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Zapper Reviews – Dr Hulda Clark’s Zapper

Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner, invented the Zapper. According to her claims, it could cure many diseases by killing parasites and toxins; however, these claims lack scientific backing.

The Zapper emits light that attracts insects, killing them with wire mesh grids. It is powered by a small battery and can be used indoors or outdoors.

Pest Control

If you want to rid your home of germs without using chemicals, a zapper might be just what’s needed. This device uses UV lights to attract bugs before electrocuting them with an electrical current before dropping into an optional collecting tray at the bottom of the unit. Many models also come equipped with an automatic shutoff feature to protect itself against overheating.

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Dr Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner who was widely criticised, made claims that her zapper could treat diseases such as AIDS and herpes by eliminating parasites from the body, however her claims lack scientific basis and have since been disproven by researchers.

The VariZapper is an upgraded version of Dr Clark’s original zapper designed to maximize safety and performance. It boasts superior frequency-generating electronic components as well as a rechargeable battery capable of lasting for up to 15 hours of continuous use, fully programmability allowing users to write their own frequency programs or download pre-programmed Program Driver Cards directly into it, enhanced frequency accuracy between 0.1Hz-1MHz for greater value for your money, as well as full programmability that makes this an extremely flexible device!

Insect Killing

Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner, claims she has found a comprehensive cure for all diseases by employing a frequency generator called the Zapper. According to Clark’s theory of illness causation by parasites, her device destroys them through electrical discharge – thus killing viruses and bacteria within three minutes; tapeworms within five; mites within seven.

The Zapper is a small electronic device that generates low-frequency square waves at 9 Volts. It contains a 9 V battery, circuit board and two copper handles which the user holds with their hands to create low frequency square waves. Originally developed by Dr Raymond Rife and Hulda Clark for use at frequencies they developed; modern zappers typically offer more settings to target specific pathogens more precisely.

Clark claims that using her device to zap the body removes harmful organisms and facilitates detoxification of its systems. Additionally, she recommends eating fresh fruits and vegetables as well as raw foods to provide a source of oxygen which will be essential in eliminating parasites from one’s system.

Apart from its use to zap the body, some people also use this device to kill pests in their home. Regular users have reported increased energy after regular zapper use – possibly because parasites that sap vitality have been eliminated via regular use of this zapper device. Many have also experienced relief from digestive issues such as bloating and gas.

Multiple manufacturers produce zappers. Some can be purchased in stores while others can be bought online. Most devices resemble electric toothbrushes with transparent lids to enable users to see any insects inside, with some models also including features like neodymium magnets that increase energy from orgone material and Mobius coils that organize and focus energy fields.

Some manufacturers provide warranties on their products while others don’t. When considering purchasing a zapper, be sure to read reviews and get recommendations from friends and family before making a purchase decision. Many zappers are sold at discounted prices that could save hundreds of dollars; additionally there are websites offering free or discounted shipping options.


Hulda Clark, an alternative health practitioner who claimed to treat multiple diseases through eliminating parasites and toxins with her device known as the Zapper, made popular its use. While her claims had limited scientific backing, many individuals reported relief from various ailments with its use; it should be noted that zapper is not FDA-approved and misuse may pose risks.

This device emits bright lights to attract flies and mosquitoes before electrocuting them with high voltage metal grids. Furthermore, its childproof handle makes it safe for young users while its versatility enables it to be used both indoors and outdoors – providing a powerful pest control tool!

The Thundervolt Zapper uses an electronic circuit to generate low-voltage pulses of energy at 30kHz from its 9V battery and distribute them through copper electrodes that the user holds in their hands or places on various parts of their body. The Thundervolt claims it can find the exact frequency needed to kill germs; however, no scientific proof exists to support their claims; please click here for more information on this subject and the owner is well known on Curezone forum for lying and twisting the truth in order to promote his sales of his zapper sales!


The Zapper is an electronic device used to treat parasites and toxins in the body. It produces low-voltage pulses of 30kHz that come from its 9V battery, pulse generator circuit and copper handles held by users – it has been claimed that using it has improved health through testimonials submitted by people claiming its effectiveness.

The Zapper has also been touted to prevent cancer and help heal various other ailments, notably colds, flus and arthritis. Furthermore, it’s reported to reduce cold severity, flu incidence and arthritis pain severity – making it an invaluable addition to herbal detoxification programs as it’s both cost-effective and straightforward – requiring no prior technical knowledge for use or operation.


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