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Benefits of Sound Wave Vibration Therapy

Sound wave vibration therapy relies on your body’s response to mechanical vibration. Numerous studies demonstrate its benefits.

Vibration stimulates the muscle stretch reflex to produce neuromuscular potentiation and thus increase muscle strength.

Vibration therapy coupled with meditative music allows your mind to tune in to its frequency and relax.

Improved Sleep

Vibroacoustic therapy uses music and vibration therapy to provide a holistic experience that targets specific wellness goals. It may help ease physical tension, sharpen mental focus or simply provide a moment of peace and quiet.

Sleep problems such as insomnia and restless sleeping are frequently related to anxiety, stress and an imbalance of neurochemicals in the brain. According to studies, sound frequency healing may provide relief by placing people in deep meditational states, helping them relax and unwind.

Combining vibroacoustic therapy with meditation and guided visualization, can also be effective at treating various forms of mood disorders. Many such conditions involve insufficient dopamine and serotonin production when under stress; by releasing these chemicals through vibroacoustic therapy, vibroacoustic therapy stimulates more of these feel-good hormones from being produced in your brain, thus improving overall mood and decreasing symptoms.

Clients lie on a sound table–a type of massage table equipped with speakers that transmit vibrations throughout their bodies–while relaxing music or therapeutic tones such as binaural beats are played to facilitate brainwave patterns by playing different frequencies into each ear, creating an auditory illusion which influences brainwave patterns by playing slightly different frequencies for each ear, such as alpha waves or delta waves – depending on which frequency this can induce beta waves, relax alpha waves, or induce meditative states of consciousness for users.

Gentle natural sounds such as babbling brooks, ocean waves and rustling leaves provide a soothing auditory backdrop that promotes relaxation and masks disturbances that could otherwise disrupt sleep. Such sounds may prove particularly helpful for individuals struggling to sleep due to chronic pain or psychological distress.

Not only natural sounds, but melodic and relaxing instrumental music is often included in sleep-inducing playlists. Studies have demonstrated how such soothing music can lower heart rate, blood pressure and cortisol levels to promote improved restfulness and lead to deeper restful REM cycles – the period during sleep associated with dreaming and memory formation. Many individuals find listening to such playlists helps them sleep more easily with longer REM cycles as a result.

Stimulation of the Brain

Vibration therapy is widely known for stimulating muscles; however, recent research indicates it can also stimulate the brain and trigger various types of brainwaves, offering promising treatments for conditions such as Parkinson’s disease, chronic pain, arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia depression anxiety and neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s.

Soundswave vibration treatments have the ability to generate brainwaves that directly target the limbic system – responsible for emotional responses, memory and learning – as well as influence its type and intensity of vibrations. Frequency and intensity will have an impactful influence; resonance frequencies within our acoustic circuitry can be stimulated with certain sound frequencies that act like amplifiers.

Vibration stimulation can enhance gamma waves which have been found effective at combatting depression, while alpha waves help relax, increase focus and concentration, induce the meditation state, aid healing recovery, boost creativity (daydreaming state), strengthen short and long-term memory retention and release any blocked energy that might exist in our bodies.

Other studies have demonstrated that vibration can stimulate various neurotransmitters in the brain such as serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine which help regulate mood regulation and depression. Furthermore, vibration has been found to trigger increased feelings of bonding and trust.

Recent research conducted using sound wave vibration to increase muscle function in mdx mice demonstrated similar effects to that of exercise. Researchers observed a rapid influx of calcium and sodium ions into cells which led to overproduction of reactive oxygen species (ROS). When vibrated at 8Hz cellular overload was reduced and protective enzymes were activated by activating protective cascades.

Studies on vibration’s effect on blood, nerves, bones/muscles have also been conducted, with stimulation of endothelial cells to trigger nitric oxide production; nerve stimulation through vibration to activate protein kinases; and bone/muscle mechanisms like vibrational acceleration activating muscle stretch reflex reflex, bone cell progenitor fate changes or changes to the skeleton being explored as potential outcomes of vibration therapy.

Pain Relief

SoftWave’s sound frequency healing technology works to retune your body, mind and spirit for relaxation, healing and wellness. Sound frequencies are transferred directly into the body via vibrational therapy sessions, impacting cells at a cellular level while opening energy pathways back toward healthy alignment and alignment.

Vibrations have long been used as an effective form of pain relief, stimulating a response in your brain that encourages relaxation and decreases symptoms. They can also improve circulation, lower blood pressure, reduce stress and anxiety which often contribute to physical discomfort in the body as well as help relieve physical ache in itself.

Research suggests this may be caused by vibrations stimulating the vagus nerve and its related splenic nerve, leading to increased production of acetylcholine which acts on synapses where muscles connect with nerves as well as helping regulate autonomic nervous system activity and cognitive function. Furthermore, increased production increases release of nitric oxide which in turn plays an essential role in blood flow regulation and vascular regulation.

Evidence indicates that vibrations may also induce the release of GABA (gamma aminobutyric acid). GABA has the ability to inhibit pain receptors while decreasing heat and touch sensitivities, providing an effective treatment option for many forms of muscularskeletal pain.

Vibrations may also stimulate lumbar dorsal root afferent neurons that cause back pain by becoming entrained with vibrations. They may also activate protein kinases which relieve pain and promote healing.

Vibrations may also help increase your blood flow, which is beneficial in reducing swelling and inflammation. Sound waves generate vibrations felt at a cellular level which then cause blood vessels to dilate and improve circulation.

Sounds can also activate mitochondria – organelles found within cells which produce energy for all cell functions – by making them vibrate more freely, which in turn allows more oxygen to reach their core and makes your cells healthier overall.

Improved Digestion

Digestive issues can negatively impact one’s quality of life and may be indicative of serious illnesses like gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) or Crohn’s disease. Digestive issues may manifest themselves with symptoms including stomach pain, bloating, difficulty swallowing or breathing normally, diarrhea, constipation nausea or blood in stool.

Sound wave vibration therapy enhances digestion by touching on the sympathetic nervous system in the body. When exposed to stress or anxiety, this part of our nervous system becomes active – increasing heart rate, blood pressure, and decreasing digestion processes. Studies have demonstrated that sound vibration therapy reduces its reactivity allowing individuals to feel less stress in their lives.

Vibration therapy helps increase skeletal muscle regeneration, leading to greater strength. This effect occurs because vibration therapy stimulates expression of PGC-1a protein which promotes muscle hypertrophy; by increasing PGC-1a levels after exercise it prevents atrophy in muscles.

Vibration therapy has also been demonstrated to have a beneficial impact on bone density. One study used vibration therapy to treat postmenopausal women suffering from osteoporosis; its vibration caused them to experience significant increases in their bone density levels and alleviate their symptoms. Researchers believe vibration stimulated calcium and phosphorus production to strengthen bones while simultaneously decreasing inflammation associated with osteoporosis. Researchers discovered that vibration therapy helped individuals with osteoarthritis regain mobility. Researchers believe this was achieved by improving range of motion and sleep quality – factors which ultimately resulted in better mobility.
