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How to Read AO Scan Results

The AO Scan is an energetic device that communicates with your body through energy, frequency and vibration. It compares your cells’ responses against a database of healthy frequencies to identify imbalances or irregularities at a cellular level.

Fast, accurate and non-invasive screening test for numerous disorders; provides easy-to-understand results and safe for adults of all ages with no contraindications or side effects.


The AO Scan utilizes scalar waves as its energy source. These waves can transmit information about your health over long distances and make the scanner useful in diagnosing illness or injury, finding appropriate natural supplements and remedies, or pinpointing those needed to address specific health problems.

AO Scan results display how balanced your body is at any given time, and each color represents a frequency level – such as blue for balanced energy; red indicates low or weak energy; while green represents strong and healthy energies. Furthermore, an AO Scanner can identify imbalances and suggest remedies which will bring the body back into harmony.

Every cell, organ and system in your body has its own individual vibrational frequency or oscillation that can be disrupted by illness, injury or emotional stress. Biophysicists and medical researchers have catalogued over 120,000 of these frequencies – when you compare your scan against this list the AO Scanner can identify which ones are out of alignment and recommend homeoenergetic remedies that can restore equilibrium to help you return to a state of balance.

The AO Scanner can detect toxic substances present in your body, such as chemicals, heavy metals or any man-made poisons. Furthermore, it can indicate any hormonal, glandular or brain imbalances as well as any genetic mutations you may possess. Additionally, this scanner provides detailed information regarding your cell structure as well as any genetic mutations present.

AO Scanner can be used at home or the office. Connected to either a computer or tablet and equipped with a special bone-conduction headset, the scanner uses vibrations sent and received through skull and jawbone instead of through the ear drum allowing even deaf people to utilize its services. Additionally, its scanner can imprint balancing audio frequencies, affirmations and brain tones. For optimal results listen to these audio frequencies two to three times daily for optimal results.


Each cell and organ in our bodies has its own vibrational frequency or oscillation that, when out of balance, disrupts biological functions that lead to fatigue, illness and disease. To address these imbalances, the AO Scan technology identifies specific frequencies then sends back normal frequencies back into our bodies in order to restore balance – in a non-invasive, painless and non-harmful manner.

Each AO Scan device comes equipped with over 120,000 Blueprint Frequencies that serve as reference points in the balancing process. When compared against an individual’s personal Blueprint, these frequencies help pinpoint any imbalances within their body that require attention.

AO Scan technology uses scalar waves, which carry information across long distances without losing their integrity or intensity, to detect out of balance frequencies in a person’s system. These waves penetrate tissue, cells and molecules within their bodies until reaching deeper into their energetic core – this allows it to identify issues not easily detectable via physical examination and provides invaluable insights into health and wellbeing for a person.

The AO Scan technology measures the balance of your biofield (the energy field that encases each body part). It can detect areas with more negative than positive polarity or detect chemical pollutants or heavy metals in excess in your system – all valuable information for individuals seeking lifestyle changes as well as practitioners providing personalized recommendations for treatments.

The AO Scan technology is an outstanding home use device and offers numerous benefits for both users and practitioners. Every device includes multiple AO Scan Technology programs that are specifically tailored to work on specific parts of the body, while being user-friendly; therefore it can be purchased by anyone seeking to enhance their health and wellness.


AO Scan is a revolutionary, portable wellness technology designed to detect and correct imbalances within the body. It does this by emitting subtle energetic frequencies into your body that are then assessed by its software – similar to the vibrations from voice recordings; these frequencies are then used to assess chakras, meridians, organs, toxicities and every cell in your body. Plus it doesn’t use radiation; rather it operates using bioresonance and quantum physics principles!

Everything in the universe emits vibrational frequencies or oscillations; each cell and organ in your body has a specific frequency which the AO scanner compares against your ideal frequency for correction of any imbalances or misbalances. By doing this, the AO scanner may help eliminate visits to doctors as well as expensive functional medical tests by simply addressing imbalances at their source.

In addition to scanning and transmitting healing frequencies, the AO scanner can provide an in-depth report on your overall health. This report includes details regarding cellular structures, organs, blood and lymphatic system, nervous and circulatory system, skeletal system, digestive tract, respiratory system, endocrine system and immune system as well as any toxic substances and nutrient deficiencies as well as imbalanced chromosomes or any potential bacterial or viral infections that might exist in the body.

One of the most amazing features of AO Scan technology is its use of scalar wave technology. This allows it to transmit and receive data without being near your body – using vibrational energy carried on scalar waves that travel from anywhere around the globe at the time of scanning.

Solex has taken over two decades to create a database that contains vibrational frequencies or oscillation of all cells, organs and tissues in your body. This AO scanner can identify imbalances in your cellular structure as well as identify toxins or contaminants and recommend specific natural remedies to restore them back to optimal state.


All cells within our bodies vibrate at different vibrational frequencies or oscillations. AO Scan can listen in to this broadcast and detect imbalances before they manifest as diseases and symptoms. With its simple yet elegant technology resembling that of tuning into a radio station, this simple yet elegant technology provides answers and support in minutes – potentially saving both money and time on expensive medical tests and labwork.

AO Scan technology utilizes scalar waves, which are distinct forms of energy than electromagnetic waves like light and radio waves, for transmitting information and energy over long distances without loss in intensity or signal degradation. This allows it to scan your body (just provide some basic personal details to the device), analyze your energy field and display its results.

AO Scan software is compatible with both Apple and Android smartphones and tablets, while its unique headset contains a bone-conduction transducer for accurate readings of your physical and energetic state. Its 550 blueprint frequencies for every bodily function allow it to detect imbalances such as those associated with blood, chromosomes, organs and meridians as well as potential ones caused by drugs, foods, emotions or environmental factors.

Once your AO Scan has completed scanning, it will display a table with your results. The numbers on the left-hand side of this table represent any deviations from blueprint balance; for instance a score of 4 indicates underactive or hypofunctional frequencies whereas 5 means optimal function for that frequency in your blueprint.

Inner Voice harmonics can help restore your health and wellness, provided as four MP3 files that can be played back two to three times daily with headphones on an AO Scan device. Doing this daily will entrain brainwave activity while strengthening the frequencies recommended in your Scan report for inner Voice best frequencies. Though it may take up to 30 days before you fully balance all chakras and body systems using these harmonics, but their results are definitely worth your efforts!
