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Biophotonic Therapy and the BICOM Machine

The BICOM machine is an effective solution for treating allergies and other health issues. Utilizing electromagnetic frequencies, this non-invasive treatment is safe for children over 4 years of age.

With applicators that touch the skin or magnets placed beneath light clothing, this device measures the radiation from our cells and divides these waves into harmonious and unhealthy ones, returning only healthy oscillations to strengthen them.

Bioresonance therapy

Bioresonance therapy is an alternative treatment method that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to heal the body. This safe and painless therapy can be used to address a range of health conditions, including allergies and asthma. Furthermore, this therapy may also help heal nervous systems as well as provide mental and physical balance improvement.

An electrode is placed on the body and connected to a bioresonance machine for use during a session, and this machine reads energy waves originating from within it to counteract bad frequencies; additionally, new signals may be sent back out through electrodes to correct unhealthy vibrations in real time. It’s noninvasive process which can be utilized on both humans and animals alike.

BICOM devices are designed to reduce stress and restore balance to our bodies’ natural self-healing processes. Based on quantum physics principles and electromagnetic waves for transmission of information, this device can detect and treat overloads within our bodies while encouraging cell regeneration processes and strengthening immune systems.

BICOM devices can detect chronic deficiencies and toxicity. Unlike other “frequency therapies,” these devices feature a feedback loop between body and device that uses specific frequencies to treat each individual’s pathology. Therapists can select these frequencies with the use of resonance tests using skin punch or other standard samples of bodily substances as a test sample.

Contrary to conventional treatments, the BICOM device is safe and without side effects for humans and animals alike, and may even help treat issues like allergies and arthritis in pets.

Biolite Clinic’s practitioners are trained in Germany and offer personalized sessions in a relaxing and comfortable setting, to promote wellness and treat the entire person rather than just symptoms of illness. Biolite has an established track record in treating conditions like allergies, digestive disorders and anxiety through its holistic approach backed up by research and clinical trials.

Electromagnetic resonance therapy

A BICOM bioresonance machine uses electromagnetic resonance therapy to restore the free flow of healing information within the body, using electromagnetic resonance. It operates under the principle that all matter is energy and information; unlike conventional medicine, this holistic treatment method focuses on treating its source. Suitable for people of all ages including animals; its success has been established over many years of practice and has proven safe and effective use.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy (PEMF) is an FDA-approved noninvasive therapy in which current pulse-generated magnetic field pulses are applied intermittently over short durations at various frequencies to different areas. PEMF therapy has proven useful in treating chronic wounds and fibromyalgia; additionally it may help treat depression, ADD/ADHD, migraines, epilepsy as well as depression. PEMF research continues.

BICOM bioresonance machine is an all-in-one device used for diagnosing and treating various diseases in both humans and animals. From reducing allergic reactions to improving bone health, this tool has numerous applications ranging from allergy reduction to uncovering hidden causes of health issues to help patients manage symptoms more effectively – it may even improve sleep and boost mental performance!

Contrary to conventional medicine, BICOM bioresonance therapy does not rely on drugs or chemicals. Instead, its main advantage over other devices lies in reading your electromagnetic field and neutralizing any irregular waves through specific magnetic frequencies – helping reduce inflammation while stimulating cell regeneration in turn.

Bioresonance therapy is an invaluable asset to animal healthcare, helping identify and address hidden causes of illness. Furthermore, it can identify which treatments will be most effective for an individual patient – something which helps coordinate treatments between different healthcare providers as well as helping mitigate side effects from medications prescribed to your pet.

The BICOM bioresonance device comes in two varieties – desktop version (BICOM optima) and mobile (BICOM optima mobile). Both versions can easily be integrated into any practice and support various applicators, with interested veterinary professionals reaching out to any of its international representatives for more information.

Biophotonic therapy

Biophotonic therapy is an electromagnetic wave-based form of bioresonance treatment used to stimulate bioresonance frequencies within the human body and balance energy functions. This technology utilizes cutting-edge tools to accelerate healing while rebalancing body’s energies based on holistic medicine’s belief that it’s possible for it to heal itself.

Researchers believe that microorganisms and other cells emitting ultra-weak electromagnetic radiation called biophotons – commonly referred to as light. This discovery marks an important advancement as it indicates biological organisms can transmit information via light communication channels. Unfortunately, however, this phenomenon remains poorly understood, with researchers only recently beginning to comprehend what role this plays in biological systems.

Microorganisms have been demonstrated to produce electromagnetic radiation known as biophotons from exergonic chemical reactions, visible even to naked eyes and covering visible and near-infrared spectrum regions. Though weak, biophotons can still be detected at small concentrations from surface bacteria or produced through photosynthesis in plants.

BICOM device reads electromagnetic signals produced by the body and sends back frequency oscillations that correct any asymmetrical frequencies, much like how radio can read and interpret signal transmission frequencies broadcast by signal transmitter. Furthermore, this device may amplify or weaken oscillations produced by your own body while sending different shapes of modulation waves that change how your body responds.

Additionally, the BICOM device can produce biophotons through photosynthesis for communication between microorganisms in your body and your cells, improving health of cells while decreasing inflammation in your body – an especially useful effect when dealing with conditions like chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia or inflammatory bowel disease.

Biophotonics offers many benefits to the body, such as increasing cellular energy levels and optimizing metabolism processes. Furthermore, this method can also assist in healing injuries quickly while speeding the healing process – making biophotonics an eco-friendly and cost-effective alternative to traditional therapies like physical therapy or chiropractic treatments. With medical-grade devices like the BICOM Optima device helping the natural healing frequencies within our bodies work toward healing, biophotonics provides safe yet natural pain relief while simultaneously stimulating healing processes within.


Biofeedback is a form of mind-body therapy that teaches you to regulate various aspects of your body, such as heart rate and breathing. You learn this by listening to sounds that inform you when your brain is calm or active so you can learn to relax both mind and body. Biofeedback also assists with breathing exercises which may reduce pain and reduce stress – something you can practice at home using wearable devices that monitor heart rate while providing instructions for relaxing breathwork techniques such as wristbands that provide instructions.

The BICOM device uses electromagnetic energy to connect with your cells, tissues, and chromosomes. Additionally, it can identify and eliminate disturbing information which manifests as imbalances in vibrational frequencies that manifest as health issues such as allergies, digestive problems and hormone imbalances. BICOM may help identify possible solutions to such health problems such as allergies, digestive issues or hormone imbalances by using this process.

This technology works similarly to an EEG machine used in neurofeedback sessions, enabling you to view and alter your own brain waves for greater benefit. An added advantage of this therapy is that no medications or needles are required – making it safe and noninvasive while yielding accurate results.

At each session, your therapist will apply electrodes to your head and neck that are connected to a computer that measures energy wave lengths. The computer identifies any imbalanced frequencies and corrects them with healthy wave lengths in order to make sure all cell frequencies vibrate at healthy frequencies.

The BICOM system can also identify and address some of the effects of disease, including loss of bowel control or ringing in the ears (tinnitus). Furthermore, it may help locate hidden causes for problems like parasites or yeast that conventional medicine cannot identify.

Although not approved by the FDA, BICOM can help identify areas of stress which contribute to health issues. Be mindful that its accuracy may not match with real world symptoms and diagnoses; additionally be cautious when choosing a practitioner as some have misrepresented this device to their clients; always double-check qualifications when selecting your practitioner.
