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Bio Resonance Therapy – Holistic Diagnosis and Treatment

Bio resonance therapy is an integrative form of diagnosis and treatment, using an electronic device to read electromagnetic vibrations within your body before correcting any negative ones.

Proponents of electronic health monitoring devices claim they can identify and alter unhealthy frequency patterns to detect disease, while returning healthy vibrations begins a natural healing process. Different electronic devices, including Bicom, e-Lybra and miHealth systems are being used for this purpose.

What is Bio Resonance Therapy?

Bio resonance therapy is an energy medicine and holistic diagnosis and treatment approach based on the principle that everything in our universe vibrates at different rates; living things have their own individual energy frequencies, including our bodies with all their organs and systems, such as our digestive tract. If one or more of these frequencies is disrupted due to environmental toxins, unhealthy lifestyle habits or diseases then they create an unbalance in health which manifests itself with symptoms like fatigue, digestive issues or chronic illnesses – creating a cycle.

Bioresonance machines employed in this form of therapy can read electromagnetic waves emitted by each cell in your body. When healthy cells are functioning normally, their electromagnetic wave pattern is symmetrical and easily read by other cells within your body; on the contrary, unhealthy cells emit asymmetrical electromagnetic waves making communication with them harder for other cells in your body.

As soon as the machine detects an interference with your body’s electromagnetic field, specific frequencies will be sent directly to that region in order to counteract any discordant energy and restore harmony among cells, eliminate harmful substances, and eliminate microorganisms.

An advantage of holistic therapy is its natural nature – no chemicals or surgical procedures required! Furthermore, it offers highly personalized attention based on an individual’s energetic makeup allowing a deeper understanding of symptoms’ causes as well as an effective approach to healing.

One advantage is its affordability; results tend to last over time. Therefore, it makes an ideal solution for anyone wanting to try something different while avoiding conventional treatment’s side effects.

Finding a qualified practitioner that has undergone proper training and insurance can be challenging. There are various companies offering courses and certification for this form of therapy; most manufacturers provide lists of certified practitioners on their websites for easy reference. You can verify a practitioner is authorized by asking them for a copy of their insurance certificate.

How does Bio Resonance Therapy work?

Bioresonance therapy taps into the energy field of the body. Based on an unproven hypothesis that healthy cells emit symmetrical electromagnetic waves while diseased ones produce asymmetrical ones, bioresonance machines read these waves to detect organ imbalance or damaged tissue and use frequencies to restore biomagnetic fields and eliminate any unhealthy frequencies from our biomagnetic field.

At a bioresonance session, electrodes are attached to the skin and an electromagnetic frequency is released by a machine that travels throughout the body. If energy fields in your body are healthy and balanced, their return signals should be clear; otherwise they could return weak or muted signals; then, once recognized by the machine, counterfrequencies will be issued to offset negative ones and restore equilibrium.

BioScan’s noninvasive process provides invaluable information about your state of health. It can identify areas of high stress, imbalanced organs and systems, food sensitivities, environmental exposures or nutritional deficiencies – and may also identify causes of chronic or acute illness and disease.

Not to be missed out is the fact that neither the American Society for Acupuncture & Pulmonary Medicine (ASA & CAP) or American Council on Exercise have approved claims related to bioresonance therapies. Few studies use rigorous clinical trial methodology and it is impossible to conduct double blind testing as the person providing treatment is aware that they may administer either an active or placebo drug. ASA and CAP have also issued warnings against bioresonance devices being used to diagnose or treat medical conditions. Instead, doctors should recommend seeking appropriate medical care for symptoms and diseases including consulting a certified doctor for diagnosis confirmation. Assuring patients receive evidence-based treatments will ensure they receive the latest available. Furthermore, if bioresonance therapy is being utilized by any patient without evidence to support it should continue receiving other forms of traditional therapies; to maintain overall good health it’s essential that we maintain good quality of life with no unnecessary risks or complications.

What are the Benefits of Bio Resonance Therapy?

Bio Resonance Therapy, also referred to as electrodermal testing, bio-energetic therapy and vibrational healing is an innovative noninvasive solution for various conditions. The electromagnetic frequencies used during therapy aim to balance bioresonance within your organs and systems thereby initiating their natural process of healing.

Ultrasound therapy is an easy and noninvasive way of diagnosing and treating illness, offering relief for digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances, fatigue and more. Furthermore, ultrasound can also be used for detoxification purposes by improving liver and kidney functions to remove harmful substances from the body more quickly.

Bioresonance therapy works by placing electrodes on your skin to measure electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your cells. A device detects any unhealthy frequencies, matching them up with counterfrequencies that “cancel out” negative ones to balance out your energy balance and restore balance to your energy system. This approach relies on the fact that healthy cells resonate at certain frequencies while diseased ones resonate at others – which ultimately contributes to overall better health overall.

Bioresonance therapy has the power to identify and treat a range of conditions, from allergies and intolerances, gastro-intestinal disorders, depression fatigue or Rheumatoid arthritis to nutritional deficiencies which need assessing. Furthermore, it provides personalized advice about nutritional plans which could improve overall health.

Bioresonance therapy is widely regarded as an effective non-invasive means of relieving stress. This therapy works by helping rebalance energy levels within your body, leading to feelings of wellbeing and increased mental health benefits.

Bioresonance therapy is considered safe, with no known side effects, yet finding a qualified practitioner is still essential to maximize results and reap maximum benefit from bioresonance treatment. Many practitioners will provide combination bioresonance sessions along with other services – make sure you ask about their experience, qualifications, registration with the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency and whether or not they can give the best service possible!
