Radiesthesia, also known as energy dowsing, involves tuning into vibrational frequencies for insight, guidance and healing purposes. Radiesthetists or dowsers employ pendulums and rods to detect energy frequencies invisible to human eyes.
Discovering underground water sources, monitoring pregnancies in utero and even discovering mineral/oil deposits have all been utilized with radar imaging systems.
Brass Pendulums
Brass pendulums are versatile radiesthesia tools made of an alloy of zinc and copper. Their shapes follow Sacred Geometry principles, producing energy for use in alternative therapeutic treatments as well as psychic detection sensitivity making them the perfect tool for beginners.
Majestics offers brass pendulums that can be used for general dowsing (answering yes-no questions), locating water or other underground substances, determining compatibility with objects, people or supplements or testing sensitivities to food or herbs, and are suitable for remote dowsing or teleradiesthesia with very fast responses to mental commands.
Dowsing or radiesthesia is an ancient art that was first practiced by ancient Egyptians to locate underground water and minerals. Dowsers used two rods held loosely in their hands with which a dowser would move them around to detect the presence of substances, with changes in where both rods pointed indicating its existence. Dowsers also practiced it during biblical times. Dowsing rods are designed specifically for this practice – even Greek philosophers called them rhabdomancy! Dowsers would sometimes use them – to locate water or minerals underground! Dowsers utilize rods similar to what ancient Egyptians used rods to locate underground waters or minerals underground using rods similar to what modern dowsers use; Egyptians would use similar rods dowsing rods; so as Egyptians. Egyptians would use similar rods pointing in direction that indicated its existence dowser would move these rods until something changed their direction indicating its presence indicating its existence!
A brass radiesthesia pendulum with an equal charge will move in a perpendicular fashion; when placed near an area that contains negative energies such as emotional or mental blockages, its path becomes angular; in such instances dowsers must apply healing vibrations in order to treat that area effectively.
A radiesthesia pendulum can also be used to determine whether or not someone is being controlled by a negative spirit or entity, using positive commands such as, “I release you from me.” For advanced forms of radiesthesia known as Isis pendulum radiesthesia can also be utilized; its ability to recognize and emit negative green energy – the same vibrational frequency of Staphylococcus bacteria and pathogenic cells – makes this tool especially effective against negative energies in plants. Likewise, this pendulum can also transmit healing energy using vertical Negative Green vibration to target locations remotely using Isis pendulum remote radiesthesia by sending healing energy via vertical Negative Green vibration.
Golod Pyramid
The Golod Pyramid is an indispensable tool for radiesthesia. Conceived as a device that emits a specific kind of energy, its vibrations can help detect water, minerals and other intangible substances which would otherwise go unseen to human eyes. Furthermore, these energies may help heal and balance body systems as well as providing tools such as pendulums or dowsing rods to detect them.
Alexander Golod, a Russian scientist, created the pyramid as part of his scientific studies that purport its ability to heal diseases and increase medication efficacy. His fiberglass pyramids have been the subject of several scientific investigations – including an experiment where over 5000 prison inmates spent time inside one and saw crime rates decrease and behavior improve after spending time inside it. Furthermore, this type of structure can prevent earthquakes, increase soil fertility, and lower radioactivity in water supplies.
Physical Radiesthesia is a branch of physics which studies vibrational relationships on an unprecedented scale. Renowned French scientists Chaumery and De Bellizal coined the term Microvibrational Physics in 1940 when writing their book Microvibrational Physics; according to them, any shape that resonates with the golden ratio can serve as an energy source.
Egyptian pyramids are defined by this principle, with ancient builders understanding and employing resonance in their design process. Any product or crystal that incorporates this proportion emits vibrational patterns which create harmonic resonance within our Universe.
Many people report that using a pyramid to store products, crystals or medicine raises and balances their energy more effectively. There have also been reports of quicker grass growth around a pyramid and that trees and flowers respond more vibrantly when in its presence.
Some of these changes can be attributed to the fact that Pyramid is a source of positive vibrations within our Universe. A simple test using a dowsing rod can demonstrate this theory: place the rod above each box containing a pyramid as well as three identical ones without one; you will notice your rod react differently over the one with pyramid and will remain completely insensitive towards other two boxes containing no pyramid.
Extendable Biotensor
This extendable brass and aluminum dowsing rod is easy to use and ideal for beginners as well as experienced radiesthesia practitioners. You can use it to locate energy fields or underground water sources as well as answer any questions during radiesthesia sessions.
The Biotensor adapts to meet dowsers’ needs by lengthening or shortening its lead using its screw on its handle, and can even be programmed to respond vertically, laterally and circularly – an invaluable tool for finding EMF zones, testing compatibility of objects, homeopathic remedies, vitamins and minerals as well as clearing spaces from unwanted energies.
Once you become proficient with using this dowsing tool, it should become simple for you to determine whether your food is healthy or not, which homeopathic remedies best match your current medical situation and which supplements can improve vital magnetism. Testing of this nature is very quick and effortless for anyone to perform.
Before embarking on your radiesthesic search, be sure to compile a list of questions for which the pendulum can answer, as described in Chapter Five’s THE RIGHT FORMAT OF THE QUESTIONS and record answers obtained during radiesthesic testing on sheet paper. Also ensure you’ve prepared radionic radiesthesic circuits as noted on page 9. And make sure before commencing that both your hands have been thoroughly washed in cold water prior to commencing any searching – this will ensure accuracy both answers provided as well as accuracy of results of radionic searches!
Complete Radiesthesia Kit
The Complete Radiesthesia Kit provides high-quality instruments designed to explore subtle energies. Intended to work in concert with the Pyramid of Golod, this set can increase radiesthesia sensitivity while providing accurate energy measurements.
Radiesthesia (dowsing) is a practice which uses pendulums or dowsing rods to detect vibrational patterns in the atmosphere, similar to how divination was practiced by ancient Egyptians. Although its exact source remains unknown, its initial usage dates back thousands of years as an ancient Egyptian form of divination. Radiesthesia has since been adopted widely as a tool for finding underground water sources, missing persons and medical diagnoses/prognoses; moreover it’s also commonly employed when searching for metals and minerals.
Radiesthesia relies heavily on personal energy currents and ESP of its practitioner, so results may differ between individuals. With experience and a positive mindset, however, becoming a skilled radiesthetist is possible; newcomers should seek guidance from an experienced teacher or mentor so as to avoid mistakes and misunderstandings.
One of the essential tools of radiesthesia is a brass/aluminum dowsing rod. This tool can help both beginners and experienced practitioners detect energy fields and underground water sources as well as answer specific questions during sessions, and identify which herbs, fruits or minerals have the highest healing properties.
A powerful instrument for radiesthesia practice, the auricular biotensor amplifies brass pendulum results by amplifying intuition and providing answers to specific queries. Furthermore, this instrument detects toxins, parasites, viruses and other potentially harmful substances – perfect for anyone serious about their practice of radiesthesia looking to reach optimal results.
Mantal Radiesthesia is another powerful form of radiesthesia, depending solely on mental (extrasensory) abilities of its users to function. It’s highly precise and can be used for medical diagnosis as well as uncovering hidden treasures in nature – but remember, its success depends on both emotional state and quality of results of each radiesthetist in terms of reactions and quality results.