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Bio Resonance Screening

Bio resonance testing uses a machine that analyzes the energy wavelengths produced by your body. Proponents believe this testing method can help diagnose disease, while altering frequencies to healthier ones may treat it effectively.

This test operates on the principle of resonance-response, similar to Kinesiology or Muscle Testing. The results can help detect imbalances and early warning signs in the body such as food intolerances or toxins.

How It Works

Your cells, tissues and body emit electromagnetic frequencies which can be measured using special instruments designed to detect them and counteract unhealthy frequency patterns – known as bio resonance frequencies – which can help heal your body naturally. The test itself is painless, safe and noninvasive; typically taking only 10 minutes. For optimal results it’s best to prepare yourself ahead of time by drinking plenty of water, cutting down caffeine intake and smoking cessation as well as refraining from certain foods to stabilize energy fields for more accurate readings.

Bioresonance testing devices work by sending electromagnetic waves through your body and listening for their return signal, then analyzing which frequencies exist that can cancel out diseased ones, then sending these frequencies through electrodes back into your body to heal problematic areas.

People use this technology to treat chronic illnesses such as arthritis and cancer. Additionally, it has also been successfully applied in treating allergies and infections. The method operates under the unproven assumption that electromagnetic oscillations emitted by damaged organs differ from healthy tissues; its devices supposedly detect these variations to “cancel out” diseased signals through destructive wave interference and “cancel them out.”

The Qest 4 Bioresonance System is a German technology designed to detect and alter unhealthy frequency patterns to promote overall health and wellbeing. Using resonance-response processes similar to Kinesiology and Muscle Testing, but faster. Electromagnetic signals transmitted from small brass cylinders into your body via electromagnetic fields transfer information that is later recorded by computer equipment for further analysis and can reveal imbalances within your system.

The system then lists out the root causes of your imbalances, in priority order. Your therapist will treat any areas in need using appropriate frequencies to balance and heal them; additionally they can recommend additional supplements and therapies as part of treatment plan. It is strongly suggested to make an initial new patient appointment prior to scheduling bioresonance session as you will need to complete intake forms as part of this treatment process.


Quantum Physics states that all particles of matter – healthy cells, tissues and organs; pathogens such as bacteria or viruses; toxins; heavy metals – emit electromagnetic frequencies (also called vibrational energy). Our body absorbs this electromagnetic frequency which causes our bioenergetic system to respond with an individual frequency signature or resonance signature for each substance present – this frequency signature can then be detected using bio resonance screening.

At a bio resonance scan, electrodes are applied to the skin and connected to a computer which reads energy emissions by various tissues and organs of the body. It then uses this data to identify unhealthy frequencies and sends out signals to cancel out those frequencies; further identifying any factors that are upsetting its natural balance such as environmental pollution, electro-smog, food sensitivities, toxic chemicals in household and beauty products, radio waves, geopathic stress (such as ley lines), fungal overactivity parasites or bacteria.

After conducting a full bio resonance scan, our BioMed Health Practitioner Claudia will craft a healing protocol tailored to meet your individual needs. This may involve nutritional supplements, homeopathic tinctures or lifestyle adjustments. This assessment can take place simultaneously with your bioresonance scan and be billed like any regular appointment fee – new patients can choose this option right after their bioresonance test; established clients can add it on as part of existing appointments. While some people experience slight tingles during bioresonance scans it should generally remain pain-free; making bioresonance safe even for pregnant women, babies or individuals sensitive individuals.


Bio resonance screening is an alternative form of healthcare that utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to identify imbalances within the body. It’s noninvasive and produces minimal side effects, as well as being used alongside traditional medical practices to identify medical conditions at cellular level and treat them naturally. With bio resonance screening you may be able to find out the root cause of any condition and effectively address it using natural remedies.

During a scan, electrodes will be attached to your skin, and a device sends signals directly into your cells. A database compares this signal against frequencies known to produce specific energy wavelengths from cells; and can even detect vibrations caused by unhealthy cells and determine their source; plus identify environmental stressors like electromagnetic fields, electro-smog, geopathic stress (ley lines), radio waves and electrical frequencies; pathogenic burdens can all contribute to stress.

An MRI scanner’s static magnetic field B0 attracts and accelerates ferromagnetic objects toward its center of bore [5,6,7]. Even non-ferromagnetic medical implants, hairpins, and steel oxygen tanks may become dangerous projectiles when exposed to this force.

To reduce risks related to these potential hazards, MRI facilities have established four safety zones around their scanner [8,9]. These safety systems restrict who can enter and leave the scanning area; their presence must be adhered to by all staff within an MRI facility’s map and staff must follow its rules; ACR guidance document on MR safe practices recommends training all ancillary staff on using these four zones in order to limit exposure to magnetic fields.

Bioresonance scans are generally safe for adults and children of all ages; however, it’s best to consult a doctor first. Hydration and avoidance of allergens or smoking will reduce any negative impacts on energy fields as well as ensure accurate frequency patterns measurements from the machine. Furthermore, any medications or supplements which could interfere with scan results must also be avoided to achieve maximum accuracy from this test.


Every molecule within our bodies – tissues, words, emotions, toxins & pathogens – has an energetic charge & vibration. Bio resonance testing offers insight into these resonance frequencies & how they may be impacting synergistic systems within the body.

Full body scans typically cost an average of PS90 and take an estimated 90 minutes, depending on your condition and what information is requested from you by your practitioner. Follow-up sessions tend to be shorter in duration and will generally cost between PS60-PS70 per session.

Diet and environmental scans will allow you to identify any food- and environmental-related allergies, sensitivities or imbalances in the patient. A remedy scan will make choosing remedies simpler by exploring which would balance with their hair and saliva samples.
