While Western mainstream science largely focused on understanding only 5% of the genome, Russian scientists–biophysicists, molecular biologists, embryologists and linguists alike–took an expansive view.
Dr Gariaev discovered that our seemingly useless junk DNA actually serves as a biological language with rules similar to how spoken words follow grammar rules.
What is LWG?
Gariaev and his team (comprising Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguistic experts) discovered that DNA codon sequences could be altered through modulating coherent laser light or radio waves with semantic meaning of words; allowing in vivo DNA programming using semantic meaning words as information storage systems whose photons record all that has happened throughout an organism’s lifespan – suggesting DNA as biological language with grammar rules similar to spoken languages.
Scientists conducted several experiments that verified their findings. They shone low-power laser beams through salamander embryos in one container and frog embryos in another, watching as salamander embryos re-coded to form healthy adult salamanders despite all three groups living in hermetically sealed containers without contact between themselves.
Gariaev and his team also discovered that DNA can be encoded as a series of wave frequencies – similar to barcodes readable with scanners – similar to barcodes. By tracking down each codon sequence in salamander embryos and finding their frequency equivalent, they were then able to convert this information into an audio file using computer software.
mp3 files can then be transmitted through various forms of sound therapy to induce sound healing in our bodies. This work could open up a whole new branch of science called genetic quantum biocomputing where our DNA is treated as an instantaneous metabolic control network within our entire bodies, leading to incredible advancements in medicine and technology such as distant healing, organ regeneration and life extension – many people consider this the next revolution of evolution! Krazy George Henderson was instrumental in popularizing The Wave at UW football games and beyond and spreading it nationwide; popularizing its spread and national awareness he played an instrumental role. Krazy George Henderson created The Wave from which now pervasively pervades American consciousness nationwide!
How does LWG work?
Dr Gariaev and his team have discovered that DNA molecules can be easily reprogramed with appropriate frequency signals, specifically modulation of carrier frequencies used to encode codon sequences – this works because codons follow grammar rules similar to spoken words. Gariaev‘s discovery led him and his team to postulate that DNA functions as a biological language. They conducted several experiments that confirmed this notion; for example, shone low-power laser light on salamander embryos before scanning photons from them using a laser spectrometer. They discovered that DNA samples’ photon polarizations matched up perfectly with those of the laser beam used to scan them, showing how DNA is capable of providing nonlocal electromagnetic and acoustic waves to transmit information about its environment.
This discovery led to the formation of Linguistic Wave Genetics (LWG). LWG is a groundbreaking theory that incorporates concepts from quantum physics, biology, linguistics, and cognitive science into one comprehensive model of universe and life. LWG proposes that both human genomes and all other living systems contain biocomputers containing consciousness-displaying holographic soliton structures as well as intelligent ones which show aspects of consciousness or thought.
Peter Gariaev presents revolutionary theories on the origin of life, as well as why current genetic code models are flawed. Gariaev emphasizes how translational machinery must operate with quasi-intellect and amino acid selection is contextual and linguistic rather than dogmatic mechanical selection based on codon by codon selection; additionally he describes DNA as being more like a wave form than solid substance that can be modified by changing frequency carrier signals it uses to encode its codon sequences.
Gariaev has combined this knowledge with the idea of torsion field frequency to develop his theory that all diseases and disorders result from an imbalance between these frequencies. Furthermore, LWG can be used to reprogram DNA and correct mutations – something which promises to revolutionize both medicine and other fields such as agriculture or computing.
What are the benefits of LWG?
LWG is an innovative new way of approaching biology and the universe. It combines concepts from quantum physics, biology and linguistics into one theory that proposes that DNA acts like an intelligent biocomputer with holographic properties and can be reprogrammed using frequencies, making this revolutionary theory useful in terms of treating diseases or prolonging life span.
Gariaev and his team, which included Russian Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguists among others, began this ground-breaking research in 1990 when they realized that DNA “junk”, dismissed by mainstream science as useless information, actually provides health advice similar to how grammar rules of language work. Their experiments also demonstrated that non-coding DNA parts could be programmed via frequency manipulation and that syntax controlled protein translation.
Researchers found that certain words emitted specific carrier frequencies that caused physical changes to DNA molecules and genome, creating data files (MP3) which were translated into audio signals for transmission to audio speakers. By altering genetic code in DNA strands this way they were able to modify its genetic text using contextual and linguistic processes rather than mechanical codon-based codes as opposed to existing gene code models which utilizes solely mechanical codon codes.
Gariaev and his team went on to demonstrate that certain frequencies can heal and cure disease in humans, as well as alter DNA through speech. Their work opened the way for wave medicine; NovoCure is already using Gariaev‘s principles in their business practice to heal people while lengthening lifespans.
Gariaev team experiments demonstrated how physical vacuum can be created around DNA to manipulate its structure, while discovering that chromosomes emit specific frequencies for embryos that could be detected using a laser spectrometer. They conducted one experiment where low-power laser light passed through salamander embryos to record these frequencies before applying this knowledge to reprogram a damaged pancreatic cell’s genome and restore its function successfully.
What are the limitations of LWG?
Lingvistiko-Wave Genetics is an emerging field in biology and medicine that studies genetic systems as Quantum Biocomputers with conscious components. Utilizing laser technologies, holography and quantum nonlocality principles for their operation, QBs can be utilized to treat various biological issues including diseases, reverse DNA mutations or extend lifespan extension.
Dr Gariaev and his team (comprising Biophysicists, Molecular Biologists, Embryologists and Linguists) made an astonishing discovery: DNA doesn’t consist of just linear nucleotides; rather it forms an entire continuum within our intracellular water networks as electromagnetic and acoustic holograms that can be read using laser technology. This discovery revealed how our DNA could be reprogrammed by changing its codon frequencies with specific sounds, even showing this through shining low power laser beam from one container into another container with salamander embryos – only for these latter to eventually develop into fully grown adult salamanders!
This breakthrough proves that “junk DNA”, as dismissed by Western mainstream science, may not be entirely useless after all. He discovered that double helix DNA molecules contain grammatical similarities with our language and can even be programmed using frequencies similar to our voice frequencies – hence why LWG stands for Linguistic Wave Genome.
Reprogramming junk DNA would give us an entirely new view into how our bodies operate, revealing an entirely different way in which DNA operates as an instruction tape that maintains health for an indefinite period of time. Unfortunately, over time its instructions become corrupted due to errors accruing on it which ultimately result in disease, sickness and even death; but with renewal and correction of errors it becomes possible to treat diseases and extend lifespans.
This groundbreaking discovery could have an immense impact on our future. If the ancient Chinese proverb “Those who say it cannot be done should not stop others from trying” proves true, we may soon be able to alter our genes and extend life significantly more than before.