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What is Bioresonance Therapy?

Each organ, tissue, and cell in your body emits vibrational frequencies which communicate specific messages about their health status. When these frequencies become disrupted or otherwise interfered with, organ or tissue health becomes compromised.

Bioresonance pinpoints these imbalances by studying the energy fields of the body. This method works similarly to an old experiment with magnet and iron filings: when rearrange them they form an obvious pattern.

It’s a non-invasive therapy

Bioresonance therapy uses electromagnetic frequencies to diagnose and treat imbalances in the body. It’s noninvasive, painless, and can be combined with traditional treatments. Bioresonance also helps relieve stress – which can contribute to many health issues – providing an all-ages treatment option.

Bioresonance therapy operates under the belief that everything in our universe is energy, including every cell in our bodies. Each cell emits vibrations or frequencies which depend upon its state of health – for instance, healthy cells vibrate at high frequencies while diseased ones emit low ones. A device called bioresonance can detect these frequencies and identify their source. Parasites, toxins, bacteria or any other substances contributing to illness symptoms could all be possible culprits.

The Bicom-Optima bioresonance machine works by scanning energy wavelengths coming from your body and identifying imbalances in its electromagnetic field, then counteracting any harmful frequencies and balancing body energy functions to promote self-healing and promote self-healing.

Bioresonance therapy differs from other therapies in that it does not cause pain and has no side effects, making it ideal for improving gastrointestinal issues such as ulcers and diarrhea, psychosomatic diseases and chronic fatigue syndrome, as well as helping strengthen immunity. It has even been thought to help improve immunity.

Bioresonance testing can detect inflammation throughout the body. This could be caused by infection, nutritional deficiency or stress-related conditions; bioresonance can pinpoint its source and suggest suitable treatments.

Bioresonance technology can also be used to detect and destroy parasites like worms and viruses. It works by listening to their weak electrical signature frequencies, then using an externally applied frequency to bring them into resonance with one another – killing the pathogens this way. The technology was pioneered by Royal Rife who discovered that certain pathogens can be killed with an electric pulse sent at their natural frequency, killing it with resonance.

Bioresonance can also assist in diagnosing insomnia and chronic pain, and remove toxins such as heavy metals or chemical pollutants from your body.

It’s safe

Bioresonance is an alternative medicine that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and equilibrium, receiving high praise from many for its ability to pinpoint imbalances at a cellular level. Furthermore, this non-invasive and pain-free treatment option makes Bioresonance ideal for people who suffer from allergies to chemicals, or those sensitive to them; in fact it may be combined with both acupuncture and homeopathy for an holistic approach towards health.

Bioresonance therapy has many uses beyond its therapeutic applications; one being treating emotional imbalances. By harmonizing body energy fields and relieving stress and anxiety, this therapy has minimal side effects compared to more conventional forms. Most scientists consider bioresonance therapy safe.

Bioresonance therapy has been demonstrated as an effective solution to asthma symptoms. By identifying allergens and imbalances within the natural immune system, bioresonance can provide information that helps develop an appropriate treatment plan.

Bioresonance provides another advantage by testing for vitamin and mineral deficiencies as well as acidity levels within the body that contribute to disease. Bioresonance can also pinpoint causes for imbalances that lead to these illnesses while suggesting ways to address them.

Bioresonance testing involves applying electrodes to the skin and connecting them to a machine that reads energy wavelengths from cells within your body and compares them with an established frequency database. Once done, this device emits counter frequencies which match up distorted wavelengths to help your body heal itself more easily.

Bioresonance offers many benefits, from identifying allergic reactions and improving sleep to relieving joint pain, managing weight loss, improving immunity, increasing energy levels and preventing depression or stress. Furthermore, it may even help identify emotional imbalances like childhood trauma or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

Research into bioresonance therapy is limited, yet its success stories and patient testimonials attest to its value. However, this alternative therapy should not replace conventional medical treatments; rather it should be used alongside others like acupuncture and chiropractic for optimal results.

It’s effective

Bioresonance therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing or bio-energetic healing, is an electromagnetic frequency treatment designed to diagnose and treat illnesses holistically. Using the body’s natural energy flow to balance and heal itself, bioresonance machines monitor electromagnetic waves emitted by your body to detect imbalances before emitting different frequencies that cancel out those that interfere with its natural resonance and restore equilibrium quickly – prompting faster healing for you!

Bioresonance machines use electrodes to transmit electromagnetic signals emitted by your body to an electronic processing unit that sends back processed information in different forms to you, the patient. This allows the machine to identify pathogenic frequencies causing disease and change them back into normal frequencies using reverse polarity; it distinguishes bioresonance therapy from electroacupuncture therapy.

Reversing negative frequencies can help your body rebalance itself and speed up its ability to heal itself, which is especially helpful if you’re living with an inflammatory condition such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Bioresonance therapy can assist by regulating antioxidant function within your body and decreasing free radical damage.

Bioresonance testing can also reveal vitamin and mineral deficiencies in your body, helping you make healthier food choices and enhance overall wellness. Furthermore, it can indicate whether certain symptoms are psychosomatic or not.

Bioresonance therapy can also be a useful method for relieving stress and emotional instability by harmonizing body’s energetic fields to support an equilibrium state – helping with anxiety, depression, insomnia and more.

There have been many studies to demonstrate the efficacy of bioresonance therapies, and one notable one involved 60 burnt-out athletes participating in a controlled clinical study which concluded that bioresonance could significantly help ease overtraining syndrome by regulating systolic blood pressure and rebalancing nervous systems. Another significant one found that bioresonance therapies helped relieve unexplained stomach pain through adjusting bio-electrical response of their gut – both techniques are effective therapies used by bioresonance therapists.

It’s affordable

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to promote healing and well-being. First introduced in the 1970s, bioresonance draws inspiration from traditional Chinese medicine and quantum physics to measure body biomagnetic field frequencies using electrodes attached to electrodes attached to body parts like electrodes measuring biomagnetic field frequency imbalances in order to identify imbalances that need correcting. Many patients see significant improvements after just three treatments of bioresonance therapy – not only does it treat individual conditions but it can prevent future illnesses as well as enhance overall wellbeing.

An extensive European Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Biophysics study revealed that patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis experienced decreased inflammation after receiving bioresonance therapy, while also improving vitamin and mineral levels and experiencing reduced acidity levels in their bloodstreams.

Anyone interested in magnetic bioresonance should first consult with a qualified practitioner before receiving this alternative therapy. The cost can depend on how many sessions are needed to treat a particular condition – typically, more severe symptoms require more sessions of bioresonance therapy treatment, with most sessions costing approximately 500 euros each time.

Although magnetic bioresonance may seem controversial, it offers patients who seek alternatives to conventional medicine an effective means of treatment that’s noninvasive, affordable and offers numerous health benefits. Magnetic bioresonance has been used successfully to treat allergies, pain management, emotional issues as well as diagnose health conditions not otherwise identifiable by traditional doctors.

Magnetic bioresonance sessions typically last 30-40 minutes, taking place on a comfortable couch and placing your feet on two pads attached to a machine. After, you will receive a detailed report of its findings and this therapy has proven itself effective against numerous conditions; patients suffering from chronic pain or depression have experienced marked improvement after using bioresonance therapy while it also offers great stress and anxiety relief.
