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Bioresonance Machine For Health

Bioresonance is an alternative therapy without drugs that measures energy wavelengths on the skin by placing electrodes. According to proponents, Bioresonance can detect and address unhealthy frequencies.

Once discordant frequencies have been identified, electromagnetic impulses at precise ranges are sent out to match and harmonize them, in an effort to promote natural healing processes within the body.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a non-invasive alternative health therapy using an electronic device to scan the body and identify areas of imbalance. Invented by Franz Morell who also created similar machines used by Scientology auditors for “auditing”, his technology claims it can heal by normalising electromagnetic properties and frequencies within it.

A session involves placing electrodes on your skin and connecting them to a machine emitting electromagnetic signals. The machine reads back the returning signals from all your cells and analyzes which one may be out of balance due to factors like viruses, allergies or bacteria; then emitting counter frequency signals intended to help rebalance them.

An herbal treatment plan may also aid detoxification and strengthen immunity, recommended by many holistic practitioners to address the underlying causes of disease rather than just treating its symptoms.

Science may be limited behind bioresonance therapy, but anecdotal evidence from people claiming its benefits range from allergies and asthma, pain relief and weight loss. Indeed, some individuals believe so strongly in its benefits that they use it as an alternative form of medical care – something to be careful of if dealing with serious conditions like tumor growth or heart disease as this could compromise medical advice before seeking an alternative therapy solution.

Bioresonance may work, as there have been studies which support its efficacy; however, most of them involve animals rather than humans. One group of smokers who were treated with this device in order to quit found they were more successful at quitting smoking than a control group.

Bioresonance therapy is particularly useful for smoking cessation and allergies because it reduces body toxins, but there is no scientific proof supporting claims that Bioresonance could also aid with Crohn’s disease, digestive disorders or cancer.

How does Bioresonance work?

Imagine an electromagnetic machine capable of curing allergies, treating skin conditions and improving mental wellbeing. Depending on how you view this invention, this could either be seen as the cure for all mankind or dangerous quackery that preys upon vulnerable people and delays seeking the necessary medical attention for serious conditions.

Bioresonance uses an electronic device called the BICOM to identify and treat imbalances in the body’s biomagnetic field. This is accomplished by connecting electrodes on the body directly to BICOM, which then sends electromagnetic signals which stimulate active points to vibrate; when our bodies’ frequencies are balanced, these vibrations should be strong and clear, but in cases of imbalance this vibrations may weaken and even become negative; which is where bioresonance machines come in to help.

Bioresonance machines use vibrational information from vibrational waves to alter and play back healing frequencies to the body as healing waves, known as resonance therapy. When these healing frequencies reach our system again they become part of us – being taken up and used to balance energy within us. Resonance therapy can treat various ailments such as heavy metal poisoning, digestive disorders, arthritis, asthma, menstrual problems and low immune defences among other ailments.

The BICOM is an electromagnetic device operating at very low frequencies, making it extremely safe. No risk of electric shock exists and as electrodes are placed directly on the body there are no need for invasive medical procedures such as injections or surgery to complete treatment.

In the UK, all BICOM devices must be CE marked and therapists should use the term ‘bioresonance therapy‘ rather than biofeedback therapy or diagnosis when discussing this treatment to comply with MHRA guidelines and make accurate claims about this service.

What are the benefits of Bioresonance?

To identify healthy and unhealthy frequencies, saliva or mucous secretions can be fed directly into a machine for testing. After being processed through internal filters that identify healthy information such as amplifying its frequency while weakening or cancelling out unhealthy frequencies, the information can then be fed back into the body to help restore balance and harmony.

Energy medicine has been found to provide relief for a range of conditions, from food and environmental allergies, urogenital disorders (such as prostatitis), digestive issues, low immune defenses, heavy metal toxicity, stress, chronic pain and more. Furthermore, it can detect abnormalities such as viruses or cancer cells as well as locate parasites within the body.

Bioresonance has long been recognized for its potential to identify imbalances in your energy and biomagnetic fields and identify what they indicate, so you can take steps to address any problems they pose. Bioresonance may also help pinpoint any contributing factors, such as low stomach acid or lack of antioxidants that contribute to illness and disease.

Bioresonance may reduce your need for medication by helping your body remove toxins and chemicals that are contributing to symptoms, and eliminate or reduce them. Furthermore, treatment could enable it’s own natural anti-inflammatory agents to be released by your body to effectively treat symptoms without pharmaceutical drugs.

BICOM(r) bioresonance machine can also be used to screen for low stomach acid, which is one of the leading causes of digestive issues. Furthermore, this bioresonance test may detect parasites which cause many symptoms. Parasites have their own distinctive resonance within our bodies which differs from healthy tissues; thus enabling detection.

Note that some bioresonance claims may be supported by reliable studies and clinical trials; others do not. Furthermore, the American Society of Anti-Aging Practitioners and Canadian Academy of Physiatrists advise that any treatments should be conducted under the supervision of a suitably qualified health practitioner.

What are the risks of Bioresonance?

Though bioresonance may show positive effects in some studies, it has yet to be scientifically demonstrated as a way of diagnosing or treating medical conditions or illnesses. Both in the US and UK it has been labeled misleading; and its use could pose serious health risks: delaying seeking medical advice could delay lifesaving cancer treatments; it may discourage patients from seeking other evidence-based therapies which are proven effective; etc.

Bioresonance machines use frequencies emitted by living cells in the body to assess whether its systems are harmonious, similar to tuning a piano string. When an organ or cell’s frequency becomes out of balance, its electromagnetic signal becomes weaker compared to healthy ones; bioresonance machines then send stronger yet more harmonious electromagnetic waves back to them which help restore their original resonance.

Bioresonance therapy works on the premise that unhealthy cells and organs produce altered electromagnetic waves, which then interfere with normal body functions resulting in pain, inflammation and fatigue for instance. Bioresonance therapy aims to restore natural energy flow within your body while simultaneously encouraging self-healing through returning normal electromagnetic vibrations of its cells.

Studies have demonstrated the power of bioresonance therapy to treat various ailments. One such Russian study concluded that bioresonance treatments could reduce symptoms associated with fibromyalgia. Furthermore, another research team determined it can relieve stomach pain in some patients.

Other research indicates that bioresonance therapy and electrodermal testing were ineffective at alleviating symptoms associated with many conditions, including allergies. One clinical trial concluded that bioresonance therapy and electrodermal testing weren’t reliable in diagnosing allergies while another concluded it wasn’t useful in treating atopic dermatitis (eczema).

Studies have also revealed that bioresonance may cause harmful side effects, including headaches, dizziness, and fainting. Therefore, it is recommended to seek guidance from an experienced homeopathic practitioner prior to beginning bioresonance treatments; an experienced holistic practitioner will be able to explain your scan results and guide you in choosing treatments tailored specifically for you.
