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What is a Bioresonance Machine?

As its name suggests, bioresonance combines biology and resonance technology. Similar to tuning a piano string, a bioresonance machine listens for diseased cells within your body’s frequency spectrum before matching them up against each other to neutralise any energy that they generate.

Discoveries in quantum physics have revealed that all matter vibrates at an energy frequency pattern known as energetic frequency pattern. A BICOM can precisely detect these energetic frequency patterns.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine approach which purports to diagnose and treat health conditions. Practitioners employ electronic devices which emit electromagnetic waves and measure electrical resistance at various points on hands and feet using ancient meridian systems such as used by acupuncture and Chinese medicine. According to these claims, unhealthy organs emit altered electromagnetic waves, and returning them back to normal is said to heal them as well as restore overall body wellness.

The device is programmed to recognize the frequencies emitted by living cells, supposedly helping it identify what the issue (a virus for instance) may be and then emitting counter frequencies that will hopefully counteract any undesirable frequencies and restore biomagnetic fields in your body.

Bioresonance therapy has also been touted as a means of helping prevent cancer by resetting cellular metabolism, thus slowing tumor growth. Bioresonance has also been advocated for treating other health conditions including autoimmune disease, chronic pain and nicotine addiction by eliminating molecules from the body.

At each session, electrodes are attached to a patient and connected to a BICOM machine, with readings taken through its touchscreen display. Once turned on, these readings are compared against healthy people to identify any abnormalities which require further investigation from the practitioner who will then suggest modifications in diet and supplements that could prove beneficial.

A session can last up to 75 minutes. During that time, the BICOM machine can detect food intolerances by analysing a small sample of hair. It does this by comparing its frequency against up to 1,200 potential allergens in its database. Furthermore, this machine can identify low immune defences, menstrual problems, prostate disorders and inflammatory diseases as well as low immune defences.

The British Medical Association (BMA) and National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) both recognize there is no scientific basis to support claims made for bioresonance therapies and should not be seen as effective means of treating disease. Furthermore, such practices could delay seeking professional medical advice, which could prove especially dangerous when dealing with developing cancers.

Bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless solution to many health issues. Using electromagnetic frequencies, Bioresonance stimulates active points in your body to start natural processes and treat an array of health concerns such as allergies, stress and fatigue. Furthermore, it also restores energy balance in your energy system and enhances immune function – providing complementary medical support in some instances.

Choose a practitioner with an excellent track record and knowledge of technology. Remote sessions may also prove to be convenient if you live afar from their office, making remote sessions ideal if time constraints or location prevent regular visits to one. Also check if they possess an MHRA certificate which indicates they have been registered with the UK Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).

All substances, living or not, vibrate at different frequency wavelengths measured in Hertz. A good bio resonance machine can identify these wavelengths and match them up with those produced by your cells to find an unhealthy wave length and emit an appropriate counter frequency to cancel out its harmful influence and return your cell resonance levels back to normal.

The machine scans your body’s electromagnetic fields and detects any imbalances, then uses various therapy programs to address them. Some therapies, like detoxification, may be beneficial in helping with heavy metal or chemical toxicity issues; it may also help those living with Crohn’s disease or who have undergone chemotherapy treatments.

Bioresonance therapy was recently shown to be effective at treating depression. Researchers observed that bioresonance therapy provided improvement for those not responding to medication and even placebo therapy – possibly due to balanced energetic systems and stronger immunity systems in those receiving therapy.

Though research supports bioresonance‘s effectiveness, there remains much discussion as to its efficacy. That being said, numerous people claim that it has helped with various health issues; regardless of its scientific validity it can still serve as an invaluable asset in managing one’s wellbeing naturally.

Bioresonance analysis

Bioresonance is a noninvasive technique that utilizes vibrational energy to assist the body’s natural healing processes. Unaddressed health complications can create stress and tension within your body that negatively impact physical, mental and emotional well-being. Bioenergetic testing identifies any resonating stress related to organ imbalances, food sensitivities, emotions, toxins or hormone imbalances which allows more informed decisions regarding healthcare choices for yourself or loved ones.

Bioresonance provides an holistic approach to healing that differs significantly from conventional medicine in that it addresses the source rather than simply treating symptoms. Bioresonance therapy has been found effective in treating food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders, menstrual issues, low immune defenses, chronic fatigue, arthritis and weight issues. It can also treat digestive disorders including Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Gastritis Colitis Liver Disorders Constipation as well as depression; its techniques can identify any recurrent major depressive disorders or psychological stressors that may contribute to its presence or contribute to its presence allowing treatment options such as treatments such as these being found through bioresonance techniques that could otherwise remain unknown to doctors or practitioners alike.

Bioresonance device works on the principles of quantum mechanics, which states that all matter vibrates at its own frequency. Information regarding different substances’ frequencies are relayed to BICOM machine for matching purposes to balance out discordant frequencies so the body can begin healing itself.

Studies conducted in Germany demonstrated the efficacy and safety of BICOM therapy as an effective, noninvasive, painless solution for treating lymphedema and lipedema without side effects or complications. Another study demonstrated its use for helping smokers quit without suffering nicotine withdrawal symptoms – safe even during pregnancy!

BICOM machine is FDA-approved and meets TGA Advertising Standards. However, you should avoid using the device if you have a pacemaker and children under 12 years old should not use it. Before using any medical condition-related device such as this one. it’s always wise to consult your physician first!

Bioresonance healing

Bioresonance is an holistic approach that uses electromagnetic frequencies to balance the body’s energy fields, helping dissolve any imbalances that could cause symptoms such as allergies or inflammation. The treatment is non-invasive, safe and painless; working alongside your immune system to address allergies as well as identify their source in order to avoid future outbreaks.

Proponents of bioresonance therapy believe that everything in nature has an energetic frequency, including our cells. When these frequencies become imbalanced and cause disease or sickness, our health can suffer significantly; bioresonance therapy seeks to restore cellular resonance and encourage natural self-healing processes within the body.

Bioresonance treatment does not have any scientific evidence supporting its efficacy; however, many people swear by it. A quick search on online forums reveals thousands of testimonials from patients claiming they have recovered from cancer, fibromyalgia, or other illnesses after receiving bioresonance treatments.

However, these anecdotes cannot be verified and should not be taken seriously. Instead, conventional medical treatments should always be explored before resorting to alternative remedies.

At each session, you’ll remain fully clothed while either sitting or lying down while connected to a bioresonance machine. It will send electromagnetic signals into your body, which it then analyzes for response and feedback – similar to kinesiology or muscle testing, but automated and much quicker. Any information detected by the machine is then “imprinted” onto medium such as liquid (drops) or skin patches which continue having an effect after your session has concluded.

Bicom-optima equipment used for bioresonance therapy utilizes quantum physics to analyze your cells’ energy wavelengths and counteract any unhealthy frequencies that may exist. It operates under the principle that all matter emits its own electromagnetic frequency, such that striking a tuning fork causes piano strings vibrating at that same frequency to resonate as well.
