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How Bio Resonance Testing Can Help You

Bio resonance scanning works on the principle that all living things produce electromagnetic frequencies. This machine reads these frequencies to detect imbalances within your body.

Food & environmental stresses, allergies and food intolerances are identified, along with toxins, parasites & viruses that could compromise your health. Furthermore, organs and tissues are scanned in order to spot weakened areas that compromise overall wellbeing.

Non-Invasive Therapy

Bio-Resonance is a noninvasive technique for rebalancing your body, offering relief for allergy & intolerance-related issues, gastro-intestinal issues, fatigue and even rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, this noninvasive process identifies nutritional deficiencies like vitamins, minerals and amino acids as well as parasites, bacteria and viruses in order to restore equilibrium within.

Bio resonance scans utilize bio-electronic technology to monitor energy wavelengths produced by your body, which are measured by the scanner to identify any imbalances and offer advice about what needs to be done to restore equilibrium within it.

Underlying this approach lies the concept that healthy cells and organs emit normal electromagnetic waves; when disease sets in, however, these frequencies alter significantly and a practitioner can use this phenomenon to identify disease and bring back an individual back into an optimal health state.

To do this, electrodes are attached to the skin and connected to a machine that analyses waves generated from healthy people and compares them against them. Once this process has taken place, frequencies that correspond with bad outcomes are altered so as to create balance in your body and restore optimal functioning.

Bio resonance screening is an easy, noninvasive way to keep your health at its optimal levels without leaving behind any scars. Plus, the procedure can be repeated as often as necessary if necessary to stay at top form!

Additionally, this approach is much cheaper than invasive therapy and offers the added advantage of identifying food intolerances. Although invasive therapies can be very successful, they should only be utilized after exhausting all conservative therapies have failed – at this stage an interdisciplinary conference should take place to review expected benefits and risks associated with any procedure being used on any particular patient.

Intervention therapy aims not only to relieve symptoms and avoid future complications, but also to educate patients on risk factors and alternative approaches to surgery. Furthermore, any procedure performed under anesthesia or sedation requires written consent from all involved.

Detects Illnesses & Diseases

Utilising bio resonance scanning technology, it is possible to scan an individual’s entire body and detect health issues long before they manifest as serious diseases. Furthermore, this test pinpoints its cause allowing for targeted treatment as opposed to more traditional testing methods which provide only a general overview of health status of their subject.

At a bio resonance scan, electrodes are attached to your skin that connect directly with a computer. It then reads energy wavelengths emitted by cells to make an assessment – readings that could reveal sensitivities to foods and toxins as well as nutritional deficiencies including vitamins, minerals, amino acids and fatty acids, or identify pathogens like fungus, bacteria parasites viruses etc in your body.

Based on the concept that all living organisms emit electromagnetic waves which are affected by vibrations from other substances in their environment. These vibrations may cause changes to organ structure and function that may lead to illness and disease.

scientists are turning to optical biosensors like surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for virus detection due to their high level of sensitivity and specificity, portable nature, ease of use and cost efficiency. According to recent reports, researchers are developing sensors using this technology that can detect their presence in blood samples. Optical biosensors like SPR offer researchers promising solutions due to their portability, convenience and low costs compared with alternative detection technologies.

These biosensors can detect various cellular activities, such as protein production and DNA replication, without needing to label or reamplify. Furthermore, they can monitor changes in cell viability and proliferation as well as detect viral particles forming in extracellular space.

Optic biosensors may also be useful in the detection of amyloid beta (A) levels in cerebrospinal fluid. A CSF test that measures these A levels can predict Alzheimer’s disease; however, this option has yet to become widely available.

Bio resonance analysis or bioresonance therapy has seen remarkable advances over the past decade and is increasingly being offered as an alternative to conventional medicine in some locations. It provides a non-invasive way of pinpointing causes of illness while encouraging healthier lifestyle choices.

Detects Food Sensitivity

If you are experiencing fatigue, bloating, constipation or skin rashes a food intolerance test could help identify your triggers. Food intolerance tests can identify everyday food items as well as non-food triggers like pet hair or pollen for testing purposes; making these useful tools for those trying to reduce allergen exposure for health reasons.

Food intolerance testing also offers clients an overview of their body’s state, such as nutritional deficiencies, digestive health concerns, hormonal disturbances and metal sensitivities. With such results in hand, clients can better identify areas needing improvement and focus efforts accordingly.

Food intolerance tests come in various shapes and sizes to fit every budget and lifestyle. For an in-depth investigation, the MORA BioResonance System analyzes up to 900 potential trigger items such as foods, non-food items and environmental toxins; while the KBMO FIT Test specifically designed to assist athletes discover what foods they’re sensitive to in order to fuel their bodies for peak performance.

Skin prick testing can also help diagnose food allergies. In this process, small amounts of an allergen are pricked into your skin and if you are allergic, a mild reaction such as hives or bumps should occur. Blood tests can determine one’s antibodies against specific allergens for more accurate diagnoses.

DNA analysis can also help identify food sensitivities and allergies. InsideTracker’s DNA test, for instance, can predict someone’s chances of suffering from gluten intolerance and lactose intolerance as well as peanut allergy by analyzing their genetic makeup. Furthermore, InsideTracker is monitoring developments of sIgE tests which detect low-grade reactions commonly eaten foods.

Identifying Weak Spots

Bio resonance testing has demonstrated that many health issues stem from hidden stressors. For instance, bar tenders who cannot tolerate heavy cigarette smoke, postmen who are allergic to printer’s ink allergies and florists who experience asthma attacks from handling flowering plants were all able to resume their profession successfully after bio resonance therapy treatments had proven successful.

BioScan therapy uses a special instrument known as the BioScan to identify any hidden stresses and imbalances within your body, using computerised analysis to pinpoint potential remedies to restore equilibrium to your system. Bio resonance testing identifies food sensitivities, nutritional imbalances, hormonal issues or toxic reactions which prevent your body from reaching its natural state of wellness.

Bio resonance testing has advanced significantly thanks to creative ideas and experience of numerous therapists. Bio resonance tests compare the vibrational frequency of substances with those produced by your body; tests are then carried out in glass tubes which prevent direct skin contact while the therapist uses one of several energetic methods such as Kinesiological Muscle Testing or an Allergy Resonance Test with Tensor in order to evaluate them.

Bio resonance therapy depends upon patient cooperation to be effective. If someone continues to consume unhealthy foods and beverages, smoke cigarettes, or refuses to change his/her lifestyle, even the most advanced equipment will be rendered useless and even the best energetic therapist may only be able to achieve limited success! Occasionally an energetic therapist will detect an energetic block, which they may help remove through various treatment programs, medications, diet changes or dental work; otherwise they’ll use one of several energy methods such as EFT. Eventually the result should be an happy and healthy client!
