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What is a Bio Resonance Device?

All substances vibrate at specific frequencies. Allergies, fungi and bacteria cause imbalances in energy wavelengths which result in illness. Bioresonance technology can detect such imbalances by comparing frequency patterns of an individual patient against its database of frequencies.

This non-invasive technique has become popular among alternative practitioners due to its ability to identify unhealthy cells. Furthermore, it can detect toxic substances such as heavy metals, eSmog, mould and geopathic stress.

It is a non-invasive therapy

Bio resonance device therapy is a non-invasive and painless therapy that uses electromagnetic waves to identify imbalances within the body. Alternative health practitioners commonly utilize it for assessing energy wavelengths and frequency patterns of body cells to detect unhealthy vibrations that cause medical conditions; its growing popularity among those seeking natural remedies for their health problems has gained much attention as well.

Every cell in our bodies emits vibrations that can be detected with a bioresonance device, enabling cells and organs to communicate effectively within themselves and with each other. Furthermore, these vibrations allow practitioners to identify healthy or unhealthy vibrations for patients so that a tailored treatment plan can be designed.

As part of its examination process, bio resonance devices scan vibrational frequencies between an organism and its external environment. By analyzing these vibrational frequencies, bio resonance devices can assess the health status and detect pathogens within an organism’s environment such as microorganisms, fungi, viruses, parasites or toxins – then convert this data into reports that can be read by medical doctors for interpretation.

Bioresonance devices are cutting-edge computer diagnostic instruments that do not require any special preparation from either patients or physicians for testing. When conducting an examination, patients wear electrodes connected to the machine that receive signals emitted by biological systems and transmit them for processing by the bioresonance device; after processing is complete, it emits a signal which counteracts bad vibrations and restores body balance. It may also be used to test for allergy/pathogen related issues as well as identify specific bacteria/fungi not detectable with conventional means.

It is painless

Bioresonance therapy uses the theory that all matter is vibrating at some level; this vibration manifests itself through electromagnetic frequencies that penetrate our bodies’ cells, tissues, organs and systems. Each cell emits its own individual frequency which communicates with nearby cells; bioresonance devices can detect these frequencies to determine if they are healthy or unhealthy.

As soon as you are sick, your energy field becomes disoriented. This may be caused by chemical, physical or emotional stressors; and these aberrant energies may interfere with organ functioning at the cellular level resulting in illness and pain. A bioresonance machine uses electrodes to scan your body to identify these discordant frequencies before using frequencies to counteract them and restore health.

Electrodes are applied to the skin, and then connected to a bioresonance device to assess energy wavelengths in the body. It identifies healthy waves while picking up on any that have become distorting, helping therapists pinpoint where problems lie. Once identified, frequencies may be used to cancel out unhealthy signals to restore them back into normal state.

Bioresonance therapy offers a treatment option that is completely noninvasive and safe for all ages – it’s even safe enough for babies and children, although pregnant women or those with pacemakers should avoid it. Furthermore, conventional treatments may still be employed alongside bioresonance.

Bioresonance therapy has long been considered an effective remedy for allergy symptoms, as it works by breaking down and cancelling out allergen signals to cancel out their harmful effects. Bioresonance may also help treat other chronic conditions, including asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia; however scientific research on its efficacy remains limited and should not be seen as a cure but instead may simply improve quality of life for those living with chronic health conditions.

It is safe

The bio resonance device is a noninvasive therapy that utilizes electrodes placed on the skin to pick up energy wavelengths. Once collected, this information is analyzed in order to find healthy frequencies which help balance your body’s energy balance; at the same time it cancels out unhealthy frequencies that contribute to disease – giving your body the opportunity to heal itself naturally.

This device works by measuring electromagnetic vibrations on a cellular level and analyzing them with a computer, then analyzing their results with frequency patterns from organs and the entire body to detect imbalances or abnormalities in cell frequency patterns that indicate any imbalances or anomalies – this allows early disease detection without painful manipulations and is particularly helpful when applied to children.

The BICOM optima bioresonance device from Germany has been put through rigorous clinical and alternative practitioner evaluation. With an energy testing function designed to detect food and drug intolerances, as well as their source and treatment recommendations. When combined with other natural therapies it creates a comprehensive wellness program.

Allergies are an intricate problem that affects every part of our bodies, from environmental toxins and foods, to thoughts. Allergies can have severe repercussions for children’s health; bioresonance therapy provides an alternative approach for treating allergies that may help balance out our immune systems and prevent symptoms from emerging.

Based on the principle that all living organisms emit electromagnetic vibrations at a cellular level, BICOM analyzes these vibrations to find matches between different substances’ resonant frequencies and those found within our bodies and detect potential chemicals, drugs or even viruses present.

Allergies can be an unpleasant condition that poses significant threats to one’s health, which makes bioresonance technology an efficient means for diagnosing allergies and other medical problems. Furthermore, bioresonance therapy can also be used to treat chronic illness and enhance quality of life. Before attending a session it is advisable to drink plenty of water as this will stabilize the energy field and make the resonant frequencies easier to interpret – it would also be prudent to stay clear of allergens and smoke before testing takes place.

It is effective

Bioresonance devices use biofeedback techniques to detect and treat distortions to our natural frequency spectrum, helping restore harmony to the body. With an electrode set connected to a computer that reads vibrations of your body and compares these with resonance spectra of standard diseases, health, nutrition or toxic indicators stored in its database. In turn, the device produces a counterfrequency that balances out magnetic field of cells in order to promote healing within.

The BICOM device can also modify its oscillations sent back into the body through modulation, helping alleviate various ailments like allergies and chronic disease. It is safe and effective method that can be utilized with patients of all ages.

Bioresonance therapy works on the theory that your body produces different resonant frequencies for various organs and systems, with diet and lifestyle factors often having an effect. When these frequencies become imbalanced, chronic illness often follows suit; using a bio resonance device can restore natural energy in the body while eliminating harmful toxins which could otherwise contribute to chronic illness.

Prior to using a device, it’s advisable to drink lots of water and fast for at least an hour prior to testing in order to stabilize your energy field and better measure frequency patterns of cells. Also avoid taking medication or smoking prior to conducting this test as these could interfere with its results.

In a typical test, the BICOM device measures the resonant frequencies of each organ in your body to identify any imbalances and suggest treatments such as supplements, herbs, homeopathic medicines or diet changes to restore equilibrium.
