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The Benefits of AO Scan

AO Scan is a non-invasive holistic device that offers non-invasive information about your energy field and body’s energy balance. This device’s benefits include pinpointing potential food sensitivities or health challenges that may need addressing with various strategies.

It is safe for all ages and compatible with pacemakers and pregnant women. In addition, the AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer may help prevent future health problems by encouraging natural processes like apoptosis.

Scalar Wave Technology

Scalar energy is a form of electromagnetic energy that differs from traditional electromagnetic waves. Conceived by Nikola Tesla, scalar energy may allow energy to travel through space and matter without losing intensity, unlike regular electromagnetic waves which propagate transversely. Scalar waves may travel longitudinally.

Scalar waves have the ability to transmit frequencies throughout solid objects, making them perfect for transmitting information and energy throughout the body. Scalar wave frequencies can help identify health concerns and support natural healing processes of the body; with AO Scan technology using this form of communication to deliver beneficial frequencies into our cells and tissues that balance out chemistry balance and boost immune systems.

Scalar wave technology also assists in balancing both hemispheres of the brain, increasing mental focus and clarity as well as detoxification and energy increases. Many are turning to this form of therapy to treat conditions like cancer and chronic fatigue with great success.

While scalar wave technology can bring many advantages, it can also pose serious dangers. Certain electromagnetic fields – like 60Hz AC electric fields – release an invisible longitudinal/scalar wave that’s harmful to living systems. With iAwake’s biofield technology, however, these harmful waves are transformed into beneficial waves that benefit cells of the body instead.

Scalar waves are often underestimated forms of energy that play a crucial role in our DNA and biology. Their origin can be found within each cell’s nucleus and used to transmit genetic code between cells for transfer. This process, known as cellular communication, plays an essential part in healing itself and fighting disease as it transfers genetic code between them all. Furthermore, scalar waves help optimize vibration of material membranes within cells to promote uptake of nutrients while eliminating waste products while strengthening chemical bonds to DNA to decrease chances of damage and age related damage while increasing energy production within our bodies while decreasing inflammation levels within our bodies.

AO Scan App

AO Scan is an innovative wellness technology that allows users to access their body’s electromagnetic energy field. Utilizing cutting-edge algorithms, it identifies areas of stress within the body that may be caused by physical, emotional or chemical issues – ultimately providing users with all of the data they need to create an AO Scan Wellness Program and effectively address imbalances long-term for maximum wellbeing and health.

Healthcare professionals and individuals alike can use the AO Scan App to gain a deeper understanding of their body. The software compares frequencies scanned from organs and cells against an established database called Blueprint Frequencies to pinpoint any causes for imbalance. Finally, it creates an optimal frequency to harmonize with and balance current cellular frequencies of an individual.

AO Scan App provides access to a variety of scans that can be performed, including an exhaustive one which examines over 130 organs, cells, bones and chromosomes in detail. Furthermore, toxicities present may also be identified such as positive or negative responses from chemicals, mold, fungus, bacteria or heavy metals.

AO Scan App can also analyze an individual’s emotional and mental state. This feature can be especially beneficial to children as it helps identify environmental factors which may impact their behavior; for instance, children diagnosed with ADHD could benefit from identifying any food or chemical sensitivities which might be contributing to their symptoms.

The AO Scan App is an excellent choice for health and wellness practitioners looking to incorporate advanced technology into their practices. It can be used for various tasks, from identifying client stressors to creating tailored holistic wellness programs. With its ease-of-use and ability to be used anywhere, as well as its database that can be accessed anytime, this app makes for an attractive tool. Both iPhone and Android users are eligible to use the AO Scan App; those interested can register for the Solex Life Affiliate training program to begin using this powerful technology.

AO Scan Reports

Each organ and tissue in your body has its own vibrational frequency; when this frequency is altered by injury, diet, stress or emotion it can lead to fatigue, illness and disease. AO Scan technology communicates with your body using subtle bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals in order to identify areas of imbalance and assist with optimizing health for maximum wellbeing and harmony.

AO Scan technology is an innovative wellness tool gaining widespread acclaim among naturopaths, chiropractors and energy healers. As an innovative non-invasive alternative to more invasive diagnostic approaches like blood tests or invasive procedures, it offers a broader overview of your overall energetic balance that allows practitioners to detect imbalances or stressors that might not be immediately noticeable to the naked eye.

The AO Scan program quickly analyzes your entire body in under one minute to detect and correct resonant frequencies, using technology used by astronauts, cosmonauts, physicians, naturopaths and wellness practitioners worldwide. It can be conducted remotely and safely for all ages – making AO Scan an excellent educational tool for clients, doctors, naturopaths and wellness practitioners alike.

Naturopaths or wellness practitioners can perform an AO Scan session in either their office or your home, making this an easy option for people wanting to reduce travel costs or feel more secure in a private setting. Furthermore, in-person sessions provide more personalized experiences by enabling hands-on adjustments from practitioners.

An AO Scan session begins with an Inner-Voice scan to give an accurate assessment of both emotional and physical wellbeing, along with a 7-day SEFI frequency broadcast to restore emotional balance. A comprehensive report and MP3 sound therapy files help interpret results and start healing processes more quickly.

Vitals, Comprehensive, and Body Systems scans from AO Scan are among the many available AO Scan services; each takes only minutes to complete using technology used by astronauts, cosmonauts and physicians. The Comprehensive Scan can identify over 550 blueprint frequencies related to overall well-being – this report includes 24-pages related to blood, brain functionality, allergies/infections as well as chakras/meridians imbalances as well as more!

AO Scan Technology

AO Scan is an innovative non-invasive technology that analyzes body frequencies to promote wellness by providing corrective frequencies. Chill Zone Cryo offers this groundbreaking AO Scan Digital Body Analyzer that utilizes a Solex bioresonance scanner, measuring energy signatures from physical and emotional wellbeing as well as imbalances or stressors in order to identify effective measures towards living a healthier lifestyle.

The AO Scan scans your body’s energetic frequencies and compares them against its database of blueprint frequencies to identify any imbalances or irregularities, determine their source, and send healing frequencies for balance restoration. It can also identify root cause issues before sending healing frequencies for restoration of equilibrium. This powerful tool can be combined with various health strategies such as IV nutrition, ozone therapy, chelation hormone optimization detoxification etc. for maximum effect.

Each organ, tissue and cell in the human body emits specific frequencies. If these frequencies become disrupted it can indicate an imbalance or health concern at a cellular level; with AO Scan technology it’s easy to spot such abnormalities that would normally go undetected with traditional blood tests or medical imaging technologies.

AO Scan technology was inspired by the work of such iconic scientists as Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein, employing delicate bio-frequencies and electromagnetic signals to communicate with our body’s own natural intelligence. It is easy and safe for use, enabling people of all ages and physical capabilities to benefit from its powerful healing abilities.

The AO Scan provides comprehensive body analysis, making it a useful tool for doctors, naturopaths, chiropractors, health coaches, personal trainers and wellness enthusiasts alike. With the ability to do it both online and in person – providing clients with limited time or travel resources an efficient option – its use becomes invaluable.

AO Scan offers multiple scans, such as Vital Scan, Inner Voice Scan and Comprehensive Scan. It can be purchased as either a standalone device or through monthly subscription and includes custom reports, sound therapy MP3 files and seven days of SEFI frequency broadcasting. Its intuitive app makes use easy while its reports provide detailed insight into overall health and wellbeing – it even detects missing limbs/organs to help address them and enhance overall wellbeing!
