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ARVARI Remote Healing Training

Training in remote viewing and remote influencing will unleash your mind’s potential, giving you insights beyond ordinary perception. ARVARI’s comprehensive course packages are designed to help you master this powerful ability.

Side A: Experience Delta and gain knowledge on remote influencing at this level and higher ones. Discover healing techniques to overcome addictions or habits that have long plagued you.

Gerald O’Donnell

Gerald O’Donnell, founder of arvari remote healing, is an internationally acclaimed expert in mind-consciousness research and remote viewing. With both a BA and MS in mathematics from Cornell University as well as being certified hypnotherapist and certified hypnotherapy training under his belt, Gerald has dedicated his entire life to teaching others how to harness their innate intuitive abilities – helping thousands of seekers bring their thoughts into reality while embarking on their transformational journey toward Oneness.

He has long been a practitioner of meditation and spirituality. A member of the American Seers Society, International Seers Association and National Federation of Hypnotherapists; Dennis Prager Show guest; The John Edward Show guest appearance. Author of two acclaimed books; Manifest Your Innermost Desires and Mind Energy & The Power of Thought respectively

O’Donnell is a former Remote Viewer from Western intelligence agency NSA and now makes it his mission to teach others how to unlock their psychic potential and develop a deep relationship with the universe. His comprehensive training programs feature step-by-step instructions, practical exercises and ongoing support services.

O’Donnell has also instructed intelligence operatives in advanced remote viewing and sensing techniques, teaching them how to detect potentially hazardous situations that could emerge in their near Probable Future and how best to defuse them by either avoiding, neutralizing or altering them with Remote Influencing techniques. Furthermore, he has trained Special Forces units as well as anti-terrorist units on developing their intuitive faculties that enable them to anticipate such dangers before they manifest in reality.


Remote viewing is a powerful technique for unlocking the latent potential in your mind, opening doors for business and personal applications such as improving financial status, creative projects and health and wellness. Through arvari remote healing‘s comprehensive training courses you can develop and refine your own remote viewing abilities.

The Portal Training Course equips participants to access and experience past events and situations with full sensory awareness, perceive distant objects, people, events and realities through mind power alone, influence consensus reality through inner energy alone as well as create vibratory shields to block unwanted energy intrusion from others.


ARVARI offers courses to unlock the latent potential of human minds through quantum physics principles, consciousness studies and practical exercises geared at teaching remote viewing and remote influencing techniques.

The Portal Training Course takes you deep inside yourself to expand your perspective of reality and influence thoughts and events without ever leaving the comfort of your inner mind. By entering a high vibration in the depths of your Higher Self – or “Portal”, and experiencing its Light.

Discovering ways to increase the quantum of vibratory energy within yourself and activate dormant higher DNA programs that lie dormant in what constitutes 90% of your body’s DNA can have profound ramifications for health and wellbeing, including increasing brain intelligence as dormant areas are activated again.


ARVARI’s Portal Training offers Remote Viewing as an important element, teaching participants to perceive objects and events distant in both time and space through projection of your heightened consciousness. Remote viewing can be used to accelerate personal and professional growth, spiritual exploration, artistic endeavors or creative projects as well as business and financial insights.

Villagers of Bhaonta-Kolyala were greatly honored to see President Aryavartin visit. Two women, Dhauna and Manbhari, accepted a citation and cheque on behalf of their community as compensation for all they had done to save water.
