half received bioresonance therapy treatment and half did not.

Study participants assigned to bioresonance therapy saw marked improvements in their depressive symptoms over the course of this research study, leading researchers to speculate that bioresonance might stimulate brain chemicals which regulate mood regulation. While further research needs to be completed, its findings should be taken seriously by those seeking alternative treatments for depression.

As with any health treatment, it’s important to discuss bioresonance scanning with your physician first before seeking to have one done. This is especially important if you have serious medical conditions or are pregnant/breastfeeding; bioresonance therapy should not be seen as a replacement for conventional medicine but only be performed by certified holistic health practitioners.
