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What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is a non-invasive therapy that utilizes electrodes to transmit frequencies into the body. The technique detects unhealthy electromagnetic vibrations, emitting counter frequencies to counter them thereby activating natural self-regulating mechanisms within our bodies.

A practitioner performs an examination on each acupuncture point or meridan on the body to detect imbalances, then utilizes a machine that emits frequencies designed to restore equilibrium within each meridan associated with specific health issues.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and holistic therapy using electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health problems. The method can identify infections or stressors causing imbalance in the body; psychosomatic symptoms; physical issues related to these symptoms and which symptoms might not actually exist at all; using your body’s energy for healing while clearing away toxins more quickly than traditional medical approaches would.

Bioresonance therapy works on the principle that everything in life is energy. All living and nonliving substances emit electromagnetic vibrations which can be detected with special equipment called a bioresonance machine. It emits electromagnetic frequencies which are picked up by electrodes placed on patients’ hands and feet and recognised by its computer; then boost or invert them based on any frequency patterns being returned back, so therapists can then apply specific frequencies in order to heal the body.

Bioresonance machines can detect numerous kinds of frequencies caused by viruses, bacteria, toxins and inflammation; as well as vitamin and mineral deficiencies within your body. A bioresonance test can even show whether or not what you eat provides you with all the essential vitamins and minerals.

Bioresonance tests can also identify any parasites present, which can have detrimental effects on immunity and bodily processes. They can help you understand your response to certain foods as well as find ways to enhance digestion and absorption of essential nutrients.

Bioresonance has been in use for more than 100 years, beginning with works by Hulda Regehr Clark and Royal Rife. They discovered that pathogens could be killed with electrical pulses tuned to match their natural resonance frequency; similarly, bioresonance can cancel out harmful energies while speeding up healing in our bodies.

Bioresonance sessions typically last an hour, and some patients require monthly follow-up treatments in order to remain healthy. Others, however, have reported experiencing relief after just one session – though initially worsened symptoms may temporarily worsen before dissipating shortly thereafter.

It is safe

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative medicine practice which utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to restore equilibrium within the body’s energy fields and promote healing. Proponents claim that unhealthy cells and organs emit altered electromagnetic waves and that altering them could treat disease; however, no scientific evidence supports bioresonance therapy‘s purported ability to diagnose or cure diseases.

Bioresonance machines can identify areas of energetic imbalance within the body and send corrective frequencies to restore equilibrium, helping heal various conditions such as allergies (topical dermatitis and eczema), chronic illnesses such as cystitis, prostatitis and thyroiditis, respiratory illnesses such as asthma, bronchitis or sinusitis and even reduce pain.

At each session, your practitioner places electrodes on your fingers and feet and connects them to a machine emitting electromagnetic waves. If the energy in your cells is balanced, you will receive a strong signal back from the machine; otherwise, weaker signals indicate your body may be striving to keep its equilibrium.

The machine then uses its software to analyze your data and identify any points out of balance and remedies to correct them, including nutritional, herbal and homeopathic products tested for resonance compatibility. A practitioner may also conduct leaky gut syndrome tests – where damage to the lining of your small intestine allows undigested food particles and bacteria into your bloodstream – which require additional blood tests.

After taking a bioresonance test, your practitioner will create a personalized regimen tailored specifically for you to follow. This may involve nutritional advice, supplements, probiotics and other therapies; bioresonance can even be used to detect infections like Lyme disease and fungal infestations.

Bioresonance offers many advantages for diagnosing various conditions, such as fibromyalgia, asthma and autoimmune diseases. A Russian study conducted on patients treated with bioresonance showed faster improvement among those who received it than those who didn’t; additionally it can improve digestion and treat inflammatory bowel diseases.

It is effective

Bioresonance therapy is an innovative noninvasive and drug-free approach to assessing and treating physical and mental health. Based on the principle that every substance vibrates at its own frequency – which can be measured electronically – Bioresonance detects imbalanced frequencies within the body by emitting counter frequencies to restore equilibrium quickly, speeding healing.

Bioresonance tests can identify food and environmental allergies, urogenital issues (including cystitis and prostatitis), low immune defenses, hormonal problems, chronic conditions like rheumatism or joint pain as well as stressors such as heavy metal poisoning or metabolic issues – providing insight into potential stressors such as heavy metal poisoning or metabolic issues and inverting those electromagnetic waves considered healthy while increasing those considered harmful.

Bioresonance sessions utilize an electronic probe to measure electrical resistance at various points on your hands and feet – known as acupuncture or Chinese medicine “meridians”, for measuring how easily current flows through them. The test identifies which meridian is out of balance, as well as remedies most effective at correcting it.

Results are processed and discussed during your appointment, usually lasting around 60 minutes and giving ample time for questions and analysis of results. Following that discussion, a practitioner can recommend nutritional, herbal or homeopathic supplements which will assist in correcting imbalances.

Bioresonance offers several promising applications, one being allergy treatment. Studies have revealed how bioresonance can detect allergens and their frequencies, making it possible to eliminate them from the body through physical means. Furthermore, bioresonance can be used to treat smoking addiction by cancelling out electromagnetic waves of nicotine which reduce urges to smoke – this treatment has even proven more successful than placebo in one clinical study!

It is affordable

Patients increasingly turn to alternative therapies in search of relief from pain and other symptoms. One such noninvasive solution is bioresonance therapy, a noninvasive non-invasive technique which utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Though often more affordable than conventional treatments (which may cost thousands of dollars), many are wary about incurring additional expenses if their health insurance does not cover this therapy option.

Bioresonance works on the principle that our bodies emit electromagnetic waves that can be measured, analyzed, and altered to promote healing. It takes inspiration from both traditional Chinese medicine and quantum physics – with healthy cells emitting frequencies which are harmonious while diseased ones emit disharmonious ones.

A typical session typically lasts an hour and typically includes an in-depth interview with the practitioner, who will note any areas of imbalance and make recommendations regarding treatment plans and referrals as appropriate. Following this interview, the practitioner may use his device to “read” energy waves expelled by body cells; then this machine can determine which frequencies are compatible with each individual body while others need attention.

Bioresonance has long been promoted as a treatment option for allergies, but research on its efficacy remains inconclusive. While studies suggest it can activate tumor suppressor genes or lower levels of overactive cells in those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis patients, there remains no strong evidence to prove it can treat cancer or any other diseases.

Patients reporting relief from muscle pain and fatigue related to fibromyalgia have reported improvement; although, no clinical trials support this claim. Others have also experienced improvement with regard to digestive issues like IBS or food intolerances. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy can also be used for stress and insomnia treatments to ease anxiety while encouraging restful restful sleep.

Bioresonance differs from other alternative therapies like acupuncture in that it treats not just symptoms but rather their root causes, such as parasites, bacteria and pathogenic substances in the body. When identified and eradicated through bioresonance therapy, natural ways can then be suggested to address stressors that contribute to lower quality of life for patients.
