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Quantum Soul Clearing

The Quantum Soul Clearing Process is an innovative spiritual healing technique that helps eliminate negative feelings, patterns and programs from deep within your mind body spirit connection. It enables you to finally break free of limiting core beliefs that keep you trapped in an endless cycle of struggle and failed dreams.

QSHH is an advanced regression modality that surpasses traditional and clinical hypnosis’ limitations, drawing inspiration from Dolores Cannon’s Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT).

Quantum entanglement

Quantum theory recognizes the interconnectivity between physical and spiritual matters, making quantum healing an approach capable of harnessing this universal intelligence in order to better one’s body, mind, and soul. Based on scientific principles such as bio-resonance, quantum entanglement, light therapy – quantum healing helps you tap into its powers for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health benefits while teaching you how to manifest and use personal power for growth and improvement.

Quantum entanglement is the concept that different particles can become interlinked even though they’re physically separated in space, enabling scientists to gain information about one particle without knowing anything about its counterpart and directly influence its properties. Although verified through experiments, quantum entanglement remains hard for most people to grasp as it defies intuition and defies conventional logic.

Quantum soul healing is an effective holistic therapy to release negative emotional patterns that hinder success in life. Utilizing quantum mechanics, quantum soul healing aims to remove any incorrect beliefs or energetic blocks held within your etheric and astral bodies as well as access your Akashic records for cleansing the causal blueprint that represents both spirituality and emotional wellbeing.

These negative energies can have an immensely detrimental effect on our bodies and minds, which is why it is imperative to release them permanently. You can do this using Quantum Soul Clearing’s Healing Your Money Program(tm), an efficient spiritual healing method designed to dissolve all negative Money Programs which undermine self-worth and prevent us from manifesting abundance in every area of life.

This quantum energy healing system can benefit every aspect of your life, including relationships, health and finances. Additionally, it can help you find your purpose and reclaim your inner power – something proven through multiple clinical trials and upgrades to quantum healing sessions. One notable scientific discovery made through quantum upgrades was changing cellular structures within blood cells while increasing vitality ATP levels within your body – truly an astounding breakthrough that stands the test of time!


If you find it difficult to move past traumatizing past events, even though your conscious mind has helped heal physical wounds, it could be that subtle yet tangible negative programs, heavy emotional charges and limiting beliefs remain within your electromagnetic biofield despite your best intentions and the apparent mindfulness and stress-free environment around you. Without your awareness these dense energy patterns could be sabotaging you even though everything appears calm on the outside.

Tune & Heal is an innovative spiritual energy healing method that draws from cutting-edge discoveries across science, medicine and spirituality to form one powerful process. Based on cutting-edge discoveries related to quantum physics, epigenetics, neurophysiology and brain research; resonance and vibration have all been recognized as driving human progress forward.

Everything in the universe operates at a specific frequency to maintain balance and harmony, including our organs, emotions, thoughts or beliefs. When these frequencies shift out of sync it can cause disease. Tune & Heal’s Resonance process uses RESONANCE technology to restore these healthy frequencies back into balance – also helping release any self-sabotage patterns held onto by your body as well as clearing blockages that prevent abundance from entering your life.

Our bio-resonance technology delves deep into your energetic system to identify root causes of health challenges. It measures sixteen standard electrical parameters of your body – impedance, voltage, amperage, capacitance, inductance and frequencies – more comprehensively than most point and probe devices such as Voll Meters, Vega or Mora that only measure resistance.

Quantum soul healing is an integrative holistic therapy that works at the cellular level to unblock energy held within your mind and DNA as patterns of resistance, strengthening physical and psycho-emotional immune systems and aligning you with higher senses of self and enlightenment. It has proven incredibly successful for millions around the globe.

Quantum hypnotherapy

Quantum hypnotherapy utilizes energy healing techniques to address the causes of health issues and facilitate their resolution, with healing taking place on physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual levels. Practitioners focus on increasing life force energy (known as Chi or Prana). By amplifying this flow of Chi/Prana through various techniques such as breathing exercises or vibration therapy amplification; Quantum Hypnotherapy also can assist individuals in releasing negative beliefs while emphasizing the positive aspects of life which promote better health and well being overall.

QHHT sessions begin by asking questions about an individual’s current life and any problems or concerns they are experiencing. After some guidance by their therapist, the person is guided into deep relaxation to allow their subconscious mind to connect with their Higher Self; during this process they may even access past lives or visit other dimensions – providing healing, guidance, or greater insight into one’s purpose for living.

People suffering from autoimmune diseases have found relief through quantum soul healing sessions. These sessions can strengthen immunity, restore cell integrity and establish stronger bonds with the universe – proven effective at helping overcome chronic illnesses such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, Crohn’s disease, IBS or multiple sclerosis.

Quantum soul clearing sessions can also assist with breaking negative cycles of self-sabotage and generational imprints that obstruct wealth creation, clearing away blocks to living an abundant life and helping you reach your true potential.

Hypnosis is a noninvasive and safe method to access higher aspects of yourself to learn their wisdom and release any limiting beliefs about yourself or your power. Hypnotic states allow individuals to connect with these higher aspects and access wisdom from them as they journey deeper within.

Quantum physics

Quantum soul clearing is a spiritual healing system founded upon cutting-edge scientific findings in quantum physics, epigenetics, brain research and psychology. This one-of-a-kind technology leverages universal consciousness with focused intent to bring about deep transformational change that addresses any necessary healing.

Deepak Chopra first introduced the concept of quantum soul healing with his 1989 publication Quantum Healing: Exploring the Frontiers of Mind-Body Medicine. Chopra combined ancient Indian healing traditions with Western medicine, physics and neuroscience in his demonstration that human bodies possessing their own energy can use this to heal themselves.

He used quantum tunneling as an analogy for mind-body healing and quantum physics, explaining it by saying: “Just as particles can tunnel through barriers by quantum tunneling, Jesus walked through walls using quantum tunneling.”

However, this analogy is unsupported by any evidence in scientific literature and he has been heavily criticized for profiting from medical treatments which have yet to be verified by scientific studies and do not conform to established concepts of quantum physics.

Quantum healing works by relieving negative thought patterns and emotions that prevent you from reaching your life goals, strengthening your physical, mental, and emotional immune system to protect against future health challenges, reconnecting you to your higher self, Divine mission.

Quantum healing requires practitioners who can sense and intuitively comprehend a person’s soul state, which can hold onto decades or centuries worth of negative dio thade (thought) patterns that obstruct universal energy flow. A practitioner should be capable of clearing away such destructive thought patterns for clients to experience true healing.

Quantum healing can also help cleanse a person’s astral and etheric bodies, which contain memories of their past lives, into alignment with the causal blueprint given at birth by God if their soul is living in accordance with His higher will – otherwise healing processes may not be effective; so it’s essential that one chooses a practitioner with spiritual maturity who has an appropriate relationship with their Creator.
