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Dowsing and Medical Dowsing

Dowsing (or radiesthesia) is an ancient art which employs the use of a pendulum to detect invisible energies. Dowsing has long been practiced to locate underground water and minerals, locate missing persons and detect illnesses within an individual.

Abbe Mermet was one of Europe’s greatest radiesthetists, and this book documents his methods and experiments with great success. A classic for any dowser’s library.


Dowsing involves studying the energy fields around plants and animals – often called auras – which contain information about them that cannot be directly seen, including details like water sources, minerals deposits, missing persons and even whether a home or office has unhealthy energy. Dowsers also utilize them to identify foods or supplements which might be beneficial or detrimental.

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Auras can be created by focusing on an animal, mineral or flower image; or by thinking about people or places whose auras you wish to experience. Focusing more increases strength of aura; however negative thoughts or emotions may cause it to disperse quickly so it’s best practiced in an atmosphere free from distractions.

People often equate radiesthesia with divining for water and minerals using a stick or ring. Abbe Mermet, who wrote this book, was a village priest renowned throughout Europe for his ability to dowse for water and minerals as well as locate gold, lost or stolen objects, as well as long distance water sources (a process known as “teleradiesthesia”).

Radioesthesia refers to mental dowsing, which involves the balancing of vibrations using a pendulum. This type of dowsing can be applied both psychologically and healing-wise – helping people to discover their inner truth while aiding physicians to identify potential root causes for illness in a patient. Its popularity makes this form of dowsing popular.

This book shows readers how to use a pendulum for both physical and mental radiesthesia, along with exercises and techniques designed to develop your skills using this innovative method. Additionally, it discusses different auras as well as pendulum techniques to locate them – making this an essential addition to any beginner dowser’s library.

Vibrational fields

Radiesthetists use pendulums to detect vibrations from objects or people around them and pass these on to themselves as it swings back and forth, picking up on any subtle movements made by either person or object in its path. By doing this, radiesthetists may discover water springs or mineral deposits without having to travel there personally; using this technology saves both time and energy that would otherwise have to be spent searching out these resources in distant areas themselves.

Medical radiesthesia has also emerged as a scientific technique. It can diagnose various illnesses as well as suggest appropriate medication to take. Furthermore, this process may help uncover causes such as emotional disturbances or physical ailments that have an underlying influence.

Be mindful that your own body may obstruct the detection process, which makes it advisable for radiesthetists to remove themselves from any experiments involving pendulums before starting them. Sit in a chair that does not contain wheels or other moving parts which could accidentally activate themselves; and place the pendulum on a stable surface to reduce vibrational disturbance from floors that might hinder its swinging.

One of the greatest risks faced by radiesthetists is auto-suggestion. If left unchecked, auto-suggestion can cause pendulums to behave according to what their creator thinks it should do and compromise an experiment’s safety. Therefore, when beginning any new pendulum measurements it is wiser to start with something known to be accurate as opposed to starting off a fresh one by measuring a known target value.

Radiesthetists must not fear experimentation; soon enough they’ll discover which methods and devices are the most beneficial to them. He should avoid adopting an authoritarian approach; rather let results speak for themselves instead; especially as one’s personal bias can skew results in any direction.

Abbe Mermet made use of radiesthesia to detect underground water sources in France and Switzerland – an activity popularly referred to as dowsing. He wrote a book on it and taught many others the craft; Jesuit missionaries found this technique extremely useful when searching for herbal medicines abroad while geologists utilized its power in finding gold mines.


The radiesthesia pendulum is an instrument which can be used to create vibration or resonance within material objects such as minerals, living or dead plants and animals, humans or even their brain. Many geologists, miners, physicians, animal and plant breeders and electronic engineers rely on the radiesthesia pendulum daily in their work. With practice it becomes easier and its potential is limitless. At any point during a radioesthetic detection procedure, the operator must remain physically calm and not too engaged with what is taking place; otherwise he risks entering a state of tension and hypnotism that will either increase pendulum movement or stop altogether.

Abbe Mermet was known for practicing an area of this science often overlooked by modern doctors: pendulum diagnosis. This technique involves scanning your body with a pendulum, with more rapid gyration over healthy organs than diseased ones; additionally it may even detect diseases before they become acute.

Dowsing involves using a pendulum made of wood, ivory or glass; its shape should be round and be capable of freely balancing itself. Radiesthetists may utilize brass pendulums equipped with Witness Chambers; hollow spaces drilled into their top that can be opened by detaching their top part – this allows radiesthetists to place samples of substances being searched for inside.

As a beginner, it’s wise to begin your experiments carefully and cautiously. Avoid being seduced into self-hypnosis; therefore it is preferable to conduct them away from other people in order to ensure contaminant-free results. Carrying a pendulum around with you when going out with friends risks suggesting distrust for their cooking or suspiciusness of what was served up; similarly bringing one along to see your physician could give the impression of doubt about his diagnosis.

Medical dowsing

A radiesthete uses his pendulum to detect energy fields, then determine their causes and effects on living organisms. With this knowledge in hand, they can use medical dowsing – one of the most useful techniques in his or her toolbox – to make diagnoses or treat diseases or illness more effectively. Medical dowsing can also help doctors pinpoint natural resources like water or minerals more quickly than ever.

Abbe Mermet was renowned for using his pendulum to locate hidden objects and energies. His work helped establish radiesthesia as a science. Furthermore, his techniques for finding people and objects still used today. Though many believe radiesthesia to be related to magic or black magic, its scientific processes make up its true essence.

Utilizing a pendulum to detect objects or energy requires that radiesthete first establish resonance with it by collecting samples of objects (from photographs to physical body samples) being examined; they then place this sample on a map in order to trace where it lies, asking additional questions of it along the way if necessary.

Dr. Alexis Carrel recently described his experiences with radioesthesis and its applications to medicine in an interview. He stressed the importance of setting out clear intentions when asking questions; furthermore, no radiesthetist should attempt to predict future events; instead they should simply work within present and past realities.

Mark Clement’s 1935 work Radiesthesia should be required reading for anyone interested in the field of radiesthesia. It provides a thorough history, theories on its nature, practical applications and role of pendulum, practitioner and psyche while exploring earth rays as a topic of investigation. It serves as an indispensable source for both radiesthetists and scientists attempting to grasp subtle forces underlying our universe.


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