Bioresonance therapy, an emerging alternative medicine trend, uses electromagnetic frequencies to treat various health conditions. In this blog post we investigate its science.
Reddit user discusses her attempt at quitting smoking using bioresonance therapy after hearing of another user’s success story. She seeks advice and tips before her upcoming appointment.
What is Bioresonance Therapy?
Bioresonance therapy is a noninvasive and painless therapy technique that uses a machine to detect and treat imbalances in the body. It works on the principle that every cell produces electromagnetic frequencies known as wavelengths; when an organism becomes unhealthy, this frequency shifts and the wavelengths become distorted; Bioresonance therapy seeks to adjust these wavelengths back into balance in order to address various health conditions such as allergies, digestive disorders, hormonal imbalances and fatigue. Naturopaths and chiropractors commonly employ it in their practices in order to detect and treat various conditions such as allergies, digestive disorders as well as hormonal imbalances or fatigue in addition to many others.
Bioresonance therapy’s scientific foundation rests upon quantum physics. While quantum physics can be complex, in its simplest terms it asserts that everything around us has an electromagnetic frequency which can be measured using modern technology. Furthermore, quantum physics recognizes that matter and energy can co-exist as states of entangled vibrational states which can also be measured.
According to the founders of bioresonance therapy, each disease or illness produces its own electromagnetic wave pattern that can be identified using special machines like the BICOM machine. Once these distorted frequencies have been identified they can be treated by sending healing frequencies directly into affected areas; ultimately the goal being restoring normal electromagnetic waves within them so as to promote natural self-healing processes within your body.
Bioresonance Therapy can be used to address various conditions, including chronic pain, digestive issues and hormonal imbalances, anxiety and depression symptoms as well as treating fibromyalgia which causes muscle soreness and fatigue.
Bioresonance therapy can be an effective and safe treatment option for various medical conditions, but should never replace medical advice or advice from medical practitioners. Before beginning any new therapies or treatments it is wise to consult a healthcare provider beforehand.
How Does Bioresonance Therapy Work?
Bioresonance therapy employs special electronic devices to detect and modify electromagnetic frequencies emitted by your cells. According to theory, when you experience illness in your body, electromagnetic frequencies from affected cells change; by returning these frequencies back to a more typical wavelength and returning your illness back into balance, bioresonance therapy could potentially heal it.
Bioresonance sessions use machines that collect information about electromagnetic waves that your body emits using electrodes placed on your skin. Once collected, this data can then be used to identify frequencies which might be harmful for your health and alter them accordingly by increasing or inverting healthy waves while suppressing harmful ones.
At bioresonance therapy sessions, patients lie on a massage table while electrodes are applied to your body. A bioresonance therapist then runs their machine over your entire body in order to identify frequencies which could be negatively impacting your wellbeing and apply specific frequencies designed to cancel out these unhealthy frequencies in order to keep your body functioning at its optimum potential.
Bioresonance devices not only identify unhealthy frequencies, but can also detect nutritional deficiencies within your body that can contribute to low energy, poor sleeping habits and chronic pain. Bioresonance therapy offers an effective solution by supporting natural healing processes within the body and addressing any deficiencies identified through bioresonance testing.
Bioresonance therapy’s ability to eliminate toxins from your body is another advantage of this form of alternative medicine. Toxins often contribute to pain and discomfort as well as mental health conditions like depression. By helping your body expel these toxins, bioresonance therapy can relieve discomfort while improving your mood.
Bioresonance therapy can also be an effective method for treating allergies and sensitivities, by identifying specific allergens. A bioresonance machine emits frequencies which cancel out signals telling your immune system to react negatively against these substances – this will help alleviate your allergic symptoms as well as build tolerance to them over time. Unfortunately, many household products like cleaning supplies, perfumes and makeup contain chemicals which could trigger your allergies – leading to increased health concerns in some people.
Is Bioresonance Therapy Effective?
Bioresonance therapy is an holistic approach to health and wellbeing. Advocates claim it balances an individual’s energy fields, which in turn may help alleviate many ailments and promote overall wellbeing. Furthermore, it is non-invasive and painless; typically used alongside conventional medical approaches and has proven its efficacy over time.
Bioresonance therapy has been claimed to assist in managing allergies, digestive issues, hormonal imbalances and stress-related ailments such as anxiety. Furthermore, anecdotal evidence and case studies appear to support its use for helping smokers quit. Larger scale randomized placebo-controlled double blind trials would be required in order to validate such claims.
Bioresonance works on the principle that certain electromagnetic frequencies can cancel out unwanted frequencies in our bodies. To do this, record the resonating frequency of unhealthy cells, invert it and use this signal to cancel out its original frequency before treating that area with bioresonance treatment, helping restore healthy resonance levels.
When choosing a practitioner, it’s essential to inquire into any scientific evidence supporting their claims. If none is provided or the practitioner seems unwilling or evasive about providing it, alternative solutions should be pursued.
If you are new to alternative medicine and would like to give it a try, it is advisable to begin by attending just one session. This will give your body time to adjust and ensure that there are no adverse side effects or reactions; should any adverse reaction arise it is wise to discontinue treatment immediately and seek advice from another therapist.
Bioresonance therapy is widely available and can be found at various natural health clinics across the UK. As it’s regulated by the MHRA, you can be sure it’s safe for use and therapists must undergo extensive training and be registered with them in order to use this form of treatment.
Is Bioresonance Therapy Safe?
Though many have found bioresonance therapy useful, it is crucial that they understand its risks before opting to try it themselves. A lack of scientific evidence and possible side effects should be major concerns when making this decision, as may not work for all individuals. Consultations with medical professionals is also highly advised before making decisions pertaining to bioresonance therapy.
Bioresonance Therapy (BRT), invented in 1977, utilizes electromagnetic frequencies to detect pathogens, bacteria, parasites, and other potentially harmful substances in the body. The machine works by sending out an electromagnetic field through your body and identifying any disturbances in frequencies; then playing back healing frequencies that “cancel out” negative frequencies for healthy balance.
BRT can identify deficiencies in the body, such as vitamin and mineral deficiencies. With this information in hand, patients can then consume foods rich in essential nutrients for improving health and wellness. It may also reveal food intolerances which could be contributing to inflammation within their bodies.
Bioresonance machines also can detect hidden parasites in the body that contribute to disease, poor health and reduced quality of life. Bioresonance can assist in eliminating these parasites to restore natural bodily processes and boost overall wellbeing.
Bioresonance therapy offers another advantage by relieving symptoms associated with certain disorders. For instance, bioresonance allergy tests can identify allergens responsible for fatigue, headaches, and digestive issues in order to provide targeted solutions that could ultimately decrease prescription medication needs and enhance quality of life overall.
Bioresonance therapy is an innovative, safe and noninvasive way of using bioresonance waves to address multiple health concerns. Unfortunately, untrained practitioners or inaccurate devices could lead to the loss of health benefits; so before beginning treatment it is wise to consult a seasoned practitioner. It is also wise to start slowly; perhaps just try one session first to see how your body responds.