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Spooky2 Home – The New Rife System

Spooky2 Home is the world’s most advanced Rife system, designed since 2013 by an international team of electronics engineers, technical designers and software developers. It is intuitive, foolproof and powerful.

Spooky2 can typically help treat acute conditions like flu or sore throat in just hours, while more serious or chronic diseases could require longer treatments.


John White gave his team the same instructions when they rewrote Spooky2 – keep it simple, foolproof and powerful – which they certainly achieved with flying colors.

Rejuvenate your whole body & balance your health without medications - now remotely!

Spooky2 Home is a software program utilizing scalar energy that works with all Rife systems, from the original Universal Generator and new Spooky2-5M generator (now available for preorder), hand cylinders and electrodes wired and wireless, plus remote controls like Spooky Remote to create presets based on research conducted.

Scan your body, person or object with its built-in DNA-based scalar resonance biofeedback engine to identify frequencies which are most likely beneficial or detrimental. A scan can be interrupted at any time with Pause/Resume; an interrupted program will temporarily stop transmitting frequencies until you restart it later on.

Spooky2 will then present its hits list, which it saves to a file in the ScanData subdirectory within its main Spooky2 directory. This list may include any combination of frequencies with or without Multipliers as well as resonance patterns. To help select suitable frequencies sets to load into your Custom Database, a Frequency Blacklist and Pulse Graph are included for assistance.


The Advanced Menu j features seven commands that enable you to simultaneously fire up all generators by selecting “Start”, reset them all simultaneously by selecting “Reset”, pause transmission on all stopped programs by selecting Pause/Resume and set global amplitude/frequency wobble toggle buttons/trigger buttons in Channel Control panel – you can even choose whether the software reports error audio alerts/write a communications log file for troubleshooting purposes!

The System Menu c offers various utility controls such as USB capture log and program installation by-passing Windows, giving you more freedom in choosing when or if to install updates. With these capabilities you can install updates according to a schedule or just opt out altogether.

Frequency Sets

As with our previous software releases, Spooky2 home features an impressive collection of predefined frequency sets designed to assist in treating specific conditions. You can access them via the Presets button in Simple View; alternatively you can also create your own sets using Create Program from File Menu.

Every preset features its own set of unique settings, such as Frequency Range and Start/Finish Frequencies. These parameters define the search range that will be used to detect pathogens (such as viruses, bacteria and parasites ). You can also specify whether you wish to exclude certain frequencies using the Skip Oversets control – for instance if you wish to exclude frequencies like 1840Hz and 1910Hz known to promote cancer cell growth then using this field will do just that!

The Wave Cycle Multiplier X field allows you to adjust the waveforms transmitted by Spooky2 for higher frequencies up to 25MHz, with its default value set at five. To see what impact this has on transmission waveforms, load one of your presets into Simple View, observe frequency and amplitude readouts in generator Output panes before changing this setting.

Use the Amplitude Ramp control to set an up or down ramp on the first frequency in your search range, helping ensure it can capture all necessary frequencies. This can ensure your search range covers enough frequencies.

Spooky2 offers another innovative feature with its ability to transmit carrier sweeps instead of modulation sweeps, offering a wider and more powerful application of frequencies over a defined time period. Furthermore, this mode can help when conducting contact scans as all frequencies can be transmitted in one burst instead of over multiple cycles.

Finalize your search process by setting the initial step size of the frequency list that will be used for searching. This will determine how quickly or slowly Spooky2 feathers and gates frequency searches. Likewise, choose an initial gating level which controls how fast or slow Spooky2 performs frequency searches.


Spooky2 offers you more than standard frequencies; it enables you to input non-linear waveforms. This world-first feature makes Rife scan sweeps possible using various electrodes or even your hands!

To create your own waveforms, click on the Write Waveforms button. When prompted to select waveform type and frequency, a window will pop-up showing graphed representation of selected waveform. From here, it is easy to fine-tune its amplitude and shape until your ideal waveform emerges!

You have the option of setting your software to automatically generate a basic waveform that matches the frequency you select in this window, for example if you select MOR frequency it will create a sinusoidal waveform containing decay frequencies matching MOR.

In the next window, you can refine your waveform. Adjusting its amplitude and shape by clicking left/right arrows at the upper-left corner is possible; its frequency can also be fine-tuned by changing its number of cycles in sinusoidal waves.

Once your waveform is perfect, click the Save Waveform button to save it as a CSV file that can be opened by any spreadsheet program and used as a template for future waveform creation.

The next window allows you to customize the output settings of the scanner. Here, you can set parameters like waveform amplitude (in percent of Spooky2 max), step size of value changes and harmonic inclusion (which increases overall power over time).

Spooky2 provides another unique option in this window; you can configure it to detect and correlate stress events automatically during scanning; this technique is known as biofeedback scan and it provides an effective means of quickly finding frequencies which could potentially prove helpful for treatment purposes.

Finalize the generator setup process by specifying whether you would like it to output a lower-frequency second harmonic carrier that helps increase body penetration and power output. Furthermore, other parameters can also be selected in order to customize how your generator operates, including:


Before using Spooky2 home, check to ensure your generator is connected correctly. It should register as an independent generator in the program, appearing as a red generator button with an? mark. If this doesn’t occur, double-check its connection and reset as necessary.

Once complete, navigate to the Utils menu and choose one of the Install Spookyl-XM xx bit Drivers commands that isn’t grayed out from the Utils submenu to launch the installer and walk you through its process. When completed, quit out of this program and restart your PC before closing out of it all.

As soon as you boot up Spooky2 home for the first time, you may encounter a screen that requests that you install drivers for your hardware. Without these drivers in place, none of the programs in the software can be used until this has been completed.

To install drivers, follow the on-screen instructions. When completed, restarting will be necessary before continuing.

Before connecting your generator to a computer, ensure it is off. Otherwise, leaving it running could generate significant heat that could harm the unit and compromise its integrity. Spooky2 Remote uses quantum physics principles combined with DNA’s antenna properties to transmit healing frequencies in what physicists refer to as nonlocal space – meaning you don’t need to be physically close in order to receive benefits of treatment.

No matter the source, whether a generator or tube, it is critical that the cable remains connected while Spooky2 is running. Pulling it away could damage the generator and void your warranty.

To capture a screenshot of your Spooky2 window, press the Screenshot button. Your screenshot will be stored as an JPG file in the Data folder of Spooky2.


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