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Turn a glass of water into natural remedy

HALO Biophotonic Therapy

HALO uses violet light combined with botanical extracts to potentially alleviate pain and support healing. Violet light passes through vials of liquid botanical extract system collecting harmonic energies before transmitting them back into your body (think of it as an ideal delivery system).

HALO Structured Water can also help facilitate your wellness journey and deliver energetic frequencies to help reduce inflammation, heal tissues and promote respiratory health. Alternatively, these frequencies can be taken internally to further support wellness journey.

What is HALO Biophotonic Therapy?

A HALO system utilizes light-emitting diodes (LEDs) that emit violet light to illuminate vials containing botanical extracts such as herbs, mushrooms and amino acid complexes. As this light passes through each vial, its violet wavelength picks up on vibrational energies from botanicals that pass through it and transmits these directly into your body – stimulating healing responses within cells, tissues and organs of your body.

Violet light has long been recognized for carrying more harmonious energy than other wavelengths of light and speeding up energy reactions. When combined with botanical supplements, HALO therapy may increase immune function thereby improving your body’s ability to fight cancer more effectively.

At a HALO treatment session, patients sit or stand in front of LEDs on a HALO device for several minutes at a time. You and your naturopathic oncologist will work out an individual protocol tailored to your unique needs, and will discuss whether HALO therapy would be suitable.

HALO biophotonic therapy not only has anticancer benefits, but can also be an effective means of relieving stress and fatigue. The wavelengths of light can influence neurotransmitters that regulate mood; this could produce feelings of peace and relaxation during and after each session.

HALO treatments can also encourage the production of new cellular energy, helping to increase metabolism and the flow of blood throughout your body. Furthermore, lymphatic drainage improves, which plays an integral part in immune defense systems.

Halo treatments aim to restore balance to the body’s natural energy frequencies and allow for proper functioning. Your body then can use these harmonic frequencies to heal itself – either alone or combined with other therapies such as EMDR and Dr Levine’s approach for dealing with traumatized memories and troubling symptoms.

Eirini Healing Solutions emphasizes treating the whole person. For this reason, we incorporate holistic treatments, such as HALO biophotonic therapy. If you would like more information or if this therapy might be suitable for you, reach out today and make an appointment!

How Does HALO Biophotonic Therapy Work?

HALO Biophotonic Therapy is an energy device that combines light with botanicals. By combining a special frequency of violet light with proprietary botanical combinations, the device creates an effective synergy that can dramatically increase overall health. Violet light has many therapeutic uses within the body from reducing inflammation to improving circulation to supporting respiratory health; additionally it utilizes photons – non-weight particles with electromagnetic wave transmission properties – to penetrate through to deeper tissues via photon penetration technology.

At each session, violet light passes through vials containing various herbs, plants and amino acids to collect photons that pick up on each botanical’s vibrational signature and transfer it with the violet light into the body for healing on a cellular level.

These frequencies, commonly referred to as “photons,” interact with molecules within the body to alter their structure and function, initiating chemical reactions that restore balance and promote healing. Furthermore, violet photons may interact with botanical bioenergy patterns for additional effects like decreasing inflammation in tissue areas or increasing absorption of essential nutrients into cells.

Botanical extracts and violet light may also facilitate communication within the body, increasing its natural healing response by activating photonic and botanical harmonic energies that increase internal communication systems and trigger natural healing responses within.

Violet photons and botanical energies can assist with detoxification by stimulating liver, kidneys, lymphatic system and intestines to produce more enzymes which break down and digest toxic substances more effectively – leading to overall reductions of inflammation as well as lasting feelings of rejuvenation for days post session.

Eirini Healing Solutions of Tucson utilizes the HALO Multiverse System to charge water with healing energies that can then be used throughout your day to promote well-being and healing processes. Patients have reported significant relief in terms of stress reduction, better sleep quality and overall rejuvenation after participating in one or more HALO sessions.

How Long Does HALO Biophotonic Therapy Take?

Light therapy (also referred to as photobiological irradiation or biophotonics) is a medical practice utilizing specific wavelengths of light for medical treatment purposes. Light therapy has been found effective against chronic pain, arthritis, depression, insomnia and may even help reduce cancer symptoms and speed healing processes. Light therapy may be delivered using various sources such as lasers, full spectrum lights, light emitting diodes (LEDs) or natural sunlight.

At a halo therapy session, violet high powered light passes through vials of botanical extracts to transmit their vibrational energies to your body via the skin – just as though you had taken them orally. It has been reported that your body takes in these harmonics like any food.

Light and botanical energies have long been thought to activate our bodies’ natural healing ability, creating an ecosystem of renewal through increased vitality, inner health, and beauty rejuvenation.

Rejuvenation occurs through combining harnessed energy – specifically violet light frequencies – and botanical remedies that have long been known to reduce inflammation, regenerate tissue, and heal respiratory conditions. Together these powerful elements come together to bring you rejuvenation that transcends traditional wisdom with modern innovation – inviting you to reclaim your vitality!

Halo therapy involves using light to penetrate the surface of the skin and trigger metabolic changes within deeper tissues, thought to stimulate production of secondary messengers that reduce inflammation and promote healing, as well as stimulating production of melatonin–a chemical produced in your brain that promotes sleep while combatting inflammation.

HALO biophotonic therapy has proven highly successful at relieving symptoms associated with allergies, arthritis, asthma, bronchitis and cystic fibrosis as well as alleviating eczema, sinus infections and sleep disorders at Salt of the Earth Spa since offering this service last year, according to Martovich. She noted a dramatic surge in demand since its introduction into their service offerings last year.

What is HALO Structured Water?

HALO structured water is the product of two disciplines combining science: physics and chemistry. Thanks to Nobel Prize-winning blue light LED diodes, photons with specific frequencies were directed into harmonic information delivery systems via photons that are directed into photons at specific frequencies that resonate harmonic information in photons that travel at certain frequencies. When coupled with advanced chemistry techniques, this technology makes possible long-lasting solutions combining botanical extracts, medicinal mushrooms, Chinese herbs and many others into long-term treatments for multiple ailments or supporting overall health benefits.

HALO device is a light-based therapeutic option with the capability of infusing drinking water with botanical frequencies for energetic charging, creating structured water with beneficial qualities that may include detoxification, anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, viral and fungal properties that may support various functions within our bodies such as detoxification.

At each treatment session, patients sit or lie comfortably in front of the Halo machine with eyes closed for several minutes while UV light passes through specialized vials containing herbs and botanical extracts for up to several minutes. Halo botanical light therapy uses UV light to penetrate vials filled with herbs or botanical extracts with specific energetic frequencies or healing properties; each of the vials may include different ingredients to promote longevity, immune support or eliminate viral pathogens from entering their system.

This non-invasive holistic therapy kills cancer cells while simultaneously improving mental health and increasing energy levels, with up to 80% success rates reported from its users. It has become one of the leading alternative cancer treatments today.

Structured water has been shown to possess antioxidant properties and improve hydration levels, energy levels, and metabolic rate. Furthermore, structured water may aid in absorption of nutrients as well as flush out toxins by flushing out the intestines of waste products.

Eirini Healing Solutions is pleased to introduce an exciting new modality in our clinic with the HALO MAX for Clinic use, an accessible yet advanced system with two tanks containing high-activity carbon that purifies water while improving its restorative qualities. In addition, this unit comes equipped with the HALO ION in-line water conditioner which alters molecular structures of hard water minerals so they remain suspended instead of attacking pipes and leading to limescale build-up.
