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What is Bio Resonance Scanning?

Bio resonance scans use a sensor held in your hand that quickly reads electromagnetic resonance cells in your body and provide a detailed report, outlining any imbalances.

Every living organism emits electromagnetic waves or oscillations with frequencies varying between healthy cells, tissues and organs and those suffering from disease – this allows us to detect beginning dysfunction long before medical diagnostics can.


Bioresonance scanning is a non-invasive holistic wellness test that measures the frequency of energy wavelengths emanating from your body and compares them with healthy frequencies to detect imbalances and help restore equilibrium.

Scientific evidence has demonstrated that every cell and organ within the human body emits its own electromagnetic wave with an unique resonance frequency, enabling us to identify disease states within cells and organs as well as restore them back to healthy resonance frequencies.

Bioresonance scans measure your vibrational energy field by sending low-intensity electromagnetic waves through headphones to measure vibrational energy field vibrations in your body, before sending these frequencies through to be analyzed by computers to identify any imbalances within your system and provide recommendations for proactive steps that can be taken to rectify those imbalances.

Quantum physics forms the scientific foundation of this technology. Quantum physics is an area of science which recognizes that all things, including matter and energy, consist of vibrating energy particles called atoms that vibrate at specific frequencies. Quantum physics also recognizes entangled states, in which these energy particles communicate even though separated by distance.

Bioresonance scanning technology builds upon this understanding to scan the biofield of your body for stress or disease. The AO Scan app uses this technology to scan this biofield and identify any areas which stress or threaten its wellbeing, then sends out correcting frequencies to restore balance to restore natural state health and restore wellness back into your system.

BioScan testing methods offer an ideal way to gain an accurate picture of your overall body health. Easy and comprehensive reports highlight results. Furthermore, BioScan data may assist with making lifestyle changes which will enhance health and wellbeing; its report may highlight any areas that are stressed or imbalanced while outlining which foods and supplements your body requires to reach optimal wellness.

Easy to Use

Bio resonance scanning differs from traditional diagnostic techniques in that it’s noninvasive and painless, yet provides detailed reports about an individual’s energy field that can pinpoint areas where there might be imbalances within their bodies and help achieve optimal health and wellness.

Each cell, tissue, organ and system in your body has a specific resonating frequency that affects it; when these frequencies become out-of-tune, they can impact on other areas resulting in stress or dysfunction for you as an entire system. With the AO Scan App you can assess these frequencies to identify root causes of health issues by sending electromagnetic signals through your body and reading its responses.

The AO Scan App employs a patented technology that measures bioresonance signals sent out from body’s cells, tissues and organs to analyze these frequencies against standard diseases, nutrition and toxic indicators in a database. A computer processor then analyses this information and produces a report outlining any imbalances within an individual’s energy field.

Bioresonance scanning can identify and locate imbalances like allergies, infections, parasites, toxins, nutritional deficiencies and emotional issues so they can be addressed through lifestyle modifications, nutritional supplements or other therapeutic interventions.

Bioresonance scanners come in all shapes and sizes; one of the most advanced and effective is AO Scan App. This bioresonance device detects imbalances in energy fields within your body and offers advice on how to address them through diet, exercise or other therapies. Furthermore, it can identify any energetic connections to objects or places within an individual’s environment.

The AO Scan App is easy for both healthcare professionals and individuals to use. Its advanced algorithms quickly assess an individual’s energy field for harmful substances and environmental influences; and provide recommendations for improving one’s quality of life through lifestyle changes or nutritional supplements. In addition, this App also offers training and certification opportunities for wellness professionals or those aspiring to become Quantum Living Advocates; these opportunities offer full understanding of its features.

Detailed Reports

Bioresonance scanning is a noninvasive holistic health test that evaluates your body’s energy and provides a report of any imbalances, such as food or environmental sensitivities, bacterial diseases and parasites, heavy metal toxicity, nutritional deficiencies or hormone imbalances. Recommended for people seeking to understand their body and take preventive steps – once used by Russian cosmonauts prior to space missions this diagnostic method can reveal any underlying issues.

Based on the concept that all living beings emit electromagnetic waves with specific frequencies, all cells, tissues and organs emitting these electromagnetic waves with specific resonance frequencies that when disturbed alter their metabolism and DNA. When these frequencies are disturbed the functional capacity of cells decreases significantly and this results in disease. All types of bacteria, fungi, viruses chemical toxins waste toxins pollution as well as electromagnetic pollution may alter these resonance frequencies altering organ resonance frequencies causing disease in its wake.

These factors trigger a stress response in our bodies that disrupts homeostasis and may result in symptoms like aches and pains, sleep issues or fatigue. Bioresonance therapy uses quantum physics to transmit electromagnetic waves (hertz). It has the power to restore cellular balance while stimulating tissue regenerative potential and increasing self-healing capabilities.

AO Scan LLC’s bio resonance machine utilizes headphones to measure energy wavelength emissions from your body. It then compares this data against its database of healthy bodies to identify any imbalances or stresses which require attention, including imbalances caused by nutritional supplements, herbs or therapies which will provide relief.

AO Scan bioresonance machine is FDA-approved and utilizes cutting edge technology to detect pathologies within the body. Due to its extreme sensitivity, it can detect early stage dysfunction long before conventional medical diagnostic tests identify it – making this machine particularly helpful in recognizing early symptoms such as stress response disorders, allergies, and bacterial infections.

Quick Results

Every organ, tissue and cell in our bodies emit electromagnetic resonance frequencies which vary from healthy to diseased states. A bio-resonance scanner records these frequencies and analyses them in detail for greater insight into an individual’s health status.

This advanced scan detects early signs of dysfunction long before medical diagnostics can identify it, making it a useful way of identifying issues that must be addressed prior to progression into pathology or disease and can often reverse itself once remedial steps have been implemented.

Originating as a tool used by Russian cosmonauts to assess their health before space missions, this scan offers a great way to gain a comprehensive assessment of your physical state and prevent various illnesses. Safe, non-invasive and free from radiation exposure – making this scan the ideal way to get an in-depth examination quickly and pinpoint its root cause without delay; quickly eliminating symptoms as you go along!
