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Bicom Resonance Therapy

BICOM device enhances beneficial electromagnetic waves while neutralizing any that are harmful, aiding the body to heal itself without experiencing additional side effects from drugs or surgeries.

The BICOM device provides noninvasive therapy that is painless and stress free for both owners and their animals. Most animals relax during bioresonance sessions.

It’s Non-Invasive

Bicom resonance therapy is a non-invasive natural healing method, using no needles or drugs. This natural approach targets the source of your symptoms by helping the body restore its energy balance – this allows it to heal itself naturally without adverse side effects or risk for infants. Furthermore, all ages, including infants can benefit from Bicom resonance therapy treatments.

The therapist will ask you to lie down fully clothed while they use an electromagnetic signal-reading device on you to pick up electromagnetic signals that emanate from cells emitting unhealthy vibrations in the body. They then send a counterbalancing frequency directly into any of these affected cells for proper detoxification – no pain and stress-free treatments here! Furthermore, your therapist can adjust frequency intensities depending on your unique health needs or conditions.

For instance, if you are suffering from allergies, your therapist will use the machine to read your body’s electromagnetic signals and balance out their frequencies accordingly. This helps alleviate allergy symptoms as it reduces overactivity of your immune system; additionally it will target energetic imbalances caused by nicotine addiction to help stop smoking altogether.

Bioresonance therapy has been around for more than two decades, and has an established history. This holistic method has been successfully utilized on both humans and animals without creating unwanted side effects or negative interactions with conventional medication. Its proven success can be seen with recognition by conventional and naturopathic practitioners alike, providing additional therapy options without adding new side effects to modern treatments.

Bicom resonance therapy could be an ideal holistic treatment option for your pet, helping to ease his or her stress and promote natural healing processes in their body.

As well as treating chronic conditions like asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, the BICOM-Optima device can also help treat acute ailments like allergies. By identifying the source of your dog’s discomfort and emitting a counterbalancing frequency to their sick cells, this device will correct unhealthy vibrations causing their illness as well as restore energetic equilibrium to restore wellbeing in their bodies and provide long-term relief of symptoms for reduced discomfort so your pup can live an enhanced and happier lifestyle.

It’s Safe

Electrodes are applied to the skin, then connected to a BICOM machine that analyzes energy wavelengths and emits counterbalancing frequencies to promote healing at the cellular level. Furthermore, it enhances healthy frequency patterns while simultaneously neutralizing harmful pathogenic or toxic frequencies, helping restore your body to its ideal balance.

BICOM bioresonance works on the principle that our cells communicate bioenergetically (with frequencies). Stressors like pathogens, allergens, chemicals and toxins disrupt this communication in a biophysical sense and cause physical symptoms to manifest themselves in our bodies. BICOM helps identify environmental and internal stressors; once identified it can send electromagnetic waves through electromagnetic pulses to help the body rid itself of harmful toxins while improving self-healing abilities.

Every cell and substance in the body emits electromagnetic waves on a continuous basis, and the BICOM is equipped to pick these up and filter them internally before identifying and filtering any potentially unhealthy frequency patterns that come through, creating a frequency pattern to counteract harmful substances and aid your body’s healing processes by inverting their electromagnetic wave patterns – enabling it to improve normal function while healing itself at the same time.

Food and environmental allergies, immune system imbalances, gastrointestinal issues, chronic pain management, musculoskeletal disorders and Lyme disease in animals may all benefit from therapy using electroacupuncture. Furthermore, it may help determine whether certain medications pose risks that interfere with treatment outcomes and can even determine why an animal doesn’t take medication as directed.

When coupled with a diet and supplement program, BICOM can significantly alleviate allergies and other autoimmune diseases. By desensitizing the immune system to allergens that trigger symptoms associated with allergies such as sneezing and itching, this form of therapy can reduce sneezing, itching, snorting or itchy eyes – as well as helping balance electromagnetic frequencies associated with overactive immune systems such as is common among autoimmune disorders – it’s an easy, safe treatment that brings amazing results – making BICOM an invaluable alternative form of medicine! By itself or in conjunction with other forms such as acupuncture or herbal remedies;

It’s Effective

If you’re seeking ways to help treat your dog’s allergies, chronic pain or other ailments safely and non-invasively, bioresonance therapy could be just what’s needed. It’s noninvasive yet highly effective.

Each living being has an intricate bio energetic communication system that emits frequencies; these may vibrate harmoniously in healthy bodies but discordantly in unhealthy ones. The BICOM device detects these frequencies and transmits them using electromagnetic waves; distress frequencies are neutralized using magnetic resonance therapy which encourages natural healing ability of the body.

Bicom bioresonance therapy is an innovative biophysical method designed to complement modern medicine’s chemical remedies, treating holistically by pinpointing and eliminating root causes of illness – thus eliminating potentially negative side effects caused by drugs and toxins.

BICOM bioresonance device gathers information on electromagnetic waves emitted by body cells and other substances, and identifies any that are toxic to it such as allergens, pathogens or toxins – these may interfere with its natural biochemical processes leading to symptoms. A therapist can then use therapeutic frequency patterns to neutralize them.

Once a therapist has identified which substances are disrupting bio energy in your pet’s body, they will use the BICOM machine to send frequencies that harmonize with them and transfer them directly onto them using modulation mats or applicators placed directly onto their bodies. Sessions are designed to be relaxing and stress-free so your pet will remain calm during treatment.

The BICOM device, developed in Germany, is an innovative piece of technology with scientific backing that was approved for animal healthcare use by multiple government agencies worldwide. Used in over 20 countries worldwide and approved for animal healthcare use, it’s one of few alternatives available that does not rely on chemicals with potentially severe side effects like traditional medicine does – and can detect hidden causes of illness such as candida yeast overgrowth, parasites, heavy metals exposure from vaccine damage or radiation, radiation leakage and pesticide exposures.

It’s Affordable

Bicom resonance therapy is an innovative, painless solution to identify and treat illnesses and diseases. This noninvasive technology works by attaching electrodes to patients and connecting them to an energy wavelength machine which detects harmful frequencies before emitting counterbalancing frequencies to help the body heal itself – this technology can be used to identify allergies, chronic aches, or any other ailments that might ail the body.

At the outset of each bioresonance treatment session, the therapist will perform an examination of their physical health. They’ll look out for any issues such as yeast infections, heavy metals, vaccination damage or environmental toxins which might be contributing to symptoms like yeast infections. Next they use the device to collect information on electromagnetic waves emitted by cells in order to see which frequencies disrupt natural energy or substances which might be causing stress on cells.

Once a therapist has identified a problem, they will use electrodes on the patient’s hand and connect it to a machine, which will read their frequency patterns and send them directly to his computer. From here they can determine which balancing frequency would best align with patient systems before applying it through electrodes.

Therapy sessions typically last one hour, and most patients require only one or two visits for optimal care. However, the amount of sessions may depend on individual cases – for instance some horses require multiple sessions due to severe conditions that necessitate ongoing treatments.

REGUMED offers training courses to veterinary staff, naturopaths and instructed medical personnel so they can learn to use bioresonance devices in their practices. Training courses are held both in Germany and online to teach how to operate them properly for use with arthritis, lameness, respiratory problems or skin conditions. REGUMED also works hard at developing networks of practitioners who offer complementary services while supporting each other as they build practices in this way.
