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Psoriasis and Bioresonance Therapy

Bioresonance therapy aims to treat Psoriasis at its source by targeting its root causes; helping alleviate symptoms while preventing future outbreaks.

Bioresonance is a holistic healing modality that uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat health conditions, with research suggesting its efficacy for chronic pain management, fibromyalgia treatment and even smoking cessation.

What is bioresonance?

Bioresonance therapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses electromagnetic frequencies to address health concerns. The concept behind it is simple: healthy cells and organs emit energy wavelengths that align with our body’s natural frequency while unhealthy ones send out waves out of sync with it, leaving imbalanced frequencies undetected by Bioresonance technology until such imbalanced frequencies have been corrected so as to restore balance within.

For a bioresonance scan, electrodes are attached to the skin and connected to a machine that reads energy wavelengths from body cells. Once connected, this machine can identify any substances or microorganisms which don’t comply with natural body frequencies and invert their waves to cancel out. This helps the body process harmful substances more effectively and eliminate them more quickly from your system.

Bioresonance may offer an effective alternative medicine treatment option that can diagnose and cure diseases that go undetected or undiagnosed by modern medical science, according to supporters of this form of alternative therapy. It operates under the principle that unhealthy cells and organisms emit altered electromagnetic waves due to DNA damage; returning these waves back to their original frequency restores harmony within cells as part of an organism’s system.

Bioresonance therapy can be an invaluable asset in treating various conditions, from autoimmune diseases such as psoriasis and other skin ailments to digestive difficulties and neurological diseases. Furthermore, this form of medicine can identify any heavy metals or toxins present in the body, along with stressors that might be contributing to poor health in a natural way.

Treatment begins by placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a Bicom device, which will assess what frequencies are emanating from your cells and boost those that may be beneficial while inverting any potentially harmful ones.

Studies have demonstrated the efficacy of bioresonance therapy for treating certain health conditions, such as depression and anxiety. More research needs to be conducted in order to pinpoint exactly how bioresonance helps treat these disorders; additionally, FDA has not authorized bioresonance as a cure for any illness or disease.

How does bioresonance work?

Bioresonance is an alternative therapy that employs electromagnetic frequencies to restore the natural energy flow and promote self-healing in the body. Drawing upon holistic medicine and quantum physics principles, its goal is to balance any electromagnetic or biochemical imbalances present. Practitioners attach electrodes directly onto skin areas before attaching these leads to a machine which detects energy wavelengths produced by body cells; then this machine interprets these frequencies to detect illness or disease symptoms within your cells.

During a treatment session, the machine emits gentle electromagnetic signals to travel through your body and return with clear readings if its electromagnetic field is balanced; otherwise it may return weak or muted signals which allow it to detect potential imbalances and use specific frequencies to “cancel out” unhealthy wavelengths.

By doing this, the machine assists your body in balancing toxins and stress loads, aiding its natural ability to heal itself. Furthermore, this machine can identify any external sources contributing to an existing health issue; for instance, chronic sinusitis could be due to allergies from molds, foods or chemicals which could be identified using this machine.

A machine can emit counter-frequencies to mitigate the effects of allergens, neutralizing their harmful toxins and helping your immune system combat infections and heal faster.

While scientific research into bioresonance remains limited, some studies have demonstrated its positive results. It’s a noninvasive and safe treatment option which has proven itself in treating various conditions; bioresonance can even be combined with traditional therapies like Ayurveda or Chiropractic care if desired. It should be noted, however, that traditional medical therapies must still be utilized alongside bioresonance.

Why is bioresonance effective for psoriasis?

Psoriasis is an immune-related skin condition which results in red and scaly patches to appear all over the body, becoming both extremely itchy and painful if left untreated. Bioresonance therapy offers an effective yet noninvasive means of managing this condition.

Psoriasis occurs when your immune system overreacts and creates new skin cells without necessary, leading to an accumulation of them which then flake off in red patches. Bioresonance therapy can be an effective way of alleviating symptoms or even clearing it altogether.

Bioresonance therapy can not only clear your psoriasis, but can also identify and eliminate triggers causing flare ups. We work closely with you to alter your diet or lifestyle in order to avoid future flare ups of this condition.

Bioresonance is an energy-based treatment which has proven its efficacy for treating multiple conditions, including allergies, autoimmune diseases and chronic pain disorders like fibromyalgia. By rebalancing electromagnetic frequencies through bioresonance treatment, it helps decrease immune system overactivity thus decreasing inflammation and relieving symptoms of many chronic disorders such as these.

Before embarking on any treatment regime for any medical condition, it is wise to consult a medical expert. That being said, we have witnessed remarkable success stories with clients using bioresonance for psoriasis treatment.

Bioresonance has garnered tremendous feedback across social media from those using it to treat various ailments – it truly is remarkable!

Please be aware that we do not recommend the products or treatments mentioned in this article and highly advise referring to the ASA/ CAP guidance on Substantiation for Health, Beauty and Slimming Claims to learn more about what type of evidence supports these claims. Additionally, if booking bioresonance therapy for any particular condition it is vital that an experienced therapist be selected – so check their credentials first before making your decision!

What are the benefits of bioresonance for psoriasis?

Psoriasis causes red, scaly patches of skin on elbows, knees and the back of torso that may become itchy due to excess skin cell division at an abnormally fast rate. Bioresonance therapy offers an effective and noninvasive solution that not only reduces symptoms but can help prevent future flare-ups of this condition.

All organs, cells and tissues in your body – as well as bacteria, viruses, parasites and heavy metals – have specific frequencies associated with them that can be recorded using bioresonance machines and electronically altered (for instance by altering their polarity) before sending back therapeutic signals back into your system to help rebalance abnormal frequencies and decrease inflammation – helping alleviate psoriasis symptoms in turn.

Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective way of treating the source of your condition. For instance, if psoriasis symptoms are due to bacteria infection or stress-induced symptoms, bioresonance sessions may help alleviate those and promote your body’s natural ability to heal itself.

After suffering for many years with psoriasis affecting her knees, elbows, and back of torso, a client experienced remarkable relief after just three sessions of bioresonance therapy. Not only was the psoriasis gone but so were other symptoms like fibromyalgia and chronic joint pain as well.

The American Society of Advertising and Communications Council’s guidance on health, beauty and weight loss claims indicates that treatments such as bioresonance devices can be promoted provided there is evidence they are both safe and clinically effective. We therefore suggest speaking to one of the registered practitioners from ASA website to determine whether bioresonance could be an effective treatment option for your psoriasis symptoms. If purchasing one yourself make sure it fully complies with these regulations for assurance of getting a high quality, reliable machine which has been independently tested and approved as medical device by independent authorities.
