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Group Remote Healing

Join Shannon for a group remote healing session from the comfort of your own home! Participants receive a conference call dial-in number and access code upon registration; calls will be recorded and muted as necessary.

These two double-blind experiments aimed to assess the effects of healing intention directed in real time at volunteers located 200 meters apart (Group) or two months apart (Brazil). Each volunteer’s autonomic physiology was monitored during 20 randomly counterbalanced one minute “treatment” and control periods.

1. It’s a great way to connect with others

Group healing sessions performed remotely can be highly effective as this allows the healer to connect with more people simultaneously. Think of it like watering multiple plants simultaneously instead of watering each one individually!

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Connecting with others and building community while doing a healing session. If you are a spiritual teacher or healer, this can also be a great way to reach more students or clients who might not be able to come in person to your physical location for classes or healing sessions.

Remote energy healing sessions work the same as in-person ones; the only difference being there are no physical barriers preventing you from receiving healing while sitting comfortably at home or while away on vacation. This form of healing can provide everything from increased physical well-being and emotional healing, as well as correcting spiritual imbalances.

At each session, both healer and recipient choose quiet spaces in which to work together. The healer sets up their healing space and begins connecting with the recipient’s energy; often Reiki will be sent directly to their highest-priority area before moving onto other groups in their group.


As the healing session advances, energy flows throughout the group and clears away blocks or imbalances for each individual – similar to how a conductor tunes an orchestra before conducting each musician to their individual wavelength.

Sometimes it may appear as though certain members of a group are drawing more energy than others; this should not be taken as an indication of something negative; each individual heals at their own pace.

The Power Path offers regular New Moon/ Full Moon Group Remote Shamanic Healings that are open and free for anyone to join online sessions, giving participants an opportunity to familiarize themselves with our healing offerings and receive regular energetic cleansings and balances, connect with plant/animal allies, and experience our beautiful healing prayers. Join us now!

2. It’s a great way to build community

Group energy can be powerfully healing. It can even be used to help animals and plants feel better. This form of healing, known as distance or remote healing, requires clear intentions in any spiritual healing session; clear intentions create an energetic vibration which magnifies healing effects even further; when combined with love and kindness they become even more effective.

Participants of group remote healing sessions can connect with other participants from around the globe and feel empowered by this type of healing for the first time. Furthermore, collective energy helps remove obstacles to healing which might otherwise prevent healing – something which may prove especially helpful if dealing with emotional or mental conditions such as anxiety or depression.

Group remote healing offers many advantages over in-person sessions, including being administered in an environment that is safe and comfortable. Sessions can even take place from within your own home or office! This makes group remote healing particularly appealing to busy professionals with limited time for in-person sessions.

Group remote healing sessions can also provide significant relief to individuals experiencing physical or emotional discomfort. Receiving healing sessions from a distance can be highly relaxing, helping ease tension, pain, and other symptoms associated with discomfort – this may prove especially helpful in cases where there’s chronic discomfort.

Group remote healing sessions can also serve to build community and support other people. For example, people may gather together to send healing energy directly to someone they care about who may be sick or experiencing suffering – this experience can be immensely gratifying for the recipient who feels the love and care from their community.

If you’re curious to experience group remote healing sessions, look no further than Power Path’s website. They host regular New Moon/ Full Moon group shamanic healing sessions designed to cleanse and balance body, mind, heart, and spirit energies with help from plant and animal allies. Free to join, these healings offer guided visualization, cleansing prayers, balancing prayers, as well as guided visualization for guided visualisation cleansing balancing healing prayers – perfect if you want a holistic approach!

3. It’s a great way to heal yourself

Distance healing can be an effective tool for promoting health, wellness and peace of mind. In fact, growing evidence indicates its efficacy at relieving pain and stress relief as well as helping restore balance to physical, emotional and spiritual domains.

Participants attending group remote healing sessions should prepare themselves both mentally and emotionally by engaging in self-care practices such as deep breathing or meditation, setting intentions beforehand to optimize the experience and facilitate positive transformation, creating a vibration that amplifies its healing effect.

Once the session begins, the healer will channel healing energy through an object representing their client, such as a photograph. From here it will travel directly into their heart where it can then flow throughout their body releasing any blockages and helping facilitate healing.

After each session, it’s essential that clients give themselves enough time for the energy to integrate and settle. They should also take some time to reflect upon their experience and what they learned during the session; this will allow them to apply what they’ve gained into daily life more readily.

As a beginner to remote healing, it’s advisable to practice on friends or family first before working with clients. Apps like Insight Timer provide free ways of practicing leading groups through remote healing sessions remotely – plus offer guided meditations designed specifically for energy healing goals.

Group remote healing sessions offer an incredible way to both connect with other people and find relief from stress, improve mental and emotional wellbeing, and even aid physical healing. If you’re interested in participating, take a look at the Shamanic Healing Offering website; sessions run for an hour long at a discounted $1 rate in their first month.

4. It’s a great way to help others

As members of a group, we can share both our struggles and brightest moments with one another. The energy shared among participants helps process difficult emotions such as sadness, anger or frustration while shifting them toward more positive states of being. Furthermore, group dynamics encourage accountability and motivation among its participants as each helps the other set and achieve personal goals.

When offering remote healing sessions, it’s essential to both yourself and your client by creating a safe space of love and light. One effective method for doing so is clearing away energy fields by performing a “purity blast,” then visualizing and invoking positive waves of healing energy for all parties involved.

Your client should allow the positive healing energy to wash over them during the session. They may wish to close their eyes and focus on relaxing their mind, body, and soul. Listen and follow guidance from their higher self in regards to any specific areas for healing which arise during therapy sessions.

Recent research published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine indicates that distant healing can be just as effective as in-person sessions, showing promise in improving health outcomes and wellbeing. Further investigation should take place but these preliminary results point towards its potential.

Note that not everyone can be considered natural healers; anyone can learn the skills needed to provide remote healing sessions. If this is something new for you, consider recruiting friends or colleagues as “patients” before working with paying clients.

Remote healing sessions offer numerous advantages that can significantly benefit not only physical but also mental and emotional wellbeing. An increasing number of healthcare professionals now incorporate energy work into their practices as an effective and natural way of treating ailments ranging from chronic pain to mental health disorders.


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