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What is Bioresonance?

Resonance and frequency are common terms in physics; however, for body-mind health purposes we use “information signatures” instead of resonance to refer to signals that interact with our systems more complexly than simply frequency or wave form.

Royal Rife pioneered bioresonance when he discovered that pathogens could be eliminated through sending frequencies corresponding to their natural signature frequency. Modern equipment has taken this knowledge one step further.

What is Bioresonance?

Bioresonance is a noninvasive technique to balance body’s energetic frequency and promote self-healing of its own cells. It helps eliminate disturbing information such as allergies or pathological complaints and enhance natural healing processes by reading electromagnetic signals (frequencies) from organs, tissues and cell structures to provide appropriate frequencies that align with their needs. The BICOM machine reads these signals (frequencies) then counteracts them using frequencies compatible with them for effective results.

Bioresonance refers to life; its fundamental principle relies on the fact that all living beings produce electromagnetic oscillations at various wavelengths and frequencies that can be detected, amplified, graphed and detected again for analysis by bioresonance practitioners allowing holistic healthcare providers to strengthen and rebalance bodies through this form of measurement.

Therefore, bioresonance therapy falls under Complementary and Alternative Medicine; though not officially recognised as a diagnostic tool by medical establishment, bioresonance can still help identify imbalances and support your wellness journey. Bioresonance can also be used to test for allergens in food or supplements, identify remedies compatible with your meridian system, as well as find sources of pain or discomfort.

Bioresonance testing does not diagnose diseases or illnesses and should always be administered by a trained practitioner using an effective bioresonance device. Although unofficially recognized, bioresonance has proven itself safe and effective over time.

For instance, the BICOM device can help identify food and environmental sensitivities through a simple hair test. Hair follicles absorb and reflect electromagnetic frequencies emitted from your body’s organs to provide feedback to the machine, and use this data to ascertain whether you have a reaction against an external factor such as herbs, supplements or food items.

Once identified, treatment involves finding the appropriate remedy to restore cellular energy and support your own natural healing process. This could involve supplements, nutritional therapy or other forms of acupuncture such as AmpCoil devices.

What is the Qest 4 Bioenergetic Scan?

The Qest4 bioenergetic scanning machine is an innovative energetic screening system that works in harmony with your clients natural healing abilities. This cutting-edge screening system checks for imbalances in energy fields – or “quantum world”) by testing for imbalances using frequencies that mimic physical body signatures; results are then instantly available and can inform next steps, increasing effectiveness of consultations. With over 40,000 individual signatures covering anatomy and physiology, body chemistry, medicines/supplements taken/avoided; pathogens; allergies; environmental/ emotional toxins etc – Qest4 provides comprehensive coverage.

The system is non-invasive and works on the principle that all matter is composed of vibrational frequencies that can be measured and recorded using an integrated hardware/software combination. A scan measures resistance to these vibrational frequencies to identify any areas of imbalance before data processing by software produces a list of balancing frequencies, much like an online store offering homeopathic remedies.

These frequencies are then embedded into liquid drops for daily consumption. Over time, using these frequencies to correct imbalances, their body becomes restored to a healthier, balanced state.

At its core, a scan is a form of Meridian Stress Analysis that pinpoints acupuncture meridian points where energy flows are being restricted or disrupted. By matching specific frequencies to these points of imbalanced acupuncture meridians, your body can learn how to release any blockages and return to health.

As imbalances are addressed, the body can more efficiently handle other contributing causes for their issues. For instance, someone might present with thyroid symptoms but these could actually be related to an unbalanced gut microbiota, meaning it might not show up initially on test but might show up after working on other sources of dysfunction. As soon as prioritised imbalances have been addressed for testing purposes it will likely present itself again on subsequent screenings.

Understanding this process requires drawing parallels with ideo-motor response testing used by hypnotherapists. Ideo-motor response (or muscle testing), used by these professionals, measures responses to questions about events the subject doesn’t remember consciously, such as events they don’t recall consciously themselves. A similar process occurs when discussing an event with clients in calm conversation so as to desensitise them to their memories so they may better manage it themselves.

How Does the Qest 4 Bioenergetic Scan Work?

The Qest4 system operates under the principle that everything is composed of energy. Our health is directly tied to maintaining balance within this energy field, so testing may reveal potential causes such as nutritional deficiencies, blockages caused by micro-organisms or environmental stressors or homeopathic remedies that might help address an imbalance.

The software contains digitally encoded information about various health factors that it outputs as electromagnetic signals during testing, using a low voltage circuit consisting of two brass cylinders or handmasses held together with wire. A computer then records your body’s response to these electromagnetic signals – similar to how kinesiology works – before feeding back this information back into the program which then collates a list of possible causes of your imbalance.

These may include anything from bacterial or viral infections, nutrient deficiency, hormone imbalance, blocked meridians and emotional stressors to more. Once an imbalance is detected by the computer program, we use its thousands of signatures stored to find one matching the condition causing it. With that information we select an effective remedy that will assist the body’s natural ability to resolve itself.

Purely Living assisted one of their members who brought in their elderly cat who was listless by conducting a Qest4 scan on it and sending frequency through our quantum field; shortly thereafter, the animal began running freely around the house – even jumping onto countertops and into refrigerators!

Energy Balancing screenings, commonly referred to as Qest4, aim to restore energetic balance within the body. By targeting root cause rather than symptoms, they provide invaluable help for chronic conditions like glandular fever, fibromyalgia or CFS. Results can also guide other holistic therapies like diet and detoxification and additional remedies rebalance the body and support homeopathic’s holistic approach to healing.

What is Bioenergetic Therapy?

Bioenergetic therapy examines the interaction between body and mind. According to bioenergetic theory, when energy does not flow freely between these entities, psychological distress or physical discomfort may occur. Bioenergetic therapy aims to restore this natural flow between the mind and body so as to improve mental health while enabling individuals to enjoy life fully.

Therapists use verbal approaches as well as physical techniques. A client may be encouraged to express themselves by pounding and kicking their feet or hands, or allowed the opportunity to express negative feelings within a safe therapeutic relationship; this enables the individual to release negative emotional reactions that no longer serve them.

Emotional patterns may contribute to physical tension found in many bodies, which in turn causes chronic pain and discomfort. Bioenergetic therapy aims to relieve this physical tension by helping clients reconnect with their energy sources while developing self-healing skills they can use later in life.

Though its scientific basis remains obscure, various studies indicate its possible efficacy for some individuals. Bioenergetic analysis is an approach to body psychotherapy that has proven successful at treating anxiety, phobias, depression and stress – along with conditions related to somatization such as teeth grinding and neck/back pain.

Bioenergetic therapy offers clients an opportunity to identify and address underlying trauma that may have developed from past difficult childhood experiences or repeated exposure to hostile environments. Unpacking this trauma allows clients to release it, leading to more effective treatment plans being put together.

Note that not all bioenergetic analysis therapists are qualified to offer their service. When searching for one, make sure they have been trained by an established organization such as the International Institute of Bioenergetic Analysis.
