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Remote Healing Sessions and Refunds

Distance healing sessions allow healers to establish an energetic connection with clients without being physically present, providing emotional comfort and privacy while making individuals more open to receiving healing energy.

Healing practitioners and clients can employ energetic protection techniques before sessions to prevent depleting their energy reserves, while regular meditation and nutritional support may help maintain a state of equilibrium after healing sessions have concluded.


No matter your spiritual, physical, emotional and mental wellness needs are, remote energy healing sessions can be an invaluable asset to you in your healing journey. From the convenience of your home or office worldwide, these sessions allow for in-person benefits without jeopardizing privacy or effectiveness of treatment.

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These healing sessions are based on the notion that energy and intention can travel across distances, supported by scientific principles like quantum physics. Healer and client can practice energetic protection during sessions by visualizing a protective shield of light surrounding them and monitoring their own energy levels so as not to deplete themselves during treatment.

At your session, you may experience sensations like tingling, warmth, coolness or heaviness turning to lightness; emotions or images in your mind’s eye; some people don’t experience anything at all; afterwards you may feel refreshed and renewed; any negative emotions or physical discomfort afterward could be an indication that energy work was done to clear old energies away. Note however that not all emotions or feelings can be healed or eliminated during sessions; for example if there is a soul contract agreement that needs fulfilling this lifetime then these cannot be healed or cleared away; these may still be necessary parts of growth for personal development.

Remote healing sessions enable healers to address both physical and underlying emotional, mental, and spiritual ailments in real-time via Reiki Healing Touch or other modalities; clients and healers can communicate via phone conference call, video call conference call or email prior to and after each session.


Remote healing sessions offer many advantages, the most obvious being unhindered healing without physical proximity or time constraints limiting it. But, it is essential to remember that healing is a process and results may only become evident with consistent effort over time. Furthermore, setting your intentions clearly and prioritizing desired outcomes in any remote healing session are paramount for its success.


healers using advanced technologies such as quantum healing devices and radionics machines can send healing vibrations over long distances, giving clients access to healing sessions without the hassle of traveling in person. This makes this option ideal for busy individuals who cannot make it into the healer’s office themselves.

Remote energy healing sessions can help enhance both physical and emotional wellness, but should never replace medical advice; always consult your physician prior to undertaking alternative wellness methods.

When scheduling a remote healing session, select a time without distractions so that you can fully immerse yourself in the healing process. It is also essential to set an intention for each session; this will amplify energy and accelerate change processes. It is wise to take notes during each session in order to track progress.

Before your healing begins, you will connect via Zoom video or audio with an energy healer to discuss your issues and goals. Next, they will create a tailor-made healing session tailored specifically for you using techniques like Reiki and Breath work; your practitioner may even ask questions to uncover underlying issues contributing to discomfort.

After your session, we will debrief with you by phone or email to review its results. In addition, a meditation will be provided so you can incorporate energy work into daily life more easily. Eventually, you should notice an increase in well-being and improved overall quality of life.

Your remote session requires a high-speed Internet connection in order to ensure it goes without interruption due to network lag, as well as having a comfortable place where you can sit or lie down comfortably and release tension in your body during this session. Some individuals may experience sleep or enter a state of twilight slumber; this is perfectly normal and normal is also.


Remote healing sessions are an effective energy work technique used to clear and heal an individual without physical presence. Similar to in-person sessions, they involve tuning into an individual’s energy field in order to identify unbalanced points, transmit healing energies directly into them and heal through various techniques. Even though practitioner and client may be located apart, energy still travels between one person to the other via various transmission methods.

At a remote healing session, your practitioner will ask you to find a quiet and relaxing location where you can be alone for at least an hour – this time is dedicated to relaxation and allowing the healing to start. You may experience warmth or tingling sensations as well as colors appearing; in fact, many people even fall asleep during these sessions! All these changes are perfectly normal.

Once the session has concluded, your healer will spend several minutes discussing your experience and answering any queries that arise from it. Feel free to ask any pertinent questions at this stage, but it would be wiser if conversations remained minimal so as to allow time for healing to settle in and integrate fully. It may even happen that vivid dreams occur the night of or following healing sessions.

Sometimes a remote healing session does not produce the expected results, usually because either your healer could not connect to your energy field or you did not open yourself up enough for healing to take place. If this occurs, reschedule your appointment with your healer immediately.

You are entitled to a refund if your session did not bring any benefits; however, healers cannot guarantee that their methods will work for everyone. It’s also important to remember that healing does not address every condition; therefore it would be prudent for you to consult your physician if there are any concerns. In addition, try new healing modalities like Qigong healing; Qigong is an ancient form of Chinese medicine which can be used to heal various illnesses and ailments.


Remote energy healing sessions don’t require physical presence from clients. Instead, practitioners use specific healing methods to connect to their energy system using intention and manipulation in order to facilitate healing processes.

Jonathan will conduct the initial remote BMR healing session by consulting via phone or Zoom so the client can discuss their main issues and goals for the session. Jonathan will ask specific questions designed to unearth core state(s) related to their issues before performing a 45-minute BMR healing with Unwinding.

This session will help to clear away the core energies that are hampering your progress in life, along with any limiting beliefs about yourself or the world that might be inhibiting progress. Once completed, this process will enable you to manifest the reality you truly deserve!

After your session, it is essential to allow results to unfold and take their course. Many clients report feeling at ease and clear after the session; often this sense lingers into subsequent days. Also recommended: taking some time for yourself so healing can take hold and become part of daily life.

While energy healing sessions may be extremely helpful, they should never replace medical advice or treatment. If you have any health concerns that require professional medical advice or treatment, please visit your physician first. Often people notice immediate results from energy healing sessions while others experience more subtle yet gradual improvements over weeks or months. Feel free to reach out with any inquiries about energy healing or scheduling sessions; I look forward to hearing from you! Please keep in mind it’s best not to consume alcohol prior to attending sessions and bring a water bottle with you; also wear loose and comfortable clothing when attending energy healing sessions for maximum benefits!


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