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A Practical Guide to Psychic Healing by Physicist/Quantum Healer Levashov

Telepathy and remote healing are best explained by quantum nonlocality; particles influence each other instantaneously across distances. Many alternative medicine practitioners cite this theory when explaining energy healing.

Every organ and cell vibrates at its own unique frequency; disease disrupts this harmony, so healing techniques aim to retune these vibrations based on quantum mechanical theories such as wave function and entanglement theories.


Levashov’s training in advanced physics and quantum theory led him to conclude that the universe is anisotropic – or non-uniform in spatial structure. This concept received substantial backing in the physics community, running counter to traditional notions of an orderly clockwork universe. Furthermore, healer Levashov provides two full documented cases of children who previously were incurable having successfully been treated by him; functional perception of other realms of existence as well as psychic abilities requires progressive transformation of cerebral apparatus leading to an actual evolution of consciousness.

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Quantum healing numbers (also referred to as angel numbers or sacred numerology) are sequences of numbers thought to contain vibrational energies that resonate with our energy field, offering guidance and support in various forms; from manifesting your goals and intentions all the way through to using quantum healing numbers in daily affirmations practices that embed their frequencies deeper in consciousness.

Levashov was an accomplished physicist and psychic healer, drawing upon his understanding of advanced physics and quantum theory for healing purposes. His cosmological theory, supported by extensive astrophysical evidence, ran counter to classical perceptions that space is uniform (isotropic). Levashov successfully treated children suffering from medically incurable illnesses using this non-uniform healing approach.


Levashov asserts, through advanced physics and quantum theory, that the universe is anisotropic – meaning non-uniform in spatial structure – contrary to what many assume as being a predictable clockwork universe. With proper training, people become capable of perceiving such realities and developing significant psychic abilities; two cases he successfully treated included children who were otherwise incurable of health conditions that Levashov successfully addressed.


This book presents the reader with a practical guide to psychic healing, using quantum physics and astrophysics theory as its foundation. Levashov details how healing practitioners affect organizational patterns within microspace before following natural laws to guide material towards desired goals.


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