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BICOM Optima Bioresonance

Bioresonance is a scientific technique which activates and stimulates your body’s natural defense mechanisms for protection and self-healing, with proven health effects both at an individual and cellular level.

Cell cultures were treated for 180 min using the “pathogene Ai” program chain of the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device and saw both increased vitality of connective tissue fibroblasts as well as an enhanced regeneration/wound healing process.

The BICOM optima is available in two versions: the standard version and the mobile version.

Bioresonance is an alternative medical method that utilizes electromagnetic waves (hertz). This allows the body to self-heal by sending electromagnetic information waves back through electromagnetic frequencies (hertz). Bioresonance can be used for treating various conditions including chronic and acute illnesses, allergies and other health concerns as well as prevent disease altogether – the BICOM optima bioresonance device can be used by doctors and naturopathic practitioners alike to diagnose and treat patients using this treatment modality.

The BICOM optima comes in two versions, standard and mobile. Both models are approved as certified medical devices and offer similar therapeutic benefits; with standard being best-suited to use within an office environment or naturopathic practice and mobile being made portable for on-the-go use.

As evidenced in an ongoing preclinical and experimental investigation on mammalian cell cultures, the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device has been demonstrated to increase both vitality and regeneration/wound healing process of cultivate connective tissue cells. To demonstrate this effect, 180 minutes were dedicated to applying Pathogene Ai program chain on Mammalian Connective Tissue cells from different mammalian species.

This resulted in both a decrease in basal cell metabolism and inhibition of superoxide anion radical production; all five independent experiments yielded statistically significant findings.

The success of the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance treatment can also be seen through its proven success at improving cell migration in an artificial granulation stage of wound healing test system. Cell groups treated with the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance saw their migration distance increase by an astounding 38+-14.5% when compared with control cells untreated with bioresonance treatment alone.

This preclinical finding is an exciting discovery that confirms the beneficial effects of bioresonance therapy on human cell cultures, providing further proof of its positive influence on physiological properties. As such, mobile bioresonance can serve to both prevent and support the healing/regeneration process in those suffering from complex diseases – and can even be combined with other therapeutic interventions like antibiotic use or cell regeneration therapies for use as complementary therapy approaches.

The BICOM optima is a medical device.

BICOM optima is a medical device that harnesses your body’s own healing powers to restore energy balance, acting in complementary medicine. Constantly optimized and refined with medical professionals for maximum effect, this innovative solution is used for allergies, urogenital disorders, low immune defences as well as diseases like rheumatism or menstrual issues or intestinal dysfunction.

The resonance test detects stressors within an organism and helps identify possible sources such as chronic deficiencies or oversupply, mineral/electrolyte imbalance, heavy metal poisoning, chemical pollution, metabolic disorders and allergies – among many others. A sample of bodily substances, liquids or secretions can be analysed with the BICOM optima to gain energetic information for treatment via hands from therapist to treatment area – creating coherent waves which flow throughout this way reversing imbalances and unblocking stagnations throughout this system reversing imbalances and unblocking stagnations points.

Preclinically, HL-60 cells were exposed to the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device equipped with the GST71 power applicator for three consecutive days in an external miniincubator using program chain “pathogene Ai”. Following treatment, viability and regeneration/wound healing rate measurements were conducted and results indicated an impressive surge.

The BICOM optima is a user-friendly device, made for veterinarians or therapists to operate with the aid of a computer monitor, therapy manual and set of colorful applicators for bioresonance treatment. Once placed on patient chest or abdomen and connected via conductive gel to BICOM optima; detailed instructions are displayed on screen for every individual therapy program. Furthermore, its dual input channel enables constitutional support treatments to be administered alongside primary therapy programs; this may prove especially helpful for dogs suffering from allergies, skin conditions or digestive disorders.

The BICOM optima is easy to use.

BICOM bioresonance is a medical-technological device belonging to “energy and information medicine.” This alternative treatment method relies on living organisms emitting energy frequencies which can be detected with devices like the BICOM optima. Once detected, this device determines which frequency patterns have become imbalanced due to conditions or stress and helps restore them by means of its resonator which transmits similar frequencies emitted by cells of the body – making treatment completely painless with no side effects whatsoever.

The BICOM optima can be used to treat both humans and animals, including horses. One horse with chronic cough was completely rid of her condition after just several bioresonance sessions with this device; his owner was so thrilled by its effectiveness that she decided to use the BICOM optima with all her other horses as well.

In this preclinical investigation, the BICOM optima mobile bioresonance device was utilized to treat functional neutrophils (granulocytes) in vitro using its mobile bioresonance capabilities. Neutrophils are an integral component of innate immunity that play an integral part in inflammation responses; herein vitro cell culture model investigates its effect on two characteristic features of these cells – metabolic activity and superoxide anion radical production during an oxidative burst.

As depicted in Figure 2, BICOM optima was connected to the GST71 power applicator as shown. It was placed directly below an external mini-incubator which had direct contact with neutrophils for cultivation, and programmed with the relevant pathogen chain for the experiment; cell exposure time was set for 180 min. Our results demonstrate that bioresonance treatment of functional neutrophils significantly improves cell vitality, regeneration/wound healing in vitro as well as cell vitality/vitality scores; this confirms previous clinical studies’ results and support previous findings/studies’ findings/ findings/studies.

The BICOM optima is safe.

Bioresonance works on the principle that our bodies’ electromagnetic waves each possess their own frequency. When our body is healthy, these frequencies are in harmony. In an illness or disease state however, these frequencies become dissonant or even disrupted and bioresonance works to normalise these disturbances by cancelling out with harmonious frequencies – thus rebalancing energy flows within our bodies and encouraging self-healing.

The BICOM optima utilizes natural frequencies found within our bodies so as not to introduce foreign or harmful frequencies into the system. Furthermore, its frequency matches that of our own bodies so it’s very safe. In fact, it has been tested on various animals including dogs, cats, goats, rabbits and horses – it has even been used on humans! To make treatment safer for both human and animal patients. REGUMED offers two-day mandatory training courses where basic and correct operation of this device are taught.

During training, you can use the BICOM device to assess both your own and animal health with its aid, helping determine whether it can assist in solving particular issues. Furthermore, there is plenty of opportunity for questions and individual support as part of this session held both locally and abroad. Currently German is being spoken but there may also be options internationally where training sessions may take place.

An expert from BICOM will assist in choosing which device and sessions are necessary for treatment, with most patients needing three to eight treatments with breaks between each session; duration will depend on intensity and duration of symptoms.

The BICOM optima allergy treatment system is an extremely efficient non-invasive allergy solution, ideal for all domestic and exotic animal breeds alike. Furthermore, humans of all age groups can use BICOM. Not only is BICOM effective against allergies but it can also treat pain, chronic fatigue and stress without any side effects whatsoever!
